Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Interesting Information....

I also have heard about Tricky Ricky Cornholieo leaving our Union. Why is he leaving it now? Is it because he did not really want to be a member or was it only for the power trip? So I thought he was going to stay in and "help" other members? Well, in my opinion it is no loss to this Local since he screwed it up during his 3 yrs in office.

Also, I have hear that soon our Local will have to have a special election for the Vice President position. Something about how Will Tagart abused his position as a Chief Shop Steward while campaigning for his office. Any ideas on how long it will take to have this election and get the results back?


Anonymous said...

I saw Tagart abuse a couple of cheeseburgers and frys the other day!

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful moment in San Diego APWU history brought to you by the MOM team.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tagfart, do the right thing. Admit you cheated and resign, NOW.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hear it is official as of the 17th of January that Jamie Tan over in Maintenance will be finally and completely accepted over to the Dark Side (Management)in Maintenance. About time, he was let in since it has been how long since he has done any honest craft work. Plus, how many times has he been passed over before now getting his chance to become a full-fledged supervisor.

So how long will it be to get his bid posted up? Will they leave that bid alone and keep it with weekends off? Or will they change it since rumour has it that it was only a weekends off bid so Jamie Tan could get weekends off. So, someone from Maintenance keep us informed more on what is going on.

Anonymous said...

How come this is the first we have head of the Tagfart thing?

Marion Williams said...

Well... I do not know about any of you. But, if it has been proven that Tagart did not go by the rules during our last election then he should not be holding our Local's office of Vice President until the new election has been held.

So will Tagart go back to work in craft and do his job. Or will he continue to hold the Vice-President position saying he won it?

Come on Tom, do the right thing and let Tagart go back to working his bid until he can either win or lose this next election.

So any of our local Union Members like to let APWU Local 197 President Tom Wood know how you feel about this you can contact him either by email or the numbers listed below:


APWU Local 197 (619)283-5600


So let your voices and opinions be heard on this subject. If you do not want to call let your local stewards know how you feel.



Anonymous said...

I don't think National APWU said that the present VP had to be removed from his job during the re-elective process.

The letter signed by Bill Burrus said that the election had to be redone for the VP nominees.


If Tagart wants to run again, and do it the honest way this time, it means he will HAVE to go on LWOP from his elected position while he is campaigning.

So, in effect, he will have to be absent from his office, not being paid, or taking annual leave or whatever is the proper way.

And yes, the members will want to know, and need to know, just why the national APWU is ordering a new election. The National Officers don't make those decisions at the drop of a hat. There must be clear evidence of some sort of rules violations.

Yes, it is going to be a very embarrassing thing for Mr Tagart to go through this process. Because he cannot tell the voters that the local union officials ordered this election to be re-done. And if he tried to convince the voters that its all fake or trumped up, he is in effect, accusing the National officers of this. He probably shouldn't do that. I don't think they will appreciate being treated the way Tagart and MOM team treated the other candidates running for office last year.

This needs to be a lesson to the remnants of the MOM team out there who are still members, or for that matter, still employed by the USPS.

The lesson: You were duped by Rick Cornelius (non-member) He used you to promote himself. He used you to steal from the union accounts. He used you to break rules in attempts to get himself re-elected. He made you believe that with him writing the checks, passing out the giftcards, and covering for you, with "comp time" and other non-existent ways to pay you off, that you were exempt from the rules of our constitution.

He stomped all over innocent people, duped idiots, used foolish people, destroyed the reputations of people willing to stand up to him, and turned a whole group of people against the union altogether.

I hope one day, the people who put it all out there to stand up for our local get the apology they deserve from Tagart and the few remaining MOM teamers who may have by now come out from under the mesmerizing spell of the most psychopathic person we will probably ever see darken the APWU office doorway.

But Tagart, who helped Rick destroy our union's reputation and helped weaken our standing among the members, if he was a decent human being, would resign his position. Although he has taken a quieter stance these days, I don't think he has changed. But he could redeem himself if he bowed out gracefully.

He won't. That's just my guess. But he should.

Anonymous said...

A lesson to all. You may think you can get away with dishonesty, but sooner or later, you have to answer for your actions.

I am not one of those people though, who wants to trample on the MOM supporters.

I want to reach out now and invite them to look at what that MOMTEAM group was about. Honestly look, and don't let your pride or embarrasment get in the way.

As uncomfortable as it may be, if you really think back to what Rick was telling you about some people, about what he wanted to do to get at those people, and some of the harebrained schemes he had, you knew in your hearts something was wrong with him. But you went along with it because he is a persuasive person and has a way of getting people involved in things they really don't want to do.

Now that he is gone, and not even a member, ask around. You will discover that in fact, he was a scheming injured letter carrier, got into the clerk craft, then got off the rehab list to get a bid job, lied again to people in order to get elected, lied again to people to get rid of other people on the executive board who asked too many questions, did nothing to change or improve our Local Memorandum of Understanding, which is today affecting people in certain sections under excessing, redirected untold and unknown amounts of official union letter mail to a private PO Box at Midway drive, created a fake job offer for a trusting injured employee, resulting in her being accused by management of fraud and receiving a notice of removal, make sweetheart EEO deals with management that violated our national contract, used his power and the constitution to put union funds into his own pocket for his own purposes, such as his personal website, and last but not least, refused to return the keys to the offices, and shredded hundreds of documents that should have been turned over to the new administration upon his defeat last year.

The MOM team members know this. And it is amazing to me that they now pretend that nothing ever happened, that they enabled such destruction to continue, because believe me, Rick by himself could not have accomplished such destruction. He needed to pay or otherwise coerce 20-30 people to come to meetings each month to blindly vote his agenda in.

But the duped and paid off MOM team supporters may not know all of this. As they learn the truth about their false messiah, they should move past the shame and embarrassment, into the anger phase at those MOM teamsters who also covered up for Rick's deeds, and then they should make a resolve to never again be fooled by any charismatic politician who makes all kinds of promises that cannot be kept. (can't do much about National politics, that machine is a monster we can't stop)

To former MOM supporters: Come on back to the sane side. It may not be as exciting, and you won't be promised the moon and stars. But at least its real. And we need to all be on the same team, as Management moves in with machetes and agent orange to destroy our way of life.

Anonymous said...

Think Obama will give the USPS a bailout? I ask this with the greatest sincerity.

I would think throwing good money after bad is not usually a sound business practice but giving money to all those thieves at the banks wasn't either.

Since it appears that the country is about to shift to a more leftist lean now, that means more government control of everything, from what you drive, to what you eat and drink, and maybe, ultimately, where we work too.

So maybe the USPS will go back to being a department of the government, with greater and stricter controls.

NOw, I wasn't here back in those days, so I can't say whether it was a good place to work in the fifties and sixties, before the postal strike, before we were kind of let out of the gate, so to speak and became quasi-government controlled.

But if it meant going back to CSRS, I think I might like that. Because I lost my you know what in the TSP stock market disaster.

What do you think? Bail out for us, meaning coming under the control of the government again?

Would it be good or bad?

Marion Williams said...

Well..I like to bash Tagart and few other individuals. But, earlier today I found a website that made me stop and think for a while.

Since I am a Veteran also this site made me think of family, friends and strangers that have been lost over in Vietnam area. This site is called http://www.vietnamdogtags.com/ ran by a young lady who is trying to do something for the Vietnam Vets among all of us. Please take a look at her site and see if you know any of the men or the families of the men listed on her site.



Anonymous said...

Hey all. I hear that there is a 3 year plan to close Midway. The APPS SPBS etc will be moving to MLS. They plan to expand the building to make stuff fit.

Shoehorn-in like they say.

So to maintenance people out there, what have you heard from your end?

Anonymous said...

I can't help but see comparisons between the two elections:

Rick, an unknown, inexperienced, reckless, way out there ideas, fooling people with his promise of change, change, change, thinking outside the box, promising lots of things. He drew people to him like fresh manure draws hungry flies.

Now here is Obama. No one really knows who he is. Conveniently, most of his relatives are dead. The one who insists he was born in Kenya is ignored. Obama, a Chicago-machine trained "organizer" who won't allow anyting about his college years to be shared. Admitted cocaine user. Hasn't a clue. But talks a good game. And he is the pied piper of the world, attracting rats who chant his name, compare him to biblical characters like Joshua, and John the Baptist, and would follow him off a cliff. Just like Ricks Followers.

Look what Rick did to the Local. Wait till you see what Obama does to this country. Hang on to your hats, rats. Change for change sake is a deadly idea. I am worried.

Anonymous said...

Gary Hill is telling people that a milion bucks is alotted to moving the APPS up to MLS. Also heard that Bertolina says if they are going to do it, he wants it done by end of July, so we don't have a nightmarefor next fall mailing season which starts middle to end of August.

Also he said that DPS is the only thing to stay down at Midway. The southern zip codes to be done down there, the rest up at MLS.

So, where the hell we going to put everything?

Heard they are going to take out all the catwalks and install state of the art monitoring cameras, the 1000 machines (or 1 at least) will go away, to make more room, and they may bash out a wall on the south end and extend there.

Don't know if any of this is gospel, or just the talk of management. But, this is whats out on the floor since yesterday.

Anonymous said...

So our esteemed chancellor Obama is closing Gitmo and we may be having a welcome to San Diego party for 200 vicious islamo-terrorists. Great, the more the merrier.

Oh, and its pretty neato to have Obama appointing a tax evader to be in charge of finances and the IRS. Brilliant move. Shows such great wealth of knowledge and experience, doesn't it?

Remember the stupid off the wall crap Ricky used to do? You've just started seeing it now with Obama. What a joke he is. And what fools the people were to be taken in by BS.

Also really like the idea that our tax dollars are now going to fund abortion clinics around the world.

Look, if we taxpayers don't mind thinning our own herd, whatever, but can't Asia, Africa, and South America levy their own taxes for purposes of slicing and dicing their own women's fetuses?

I would rather take that abortion money and make a huge college scholarship fund for low income American kids whose
parents decided to let them be born despite the inconvenience and expense.

Doesn't that sound like a better use of money we really don't have anyways?

Wonder what Barack Cornelius' next move will be?

Anonymous said...

If President Barack Obama is insistent on the closing of Guantanamo Bay, I believe that very careful consideration is needed on where to transport and detain the prisoners and the format for their trials if they are transferred.
Currently, about 245 men are being held at Guantanamo and Obama said during the campaign that he would close the facility if elected. In issuing the order, Obama was trying to send a message that techniques used in the past were unacceptable. I believe that some of those techniques were necessary to extract information from known terrorists about the attacks on Sept. 11 and any future attacks.
But like he says I won!! I am the commander in chief now, so get over it! However, he and his administration should take these next 120 days to carefully examine the best options as to where these suspected terrorists will be held.
This poses a serious problem, because we certainly don’t want them roaming the streets of San Diego or any place in the United States.

While issuing this suspension delay the pretrial hearings currently going on at Guantanamo Bay, as well as the trials, the families deserve to see those, some who have bragged about their role in the Sept. 11 attacks, have their day in court and punished appropriately.
The attacks of Sept. 11 were directed against all Americans, not just those who were killed. I'm confident all of us will "except the bleeding hearts" unanimous in wanting those responsible to face justice as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Remember Rick and his impulsive decisions? I just thank God Rick didn't have the ability to destroy the planet, as Obama does now.

Call me paranoid, but I am just a wee bit nervous about having an inexperienced, arrogant, Chicago-trained thug in the White House.

With the tax evader as finance secretary, a fellow CHicago-machine homie as chief of staffs
the man-hater as secretary of state, I just can't wait to see what other appoitnments Obama makes.

Reminds me of Rick's attempt to put that nut job Fuque as sargent in arms. Thank God the E-Board had the guts to say no to that.

The Frauds in congress and senate, though, have been Obama-ized. He can do no wrong in their eyes.

Be afraid, for we out here have no voice.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so the crooks in washington put obama's fellow scammer in as sec of treasury.

Its smelling more like a rick cornelius administration than ever, ain't it, fools?

How bout that Obama, going already to suck up to the Arabs? Wait'll you see the crazy-ass judges he is gonna appoint this week. You ready to get fined, jailed, etc for speaking up, for not wanting to sell your house to a developer? Your friends the activist democrat judges will make you fell warm and welcome here in the country you voted to "fundamentally transform".

And don't you Love speaker of the house Pelosi who explains the democrats gift of millions to abortion clinics- less kids is better for the economy. Does she not get that less kids means less need for teachers and all the stuff that goes with raising kids? And don't you think we might be having social security problems because we have killed off so many of our own since roe vs wade?

Does she really mean, less minority and low income babies is better? AchTung! Get your brown shirts starched, folks. The Obama Nation is here. And most of you union goons helped start this country's end stage of life.

The sad thing is, there is no other place to go. We all will have to go down with the ship.

No getting out of the union of the USA, like Ricky jumping ship frm the APWU. We're all going to have to lay in the mess we all made by letting this Barackornelius get his filthy dishonest self onto the throne.

Anonymous said...

PMG Potter appears before subcommittee of federal financial management today and asked to suspend 6 day delivery standards.

Also said the USPS cannot wait until contract time to begin talks with the unions to change rules to allow for more flexibility.

Its coming, get ready, rules are about to change. Our gravy train is sputtering to a lurching stop. It is all about change though. Isn't that why we voted for Obama and his campaign of change change change????

Anonymous said...

With nationalizing of our banks and others and the power given to the Treasury with little or no oversight, I do not like what I am seeing for the future of America.

Most Americans do not pay attention, they are too busy with “American Idol,” soap operas and weekend sports.

Yes, we all have things of recreation we like, but we all need to think above that more often.

Well, my question to all who reads this: Is there a chance that we could lose or are losing slowly the rights of the state if this power grab by Washington continues?

If the states continue to ask for bailouts and they receive them, that would mean the federal government would have more power over them and more of a say in what they have to do - more than they do already.

We all know that each state has its own Constitution that must stay in place at all cost.

Thank you for your time.

Anonymous said...

I think the obamanation will take care of us union people. Look at how big he is making govornment again. Huge bureaucracy coming on, and the USPS is part of that Federal family.

I think better times are coming as far as our jobs go.


Sooner or later, we will ahve to realize we gotta give something up for it. And thats gonna be freedom of speech. Don't even dare say anything bad about him, or others in high power. You better be happy to carry the load of sick ill injured lame or just lazy, cause they have the right to the same pay check we do, even if they can't do the work. And then there is that elephant in the room. The debt. the huge debt. We will enver pay it off, our kids won't their kids won't.

And you better plan on getting a green way of transpo to the job, because Gore has come unhinged with his global warning, cooling, changing, that what it is, the earth is going through menopause, hot flashes, cold flashes, and its all our fault so we better get rid of our combustion engines, and no more cows because they fart too much. But, Gore can still have his private jet to get around to his global menopause conventions.

The Obamanation. Settle in and accept whats coming. You'll keep your job. But not much else.

Anonymous said...

Please Tagart. resign with dignity.

Then we just have Gwen, that do-nothing, say nothing, never get back to people type, who wants to pretend she knows what the hell she is doing.

Those two are peter principled. And they don't realize it. Kind of like postal supervision. They don't realize how in over their heads they are either.

But who am I but just a member hanging around waiting for the excessing.

Anonymous said...

Obama done picked another tax evader.

Tom Daeschle is pleading and begging for forgiveness so he can get his cushy job as head of health and human services.

Honestly, do you think if you didn't pay $120,000 + in taxes, that the govment wouldn't take your house, harrass your family, and throw you in Federal Prison?

Come on.

This isn't "change". This is more of the same.

And the guy pays up only because he wants this high falutin job.

Its discouraging. And all you Bush haters thought it was just the Republicans that were corrupt.

Nope, its your own too. But, its okay if our own do it, right?

A test. Evade your taxes, and then go before the Senate and beg forgiveness. See what happens. I am sure you won't be rewarded with a new job in the government.