Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I would like to start this off with "Congratulations" to a few maintenance employees. First to Nilo, who is going from Tour 3 MLS to Tour 2 MLS. I wish him the best of luck working on the 100's on Tour 2. Myself and others will miss him when it comes time to play cards on breaks. Next, like to "Welcome" Bruce from Tour 1 to Tour 3 at MLS and to Bernie who is going to take over his Bruce's old job on Tour 1. I look forward to working with him on Tour 3.

Now I would like to add some questions that I hope someone can answer. Who or when will Maintenance Management promote to fill in the position that Bernie vacated on Tour 1? If no one is on the Promotion Register that is willing to accept this position what is going to happen to this position?

Anyone have any answers to these two questions?


Anonymous said...

I don't know the answer to the questions. Maintenance rules are complex and mystifying. And if you add a corrupt megalomaniac manager to the equation, some things are bound to not compute properly.

Marion Williams said...

I see that our Maintenance Management is capable of actually working fast. Case in point, is that they posted the bid results of the Level 7 Support Clerk prior to the eight days they normally take for other maintenance bids.

I would like to congratulate Bert Mendoza for getting Sat/Sun off on Tour. Also, Veronica Phung got promoted to the residual Level 7 Support Clerk with Sat/Fri off.

I only question why did Veronica Phung get this job when back in the middle of June there was a Postal Service letter directing that Maria Marquez be put back into her position as a Level 6 Support Clerk prior to this bid even being posted. Could it be that Marquez would then be the senior of the two Support Clerks and that Phung would not get the Level 7 Support Clerk position?

Could this be happening because they want to punish Marquez or is it for another reason? Like rewarding Phung who has real estate ties in with Charles Sweet the Maintenance Manager who is currently the Acting Area Maintenance Manager?

Right now, I would like to see that the proper thing be done. Put Marquez back into the Level 6 Support Clerk position as directed by the Postal Service letter. That the bid awarded to Phung be taken away from her prior to it being effective on 1 August 2009. What I see right now

Anonymous said...

to marion w. -

saw that joke myself. very good one! the real joke is that mgmt. actually has the technical information at their disposal, but is hard put to understanding how to get to it and therefore use it. an even bigger joke is that our mgmt. is outsourcing for its braintrust. it is hiring engineers, from reputable universities, to plot out and plan the most efficient bid and tour staffing model. that much is well and good, lots of companies do that. it just makes me wonder what we are paying our managers the big bucks for!