Monday, March 2, 2009

Election Time...

Well.. it is that time again to vote for who we would like to be our Vice President of our APWU Local 197.

1.Why are we going through this special election for our Vice President of our APWU Local 197?

2. Who is paying for this special election? National APWU or our Local 197?

3. Who is the better person to fill this position? Tagart? Roland? or Wills?

So before you vote think about the above questions before you submit your ballot. Chose wisely for this is going to be affecting you and me for the next 2 1/2 yrs. During this time, our National Contract will be negotiated and our Locals Memorandum of Understanding will be redone. How you vote will affect all of us in the Local.

I cannot state any better than this... "CHOOSE WISELY"


Anonymous said...

Entering His Presence

“We want you to be quite certain about those who have died, to make sure that you do not grieve about them, like the other people who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13 JB).

In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Saint Paul speaks to all of us who have stood or will stand in the soft dirt near an open grave. And to us he gives this confident word: “I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him all the Christians who have died” (1 Thessalonians 4:13–14 TLB).

God transforms our hopeless grief into hope-filled grief. How? By telling us that we will see our loved ones again.

Isn’t that what we want to believe? We long to know that our loved ones are safe in death. We long for the reassurance that the soul goes immediately to be with God. But dare we believe it? Can we believe it? According to the Bible we can.

Scripture is surprisingly quiet about this phase of our lives. When speaking about the period between the death of the body and the resurrection of the body, the Bible doesn’t shout; it just whispers. But at the confluence of these whispers, a firm voice is heard. This authoritative voice assures us that at death the Christian immediately enters into the presence of God and enjoys conscious fellowship with the Father and with those who have gone before.

We don’t like to say good-bye to those we love. But if what the Bible says about heaven is true, and I believe it is, then the ultimate prayer, the ultimate answered prayer, is heaven.

It is right for us to weep, but there is no need for us to despair. They had pain here. They have no pain there. They struggled here. They have no struggles there. You and I might wonder why God took them home. But they don’t. They understand. They are, at this very moment, at peace in the presence of God.

Anonymous said...

Tagart knows very well that the election is being re-run because of the things he did during the last campaign period, with the blessing of the president Cornelius.

Cornelius had blank checks for any MOM teamsters. He had "comp" time (which doesn't exist) he covered the rather large backside of Tagart anytime Tagart didn't feel like working. An investigation was pending over Rick Cornelius' unauthorized payouts to his friends, and Will was the biggest recipient. Maybe Will would like to agree to opening the books to the membership. Open up the book for the months from May 2005 until the fraud Cornelius was tossed out on his behind.

I remember well the fire week. Cornelius was quaking in his bunker, and Tagart, who was enjoying Wedding festivities, was splitting his time between the nuptial Crab Orchard barbecue and and cowering in the Mission Valley office, instead of braving the smoke like the rest of us and coming to the plant to try to get the mail out.

I will always remember that Cornelius and Tagart were joined at the hip, and even Will said that he and Rick were close as brothers. And both abandoned us during the fire. And I know where both of them live, and neither of them were displaced or blocked by the fire. They just both chickened out, chumped out, or took advantage of the madness to call in sick or take union LWOP pay which WE members were paying for by the way.

Gwen is a gutless wonder in her own right. She never stood up for anyone that Cornelius or Tagart were pounding on. She obviously has the personality of an abused child or wife, which is, don't stand up for anyone or put yourself on the line to defend anyone. She is a coward, and was only thinking of herself the whole time she was sucking up to Rick Cornelius.

I want someone willing to stand up to jerks and thieves, even if it makes him unpopular.

If you want MOM, vote Tagart. If you want nothing, vote Gwen. if you want someone competent and willing to go to battle for truth justice and the AMERICAN way, vote Roland.

Anonymous said...

For the 17 months Barack Obama was running for president, he repeatedly said he would not sign bills into law that contained earmarks. Apparently Mr. Obama has put that campaign promise on hold as he is poised to sign a budget bill laden with as many as 8,600 earmarks, depending on who’s counting.

We will give President Obama credit for not approving earmarks in the stimulus bill he signed into law as well as a children’s health bill, but simply holding his nose without challenging a Congress controlled by his own party is troubling.

The House last week passed the measure that would keep the government running through Sept. 30, when the federal budget year ends. Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group, identified earmarks totaling $7.7 billion, but Democrats say the number is $3.8 billion. Regardless of the amount, Obama pledged no more earmarks.

Obama missed a great opportunity to signal to the American people that it was no longer business as usual in Washington, D.C., by telling Congress he would veto this bill and then following through if necessary.

Anonymous said...

It is a joke what is going on in washington dc. Obama, I have said from the beginning, is a nother Rick Cornelius. He has no idea what he is doing, and is surrounding himself with similarly foolish suck-ups, just like Rick did here.

He appears to be attracted to tax evaders, and likes putting them in charge of the nation's finances.

He put as attny general a racist buffoon who obviously didn't notice that the people of this country, all colors, legal and illegal citizen alike, voted for a black guy. And yet he calls us all cowards and says we aren't dealing with our racism. What the hell is that insult about? Or maybe, to this racist Attorny general, Obama just isn't black enough to be considered black, which then makes me wonder about the atty general himself.

So, Botox Pelosi and the cronies are voting for 1100 pages of pork that they admit they never even read. And Barbara Boxer whined yesterday that they shouldn't have to read something before they vote on it. Now, she's talking in rhymes, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, she said, I want hope instead of nope. Brilliant speaker, she is.

Now Obama is taking away people's right to choose. No I don't mean abortion. He is all for sucking the brains out of a baby bigger than those Octoplets that arrived on the scene last month. No, no. Now he want to take away the choice of doctors who don't particularly like killing people, and even people who are not born yet, but are just about ready to be. Once our Health Care gets Obamamized(kinda like sodomized) and socialized, a doctor will have to do what the commies in Washington dictate that they do. Like they do in China. So, you will see many doctors quitting their practice rather than kill children, and what will be coming next, you'll see, killing old people and useless people. Then we will have a need for doctors, and will have to import them from
3rd world countries who don't give a rats patoot about morals, they just want to earn a bigger paycheck than the chickens or sacks of flour that they earn in their own country for medical services rendered.

Oh, yeah, Obama is fundamentally changing the country, just like he said he would. He is wrecking it in one quick blitz. He is a dangerous fraud. But we voted for him, and now we must deal with the aftermath of his idiocy.

Now, can you imagine if rick Cornelius had been able to stick his sticky fingers into a deeper bank account than just our locals? Obama is putting us in unpayable debt that will last until the end of our sovereignity (which I predict will be in about 25 years) We can't save ourselves from him. But at least we were smart enough to get rid of Corn-hole.

Anonymous said...

President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech asked for “a new era of responsibility.”

After seeing an onslaught of corrupt staff members (Emanuel, Richardson, Geithner, Daschle, etc.), isn’t it hard to take the president’s call to responsibility seriously? Why aren’t these government officials held responsible the way private citizens would be?

The fake economic bubble created by giving mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them has finally caught up with us.

This is an ultimate illustration of irresponsibility and the government causing it and trying to prolong it with ridiculous legislation makes the president’s inaugural speech even more unpalatable.

But this isn’t about stimulus - this is about the government trying its best to grab new power while U.S. citizens are suffering. This is a shameful and heinous act that has been played out in countless civilizations at countless other times.

What will the history books name these irresponsible men and women who will use the confusion of failing economies to grasp power and restrict our liberty? Now is the time to remember our constitution and our Founding Fathers’ dream. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a noble dream, and it’s being challenged by power hungry people.

These are Ivy League educated people, with years of experience in the public and private sector from a country which created the atomic bomb and put a man on the moon. Is this the best idea our leaders can come up with to save our economy? Of course it isn’t. This isn’t about fixing the mess they created.

They’re obviously not trying and instead are going to try to take our property and produce and block our pursuit of happiness instead of taking the high road, owning up to the mess they made and fixing it.

New era of responsibility indeed.

Anonymous said...

You know this election is joke just like the Obama as president!!
Who really care who is elected as v.p. its not going to help anything
were are screwed anyway losing jobs. Is this going to help all the money spend on this is a wast just like what Obama is doing with the aig and others.
So if you have very most time left her kiss your ass good by and start looking for another job go back to school.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the local web site?
The retiree's page has not been udate for along time. It did say what was going on and were we was going with dates and time ect.
I like the Calendars telling wend payday and wend the retiree's meeting was too. The Calendar of Events page still has December as the last month. It shoud be updated too so we know what coming up what is this guy just to lazy or don't known how.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen this before?

About 50 postal workers-union members carried signs, blew whistles and shouted slogans on Feb. 19 outside the City of Industry (CA) P&DC. The USPS is conducting an Area Mail Processing (AMP) study there that could result in some operations transferring 30 miles away to a facility in Santa Ana or more than 50 miles away to Santa Clarita.

Moving operations or closing the Industry plant would be very disruptive, APWU NBA James Scoggins told the local press. “It not only would affect employees, but their families and businesses in the surrounding community.”

Anonymous said...

Well... USPS says they are losing money. Well now they are in the real estate business buying homes. Interesting article from CNN below:

Anonymous said...

To Closing the City of Industry...

My recollection of who is up there right now is a gentleman named Jim Land who works for Pacific Area. Jim Land went up there to shut the plant down since the Plant Manager who was up there was not doing either the way USPS wanted it done or was doing it to slowly. Now since Jim Land is gone Charles Sweet the Maintenance Manager for San Diego has been detailed into Jim Land's position for at least 2-3 months depending on what happens at the City of Industry. So for now I look forward to working with Sweet most every day. "Bullshit"

Anonymous said...

Just saw on the news how Obamanelius has not filled many very important positions. Blew my mind. Is there a school for these pshycopaths somewhere that only they know about? This is the same shit Cornholelio pulled in our local. The least amount of people the more control you have. We are in deep shit.

Anonymous said...

President Barack Obama's planned fiscal 2010 budget would bring U.S. Postal Service worker benefits in line with those of other federal workers, a politically touchy maneuver that could save the federal government $9.4 billion over the next decade.
According to the U.S. Postal Service, the Obama administration wants postal workers to pay 27% of their health insurance costs, up from the current level of 17%. The plan also calls for postal employees to begin paying 67% of their life insurance premiums. Both of these changes would bring postal worker benefits in line with benefits paid to workers at executive branch agencies.
To do this, however, the Obama administration would need to modify federal law passed in the early 1970s that extends labor contract bargaining rights to Postal Service workers, a privilege not held by other federal employees.
The Postal Service has roughly 680,000 union-represented workers, according to membership totals of major postal unions.
Postal unions are aware of the administration's move to amend federal law, but remain mum on what impact this could have on the Postal Service and its workers. Union representatives from National Association of Letter Carriers, National Postal Mail Handlers Union and the Association of Postal Workers Union began analyzing the Obama administration's proposal last week.
Obama's budget proposal estimates a federal government savings of $752 million in fiscal year 2010. Savings from 2010 through 2019 are slated to reduce the federal deficit by $9.4 billion, according to Obama's budget.
Postal unions have disputed those projections, saying the Postal Service was removed from the federal budget and therefore shouldn't count in such budget forecasts.
White House Office of Management and Budget spokesman Tom Gavin said that even though the Postal Service is treated as an off-budget entity, "its net outlays are considered part of the unified budget, so the financial health of the Postal Service is important to the bottom line of the annual budget."
"OMB will continue its role of forecasting Postal Service budget impacts and making suggestions for improvements," Gavin said.
-By Darrell A. Hughes, Dow Jones

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't get comfy in the obama nation. You think we are safe , we are for now, but...
Just read that Obama is fixing to piss off the teachers union by giving merit pay to teachers who actually do a good job. Those sucky useless teachers are gonna scream bloody murder. What about us, they will whine. And as union members, the teachers unions across the country helped put the imposter in office, just like we postal workers did. He is honing in on the teachers, he has only temporarily backed off on us.

Just you watch.

But, come to think of it, wouldn't it be cool to see the lazy good fer nothins' in our workplace get less pay than the hard working dedicated employee?

And really, that should be how it goes. I really don't get why I should have to do someone's heavy lifting, and not get a little extra pay for it. And people sure have nerve to think they can whine their way out of the hard work and still get equal pay. Isn't it equal pay for equal work?

Anonymous said...

They are going to keep excessing people until we can't get the mail out and people start getting hurt.

The few casuals left are going to get pay cuts. And at contract time, watch out! We had better have some damned good negotiators when the time comes, or we are not going to do well.

No more protected status for most. They will probably be stuck with the most senior people, but I bet you anyone hired after 1978 will be looking over their shoulder for the rest of their career.

Anonymous said...

in response to and inquiring of march 12 7:39 a.m. -

you sound very pesimistic. most of us will not retain job security?

what about what president wood said in the potpourri, "we have a friend in the white house with president obama..." I was under the impression, economy and dropping volume aside, that our union would be stronger now that we had a president that did not choke on the word "union". I was also under the impression, with a senate majority and a democratic president in the white house, that we were not as likely to get screwed, benefit-wise, in the 2010 contract negotiations.

Anonymous said...

For the 17 months Barack Obama was running for president, he repeatedly said he would not sign bills into law that contained earmarks.. Apparently Mr. Obama put that campaign promise on hold as he signed the budget bill laden with as many as 8,600 earmarks, depending on who’s counting.

He says earmarks are good for us. Did he lie or what.

Anonymous said...

During the fall campaign, Obama mercilessly mocked his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for declaring, "The fundamentals of our economy are strong." Obama's team painted the veteran senator as out of touch and failing to grasp the challenges facing the country.

On Sunday, economic adviser Christina Romer was asked during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" if the fundamentals of the economy were sound. "Of course they are sound," she replied.

"The fundamentals are sound in the sense that the American workers are sound, we have a good capital stock, we have good technology," she said. "We know that _ that temporarily we're in a mess, right? We've seen huge job loss, we've seen very large falls in GDP. So certainly in the short run we're in a _ in a bad situation."

Just a week ago, White House Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag declared that "fundamentally, the economy is weak." Days later, Obama told reporters he was confident in the economy.

Do you really trust this guy!!!!
He keeps changing so much....

Anonymous said...

President Obama may have good intentions. Rick Cornelius may have had good intentions.

But both of them were inexperienced, no where near ready to skip every preparatory job and go straight to top dog, like they had the audacity to do.

So they both made lots of promises and told lots of lies, and alos told many truths, to get into the top spot. I remember Rick saying if he got in, he'd get rid of the people currently in power. He did. We went downhill very fast as a result. I remember Obama saying if he got in he would bankrupt coal companies, make sure you can abort your baby on his birthday by jabbing scissors into his brain before the head is born, I remember Obama saying that no ear marks, that he would post huge spending bills for a week so everyone could read it first. Blah Blah Blah. And the fools voted for him.

Rick weakened our local so terribly and made us laughing stock so bad that its going to take years to repair.

Obama is just going to flat out turn us into an athiestic communist country.

When will people learn that you need to get to know people, and trust your own eyes and instincts, before you give them the keys to the bank accounts, the white house, and ultimately, everybodies futures.

Anonymous said...

Here in our plant, management is continuing to use custodians for Mechanic and MPE jobs instead of using properly trained personnel to do the work. Management has come out and stated that there will be "NO overtime" to complete any of the work. Instead, they are paying custodians higher level to do Mechanic/MPE work. I am now looking for settlements that have occurred in the past to force management to put properly trained personnel doing the correct work and to enforce the MS-47 work that must not be completed if custodians are performing other non-custodial work. If management does not want to pay overtime that is fine. But, I want the work of the Mechanics/MPE's to be done by the correct individuals. Let the custodians do custodial work as stated by the MS-47

Anonymous said...

I fear that Rick and Will's failure to update our Local MEMO (The sections for excessing purposes part of it)is going to cause a lot of problems again, like it did last year when my section did their excessing. Because they didn't update the sections, we all got lumped in together, even though we never work in each other's work areas. I remember they kept saying they were working on it, but then i saw their Local language and its really mostly the same. So they didn't do any updating that I could see. Why didn't they do it? And now it is too late I think, right?