Thursday, June 11, 2009

New EL-304 Maintenance Selection System dated June 2009

I know that many of you are interested in the new version of the EL-304 Maintenance Selection System. So I took the time to find it and upload it for anyone to download. It can be found at the URL listed below:


Marion Williams said...

Morning to each and everyone out there.... I will like to ask if there is any items of written nature concerning the Post office you might like to have access to. Drop me a line and I will see what I can do to provide it to you as long as it is legal to do so. Just ask.. I will try it find it and get it up for you and anyone else you think might like it.

Anonymous said...

What’s up in the Maint. Dept.? What happen about Roger’s tool box have they done anything? I hear that there thinking about moving 7 ETs from T2 to T1 what’s up with that?

*Real* Coffee Lover said...
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Anonymous said...

*Real* Coffee Lover
Get a life and leave the Commercial
on the TV and radio we don't need them here ok... So bug off!!

Marion Williams said...

This is to Anonymous June 14, 2009 8:02 PM.....

Currently, from all indications that I have heard that it is being talked around in Maintenance Management. Yes, it is being looked at to move 6-7 ET's from Tour 2 to Tour 1. The way management is looking at doing this is to "ABOLISH" 6-7 junior ET bids on Tour 2. Then after these bids have been abolished there will be a posting for the same number of ET bids for Tour 1.

Two reasons I have heard for this "abolishment of bids and reposting"

1. That the AFCS's will now be maintained by Tour 1 at MLS P&DC to be more in line with the Pacific Area.

2. That a certain MMO in Maintenance is trying to justify why his EAS level should be a 25 instead of something lower.

My thought is that it is a combination of both of these reasons for the reason that this is being considered.