Friday, December 26, 2008

Keep the blog alive or not.. that is the question....

Some of you have voiced that you want this blog to stay around. Well, is anyone of you willing to take it over from me? If so you know how to contact me by email.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Craft Employees who think Rules are not for them

How many of us out there work around someone who does not think the Post Office rules or regulations are something that they need to pay attention or follow?

Well, let me start off today with an easy one. I will pick on Maintenance again since they so often do not feel the need to follow the rules like all of us other employees. Just a few days ago, I brought up about how Maintenance Managers/Supervisors/204b's feel they "need" their own private entrance into MLS P&DC that has no security or control on it. Well, there is at least one craft employee that feels the same way. This employee is a support clerk in Maintenance for Tour 3. This employee's name is Veronica Phung. I would like for everyone to think back to when the last time this person actually walked into or out of the employee's entrance like all the other craft employee's. Why should she be any different than any other craft employee? Is it because she believes that this rule is one that does not pertain to her? Or is it maybe because of her relationship with Charles Sweet?

What do you think?

Now let me hear from all of you about employee's you work with that think that rules do not pertain to them. Or is she the only one like this in all of San Diego area?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bitching time.....

Before I do shut this blog down.. I still have a few things to get off my chest. So I will start with this one today... In a few more days I will continue getting things off my chest.

Even with the excess notices being given out to clerks and mailhandlers I still notice a lot of them let the supervisors continue to do craftwork instead of just supervising. Do these individuals think that this supervisor actually cares about them? Or just that the mail is gotten out of there quicker? Majority of these craftworkers do not remind me of jellyfish... no backbone to stand up and tell the supervisor to leave the mail alone and to let the shop stewards know about it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Countdown to no more Blog

Over the course of time, beginning with the original blogger who had this sight and till now. Each of us have tried to do something to call attention to things we have considered wrong and in need of correction. So, I feel that it is finally time to lay this blog to rest as of 30 December 2008.

So to all of you who supported this blog from the start when Tricky Wicky was our Local's President through the changes that are occurring now throughout the post office. I, "Thank each of you", for your input no matter whether or not I agreed with it.

May each of us in our own unique way try to change things to make it better for ourselves and others around us.
