Monday, March 23, 2009

Never again (I hope): Information Overload????


Anonymous said...

"The Preacher's Mistake"
by William Croswell Doane

The Parish Priest
Of austerity,
Climbed up in a high church steeple
To be near the Lord,
So that he might hand
God's Word down to His people.

When the sun was high,
When the sun was low,
The good man sat unheeding.
Sublunary things,
From transcendency,
He was forever reading.

And now and again
When he heard the creak
Of the weather vane a-turning,
He closed his eyes
And said, "Of a truth
From God I now am learning."

And in sermon script
He daily wrote
What he thought was sent from Heaven,
And he dropped this down
On his people's heads
Two times one day in seven.

In his age God said,
"Come down and die!"
And he cried out from the steeple,
"Where art Thou, Lord?"
And the Lord replied,
"Down here among My people."

Anonymous said...

Obama Vet Insurance Plan.

The White House struggling to impose new restraints on federal spending, and advocates for military members and veterans who have borne the brunt of two long and difficult wars.

When the president's full budget request for 2010 is released in late April, the battleground shifts to Capitol Hill and fights are expected over several personnel issues including future military pay raises. And by seeking higher TRICARE fees for working-age military retirees.

This week, however, the cost-savings target was veterans' insurance. Obama's plan drew stiff bipartisan opposition on Capitol Hill and gave Republicans a wedge to try to separate Obama from veterans.

Even comedian Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, poked fun at Obama's insurance idea, suggesting the administration next might want to sell to corporate naming rights for different military medals.

Watch the clip on

Anonymous said...

Sorry You all here the right link.

Watch the clip on

Anonymous said...

Obama's budget out is of control March 24, 2009 According to the Associated Press, CBO says President Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in additional debt (four times the deficits of ex-president George Bush). Click here for article. Obama is quickly leading us into socialism. We currently have people in 1000 cities organizing for the TEA Party Day Rally April 15. Help us grow that number to 2,500! Our country faces a grave danger. Our elected officials in Washington are leading us down an unwise path. We need to act now to stop this situation. I'm writing to asking you to help us and also to motivate others to get involved. AFA and other groups have called for a day of TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party rallies across the U.S. on April 15, including one at noon in front of the city hall in your community. Get with a few friends and go to the rally. Take Action! I urge you to please support this movement. Please support, attend and/or help organize a TEA Party rally in your community. Please encourage others to do the same I ask one special favor. If a radio station in your community has a talk show, would you call the host and ask him or her to sponsor the TEA Party rally in your community. Thanks so very much.Click here for information on TEA Party rallies.

Anonymous said...

cool lets print more money!!!!

Anonymous said...

You won the VP for the Union?
The Local Web Site still has
Vice President William F. Tagart
is he still the VP?

Anonymous said...

This is something to think about:

You Don’t Do My Job – I Won’t Do Your Job! – reprinted from the March 2008 Postmark

When a maintenance employee performs higher level work that is outside of their Standard Position Description (SPD) they are taking work away from another employee. They in effect are allowing management to have work performed at a lower level of pay. When a Maintenance Mechanic (MM) is performing predictive maintenance (PDM), the MM employee is taking work away from the Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) mechanic. When the Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) mechanic is loading software into an IDR scanner, the MPE employee is taking work away from the Electronic Technician (ET). When an Electronic Technician (ET) is performing maintenance on any type of building equipment, the ET employee is taking work away from the Building Equipment Mechanics (BEM). When a Maintenance Operations Support (MOS) employee mops the MOS office floor, the MOS employee is taking work away from the Laborer Custodian (CUST). Management would love to have operational maintenance performed y an MM-07 rather than an ET-10. Think of the labor cost savings if all the maintenance on automated and mechanized equipment was performed by nothing but level 7 employees. Maintenance management would save the USPS a fortune. This is the heart of this article and an issue that needs to be addressed here at the St. Paul P&DC. Not just maintenance employees performing higher level work, but clerks and mailhandlers performing maintenance craft work. Clerks performing maintenance work on automated equipment by opening panels to clear jams or re-install belts. Mailhandlers performing maintenance work when they open electrical panels to reset circuit breakers.

Article 7.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is very clear in that management must prove Article 7.2B and Article 7.2.C are met prior to assigning work across Occupational Group Lines. Article 7.2.B provides for assigning employees to work in another occupational group due to insufficient work in their own occupation group. Article 7.2.C permits the assignment of employees to perform work in another occupational group where there is an exceptionally heavy workload in another occupational group and a light workload in the employee’s own occupational group. The JCIM states that “Inherent in Article 7.2.B and 7.2.C is the assumption that the qualifying conditions are reasonably unforeseeable or somehow unavoidable. While management retains the right to schedule tasks to suit its needs on a given day, the right to do this may not fairly be equated with the opportunity to, in essence, to create “insufficient” work through intentionally inadequate staffing.”

What does this mean? This means that if management wants an ET to perform BEM work, then the BEM occupational group needs to be experiencing a heavy workload, i.e. working 12 hours a day or 60 hours a week, AND the ET occupational group is experiencing a light workload, i.e. doesn’t have enough work to keep them busy for eight hours a day. Also with this is the “intentionally inadequate staffing” – if management chooses to staff a tour short on BEM’s (due to leave or training) and not work any BEM’s overtime to cover the short staffing, then management cannot claim that the “qualifying conditions” for Article 7.2 were met. The maintenance department has a certain authorized level for staffing. A certain number of authorized ET’s, MPE’s, BEM’s, etc. If the staffing level for a tour is 12 ETs and 5 BEMs and the tour is short 2 BEMs then management cannot claim that the BEMs are overworked and therefore the ETs can perform the BEM work. Management cannot cross occupational group lines and levels just to avoid the payment of overtime. Management cannot assign an employee to a higher level occupational group just to avoid the payment of overtime. What is the overtime desired list for? There is a determined level of staffing. If management chooses not to meet that staffing level(s) and the qualifying conditions of Article 7.2 are not justified, then management cannot cross occupational group lines. The overtime desired list is to be used to cover “foreseeable and avoidable” times of “inadequate staffing”. Not for management to state that they did not see this coming. The problem with management is that the light at the end of the tunnel that they are hoping for turns out to be a train.

The issue of cross occupational group lines only applies to employees performing higher level work, work outside of their SPD. It does not apply to ET’s performing items listed in the SPD for MPE or MM. It does not apply to MPE’s or BEM’s performing items listed in the SPD for an MM. When the facility is staffed with MPE’s and BEMs, management cannot cross occupational group lines without the qualifying conditions of Article 7.2. This means that MPE’s do not work on building equipment and BEM’s do not work mechanized equipment. Although the SPD for an ET does state “performs other tasks as assigned” – this does not mean that management can violate Article 7.2 at will. ET’s cannot work on building equipment without the qualifying conditions of Article 7.2.

Fight for your work before we are all lower level employees. Before our pay levels are reduced and management’s bonus is increased for saving the USPS in labor costs, you don’t perform my work and I will not perform yours.

Another issue along this same line is Article 1.6 violations that employees allow to occur in the St. Paul P&DC amazes me. Do not allow management to perform your bargaining unit work. Management’s job is to manage the bargaining unit (and I wish they would). It is not the job of the APWU to manage the bargaining unit. The APWU defends your CBA rights. When you see management performing bargaining unit work – YOUR WORK – request a steward. Management likes to claim that it’s only “de minimus” work. That it only takes them a minute to perform your work. Well, if it only takes a minute to perform the de minimum task, then how much de minimus work can management do in 60 minutes? They can do an hour of your work and still call it de minimus???

Remember that light at the end of the tunnel!

Roderick Renner

Maintenance Craft Director

commuter cutie said...

Hey everybody!!! I just want to say hi again and also congratulations to Jim Rowland for winning.

We are not having a good time out here these days, with the 1994s and all and since we don't have a steward to be looking for our well being, we have kind of been looking around at each other thinking somebody should do it.

If I was going to try to be the union rep here I am wondering, do I need to go to a training program out of town like at the union conferences that they have, or do I go to a local class to learn all that complicated stuff? Who teaches it? Can you actually flunk it and really get a bad inferiority complex out of the deal?

Since all I have now is a salt water aquarium and a pretty cool neighbor who will feed my buddies, I could go out of town for a seminar class if need be.

And maybe it would be excellent someplace like Santa Fe, near my old stomping grounds. Oh oh, I am drifting into vacation fantasy, sorry about that.

Anyhow, if somebody knows the scoop on getting a steward license, let me know. If not, I will save my questions for when I get to the next night meeting.

Anonymous said...

commuter cutie..
Go to the local website and ask Clerk Craft Director Leonard Alexander There is a e-mail address right there. Just to see if they are looking at it. Everybody e-mail address is on there but I bet they never lokk at it!! Tell us if they do!!

You will have to go to school but were and who will teach it is a ???

Anonymous said...

steward training is held at the union office two or three days only. you will be paid your regular salary for this training. you are not required to attend any out of town training. in fact if you do not want your dues back you do not even have to go to any stewards meeting which are held once a month. Being a steward is sometimes hard work but, I found it very rewarding.

Anonymous said...

anyone see this???

Marion Williams said...

I came across this in my email. I thought it was worth repeating to any of you who have served in the Corps or know of anyone who has served in the Corps.

Heroes, U.S. Police and Marine Corps
Bob Hayden, Police Commander
A Retired Marine Captain

Shortly before landing, Bob Hayden and a flight attendant had agreed on a signal: When she waved the plastic handcuffs, he would discreetly leave his seat and restrain an unruly passenger who had frightened some of the 150 people on board a Minneapolis-to-Boston flight Saturday night with erratic behavior.
Hayden, a 65-year-old former police commander, had enlisted a gray-haired gentleman sitting next to him to assist. The man turned out to be a former US Marine.

To finish the story you can just click on my name to go the Boston Globe.


Marion Williams

P.S. Commuter Cutie glad to see you still stop by every now and then. I will be at the May meeting that will be held at 6pm.


Anonymous said...

Lets see whats up in the new transformed Obama Nation. Barney (my boyfriends running a brothel out of our condo but I don't know nothin' about it) Frank wants to have complete control over people's salaries.

Chancellor Obama orders the CEO of General Motors to quit or be fired (ure would like to know if that poor loser voted for Obama, thinking his world transformation would be good for him and his)

Herr Obama orders GMC to merge with FIAT (Fix it again Tony)

El Duce Obama's ACORN thugs picket and threaten the safety and lives of AIG employees.

And some dickwead in Government publicly said that the AIG employees need to kill themselves.

The Head of the Czech Republic went public the other day saying OBama's edicts are "the road to hell" A former iron country inhabitant may know a little about the road to hell, don't you think?

Do you want Dictator Obama to decide YOUR salary? Think he is beholden to you because you were stupid enough to vote for him? You are all crazy. He is not going to bail out the USPS, and IF he does, then we are ALL subject to ACORN, Barney Frank, Obama, and their communist approach to taking advantage of the crisis.

You guys are not going to like it. Because once the public sees people standing around shooting the shit at work instead of working, you think they will sympathize with our little excessing problem?

And wouldn't it be interesting if Obama orders the USPS to merge with DHL, FED EX or UPS? How would you like to take on those companies loser employees and merge them in with our own sick lame and lazy?

Now, about the only good thing Obama could do would be to close the shops. If he was smart, he would make it illegal for anyone represented by a union to remain a nonmember.

There is a angle that all the union bosses need to lobby for while they are lobbying for the strong-arm card check bill.

I am polishing my boots and getting my spiffy brown uniform ready. Can't wait to drive a noisy UPS truck. For a pay cut, and increased union dues and health insurance premiums. (at least until the Obama-Med plan takes over.

The Pope said...


Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for April is: "That the Lord may bless farmers' work with an abundant harvest and sensitise the richer populations to the drama of hunger in the world".

His mission intention is: "That the Christians who operate in the territories where the conditions of the poor, the weak and the women and children are most tragic, may be signs of hope, thanks to their courageous testimony to the Gospel of solidarity and love".

Marion Williams said...

Commuter Cutie,

I talked with some friends of mine who are shop stewards. They all recommended for you to call Tom Wood at the Mission Valley office and speak directly to him about wanting to be a shop steward.

Also I do not know if you have heard, that Peters over in the Escondido office is looking at retiring soon. So there will definitely be a need for someone to step up to help others. No matter what decision you make on being a steward. I wish you the best.


Anonymous said...

President And CEO
President Barack Obama has become the President and CEO in fact, responsible for a swath of American industry and finance.

Obama flexed his corporate muscles Sunday and fired General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner for failing to produce a credible reform plan for his company. Obama said the next day that “GM is announcing that Rick Wagoner is stepping aside” - as if Wagoner hadn’t reported to the Treasury Department to receive his order to self-defenestrate.

It used to be that what was good for GM was good for the country; now, the country is going to decide what’s good for GM. It used to be that presidents only could fire chiefs of staff and Cabinet members; now, Obama can fire any of the corporate officials who effectively work for him. It used to be that the country had clearly delineated public and private sectors; now, they are mashed together in an arrangement vastly increasing governmental power.
I bet you are all glad you voted for him now!!!!

Anonymous said...

to all that have asked.


Saw him myself the other day!

Anonymous said...

House Approves Bill
To Give Sick-Leave Credit to FERS Retirees
APWU Web News Article #038-09, April 1, 2009

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the new socialist America, where socialism has been introduced and where the president can act as a dictator to fire the CEO of a company.

So beware if you are the head of a private company and the government feels that you are not doing a good enough job; you too can be fired, and let’s see how you like it, and don’t think it can’t happen.

So thanks to all you folks that voted for change you got your change - oh, I mean socialism. Well, thanks to emotional voting, we’re going to get change all right, but it’s not for the better.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it give the president the power to suggest the firing of any CEO of any company. President Barack Obama announced that the car warranties of GM will be better off backed by the government. This is not the job of the president.

Where are all the so-called politicians? I’ll tell you; they’ve gone by the wayside with a yellow streak running down their backs. Not all, but most. The ones who do stand for this country and its foundation are ignored.

That is when we the people should step in. Do we have enough people who believe in this country left that would march in mass to the steps of the White House, or are you too busy watching “American Idol” to actually care? The time will come and change will happen and America will return to its foundation.

We better stop asking and start demanding that this power grab come to an end, or we will lose this country completely.

Quit worrying about your jobs, it the county we are losing!!!!

George Barna said...


Friday, 06 March 2009 - Barna Survey Examines Changes in Worldview Among Christians over the Past 13 Years

A new nationwide survey conducted by The Barna Group among a representative sample of adults explored how many have what might be considered a “biblical worldview.” The research data showed that one pattern emerged loud and clear: young adults rarely possess a biblical worldview. The current study found that less than 0.5 % of adults in the Mosaic generation – i.e., those aged 18 to 23 – have a biblical worldview, compared to about 11.0 % of older adults.

For the purposes of the survey, a “biblical worldview” was defined as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today. In the research, anyone who held all of those beliefs was said to have a biblical worldview.

Why It Matters
Ongoing research by The Barna Group on these matters consistently demonstrates the powerful impact a person’s worldview has on their life. A worldview serves as a person’s decision-making filter, enabling them to make sense of the complex and huge amount of information, experiences, relationships and opportunities they face in life. By helping to clarify what a person believes to be important, true and desirable, a worldview has a dramatic influence on a person’s choices in any given situation.

Barna’s research has discovered that there are unusually large differences in behavior related to matters such as media use, profanity, gambling, alcohol use, honesty, civility, and sexual choices.

The firm’s studies have also pointed out that a person’s worldview is primarily shaped and is firmly in place by the time someone reaches the age of 13; it is refined through experience during the teen and early adult years; and then it is passed on to others during their adult life. Such studies underscore the
necessity of parents and other influencers being intentional in how they help develop the worldview of children.

George Barna, who has directed this tracking research since the early Nineties, pointed out, “There are a several troubling patterns to take notice. First, although most Americans consider themselves to be Christian and say they know the content of the Bible, less than one out of ten Americans demonstrate such knowledge through their actions.

Second, the generational pattern suggests that parents are not focused on guiding their children to have a biblical worldview. One of the challenges for parents, though, is that you cannot give what you do not have, and most parents do not possess such a perspective on life.

Barna concluded by noting that the lack of the worldview status of adults reflects the fact that children are not provided with the basic ability to think in ways that correspond to foundational biblical teachings. He noted that
we would be wise to invest more effort into helping young people understand and adopt the core ideas of Christianity, and to reinforce those concepts through our own lives. His pointed out that without such an investment, the current generational patterns indicate that future generations are likely to have even less of a connection to biblical principles than is evident today.