Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holiday information

Holiday Information

Upcoming Holidays – Veterans Day Thursday, November 11, 2010, Thanksgiving Thursday November 25, 2010, Christmas Saturday, December 25, 2010, and New Years Saturday, January 1, 2011.

The holidays schedule is in effect for three days as follows:

1. Veteran’s Day – Tuesday November 9, Wednesday November 10, and Thursday November 11, 2010.

Holiday Schedule must be posted on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

2. Thanksgiving - Tuesday November 23, Wednesday November 24, and Thursday November 25, 2010.

Holiday Schedule must be posted on Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

3. Christmas – Thursday December 23, 2010, Friday December 24, 2010, and Saturday, December 25, 2010.

Holiday Schedule for December 23 and 24, 2010 must be posted on Tuesday December 14, 2010.

Holiday Schedule for December 25, 2010 must be posted on Tuesday December 21, 2010.

Employees working their Christmas holiday will be paid 1 ½ times their regular pay;

4. New Years Day - Thursday December 30, 2010, Friday December 31, 2010, and Saturday, January 1, 2011.

Holiday Schedule for December 30 and 31, 2010 must be posted on Tuesday December 21, 2010.

Holiday Schedule for January 1, 2011 must be posted on Tuesday December 28, 2010.


witness said...


Unemployment running at 10% means the same thing as 90% employed. It is these 9-out-of-10 workers whose taxes provide the unemployment benefits for the unemployed one. 9 workers provide paychecks for 10 people.

I hope everyone is respecting the dignity of working people, as their burden is increasing and exceeds their personal obligations, to support even those outside their own immediate families.

We are all in this together.

Working people cannot be honored enough.

Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor from within the upper hallways, that Plant Manager Larry Belair went to Chicago to put in for a position there.

Anyone out there who can confirm or deny this?

Wouldn't that be the best Christmas Present the San Diego District could receive this year??!!!

Anonymous said...

Rumor alert:

an order by Belair to put workers in for Notice of Removals for "Failure to Follow Instructions" charges.

failure to follow instructions can be anything. from being late or calling in sick (cuz we've been told to maintain good attendence and didn't follow that instruction) Or not answering when your supervisor pages you to the dock when trucks come in, or if you maybe forget to pull out old labels in automation, or if you don't put your card in the rack when you go home. Or even if you aren't getting along with an asshole co-worker. Anything can be a failure to follow instructions.

This guy is the new crazy leader around here. Forget the old Union dictator stuff. At least Cornhole couldn't fire us like Larry can.

Don't know if they are really going to try to pull this off, but heads up to everybody we better be careful say yes sir no sir yes ma'am no ma'am and hop to attention when given a direct order. I sure as hell am not going to be the poor slob getting removed and have to file grievance and wait at home a year to get justice.

And I sure hope Larry don't read this, or he'll be out to get all of us.

Anonymous said...

type in belair larry

find his house and go picket.

this has worked before

Anonymous said...

newest rumor is that belair will be going to a new job in January.

Anonymous said...

I would think with all 4 plants failing on a daily basis, the plant manager may need to update his resume. maybe he could manage a donut shop, but I don't think he's ready for the job that was handed to him thanks to his cronies in higher places.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know the REAl reason why they are bringing back Yvonne Franken? Hasn't she cost MLS enough money from EEos and grievances?

It will be funny watching her battle out for alpha status over Gretchen and Grace. Because you don't really think Yvonne will be satisfied as a plain old dock S;DO, do ya?

So you think Belair is bringing her here because she did such a bad job at San Bernardino that he needs to keep a closer eye on her? Or maybe does he want to rile up the natives on Tour 3 by bringing in a supervisor who is disliked by everyone because of her utter stupidity?

If he thinks our VOEs suck now, just wait.

Anonymous said...

franken probably had retreat rights.

by the way you know she is still getting level 20 pay, because she was excessed.

she will be the first to return to an MDO position when a vacancy occurs.

Pope Benedict XVI said...


Benedict XVI's general prayer intention for December is: "That our personal experience of suffering may be an occasion for better understanding the situation of unease and pain which is the lot of many people who are alone, sick or aged, and stir us all to give them generous help".

His mission intention is: "That the peoples of the earth may open their doors to Christ and to His Gospel of peace, brotherhood and justice".

Anonymous said...

everyone gone?

Anonymous said...

I see martin graham is getting a divorce.

Case Title: GRAHAM vs GRAHAM
Case Number: D526017 Case Location: San Diego
Case Type: Domestic Date Filed: 11/05/2010
Category: A55201 Dissolution of Marriage,1056871&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

Anonymous said...

happy new year!!!

am glad everyone is so happy!

Old Hindu proverb: said...

Help another's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore.

Anonymous said...

"Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle."
Homey don't jive!!!

Wakeup Call said...

Deepak Chopra, in his new book "The Soul of Leadership," describes the American employment scene as revealing that only 11% of employees are passionately engaged or have an emotional connection with what they do, 61% are DISengaged and 27% are ACTIVELY DISengaged (are not only unhappy but come to work to make other people unhappy.)

Upper level management at the Post Office would do well to identify and isolate those SUPERVISORS who are currently ACTIVELY DISengaged.

Anonymous said...

So I heard today that Larry belair is not going to show up for the townhall meetings again. He pushed it onto Valarie last time, now he is gonna do that again.

I guess he really does not want to face us the workers, and hear our questions and concerns.

I think he is a big chicken.

Anonymous said...

I see your new addition to the plant does not have a black floor. sure will be hard on the feet to stand on concrete for 8 hours a day. GET YOUR CA-1 handy there will be lots of sore feet.

Don't be foolish said...

Your health care plan includes a free complete routine annual physical examination when you use a Preferred provider. This is considered preventative maintenance and includes checking vital signs of pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and typically a blood test for cholesterol, blood sugar and blood iron. Also usually included are a hands-on physical examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat, anus and other extremities and an evaluation of family medical history to spotlight inherited characteristics.

Most serious health conditions develop over a long period of time. You may feel fine, but by the time symptoms begin to appear, it may already be too late. This is the situation with heart disease, diabetes, and many cancers (colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc.) How many people have you heard of suffering and dying from cancers?

The key is early detection and treatment (before the condition develops.) Most conditions can be detected from the blood test. This is why health plans include a free complete routine annual physical examination. It is much more cost-effective for a health care plan to treat a condition BEFORE it develops, than to pay for the hospitalizations, operations and treatments later.

A free complete routine annual physical examination will identify potential medical problems and help you to modify your lifestyle early-on to accommodate better health practices for a longer and happier life.

When was the last time you had a complete routine physical examination? Save your family and yourself a lot of pain and grief by using your benefit of a free complete routine annual physical examination. You are already paying for it.

Don't be foolish.

Anonymous said...

What's the latest???? And who'd the greatest???

Anonymous said...

any word on who your president is?

Analyze This said...

(New American Bible)
Sirach 17:24
Mark 10:26-27

24 How great the mercy of the LORD,
his forgiveness of those who return to him!

26 They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves,
“Then who can be saved?”
27 Jesus looked at them and said,
“For mortals it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.”

Anonymous said...

"All ye like sheep have gone astray."

Witness said...

Upon the announcement of the tentative contract agreement, I would like to THANK GOD for our Union and its great negotiators. We will in effect be taking a decrease in salary, based on the small amounts of the raises and increased medical plan premiums, but the innovative structuring of job preservation far outweighs the financial considerations. All Glory be to GOD!

Anonymous said...

so everyone got reelected, execpt the trustees. who is running?

and sorry to hear about one of the current trustees health problems.

Anonymous said...

What it is?
What it was?
What it be like?
Who be bloggin?

Anonymous said...

this forum appears to be dead.

A Word to the Wise... said...

Not at all! Easter will be celebrated on April 24, 2011.

APWU Members will Vote on Tentative Agreement
April 8 - May 10

Mailing Starts April 8; Ballots Due Back May 10

Prayerfully consider the provisions.

Anonymous said...

any news on your elections?

Witness said...

Let this be a lesson to all liars and perpetrators of evil - someday, eventually, you will all be burning in hell with Osama bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

Right now, Osama is being smacked around by 72 Virginians (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, etc.).

Anonymous said...

I think the new contract gives management more ways to screw craft workers. Non traditional jobs may be the only thing we'll see on bid sheets in the future, jobs that have no guaranteed hours.

Anonymous said...

so your contract passed by a 3 to 1 margin.

what do you believe will happen now?

Observer said...

I think I see a way the Post Office could save a lot of money on employee salaries. I keep seeing $72,019/year Supv Dist Oper employees doing the work of craft employees being paid $53,102/year. The Post Office could have FOUR craft employees for the same amount it is paying THREE Supv Dist Oper employees, doing the SAME work. Wouldn't that be MUCH more EFFICIENT? My recommendation is to send as many Supv Dist Oper employees as possible back to craft. If they want to do craft work, then they should be receiving craft pay. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

Anonymous said...

well sweets gone, however he gets 7K a month in retirement.

Manager "X" said...


I wish to apologize to all my colleagues for my arrogance and belief in my own importance. Once a rising star, I am now under an ethics cloud. I was blind to how arrogant and self-centered I had become. I did not recognize that I thought mostly of myself. The worst part about this is that I even tried not to become caught up in my own self-importance. Unfortunately, the urge to believe in it was stronger than the power to fight it. This is how dangerous the feeling of power adulation can be. I have been wrong to judge my colleagues. I apologizes to everyone for what you have each gone through as a result of my actions. I know that many of you were put in difficult situations because of me, and for that I sincerely apologize. I am not going to answer any questions, because I am focused on doing my job right now. All of that stuff will take care of itself over time. I have said I will cooperate with any investigations, but at this moment, I'm just going to focus on being the best manager that I can be.

Anonymous said...

martin graham is that you???

or is this lee miller?

I really do not believe it could be either of you.

A Word to the Wise said...

Evil is like a small fire.
First, it burns weeds and thorns.
Next, it burns the larger bushes in the forest,
and they all go up in a column of smoke.

ISIAH 9:18

A Word to the Wise said...

To All impressionable young ladies:

Hopefully, you hold Mama Mary at the top of your Mama list. She is the one worthy of your adoration.

Please know that all others are pathetic pretenders.

Continued Best Wishes to You All in Successful Lives...

Anonymous said...

What it was; what it is, and what it be like?

Anonymous said...

Who dat say day gonna beat those Mavs?

Anonymous said...

so your plant put on an open house on sunday june 12 2011 and wasted so much money. it is apparent that postal management does not believe that the post office is losing billions of dollars.

it was nice anyway

Good Girl said...

I know what you mean. We have a self-styled "Mama" working at our facility who is so wicked and foolish that she recommends to some of her unmarried girlfriends that they should commit adultery with some of our married co-workers. My advice is to avoid a person like this. She doesn't know the difference between right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

What's going on? Not everyone works at the Plant and is in the loop. It's been over six months since you made a post. Maintenance can't be working you that hard, can they?

Manny Herrmann, AFL-CIO said...

Is Your Boss a Jerk?

Working people have had some pretty bad bosses. How bad? Terrible. Steal-your-bag-lunch-and-lie-about-it terrible. Make-you-move-the-office-furniture-around-every-week-because-she-doesn’t-like-things-to-stay-the-same terrible.

Do you have a bad boss story? We want to hear it.

We know about the bad bosses mentioned above and hundreds more because working people told Working America, the AFL-CIO’s community affiliate, about them in previous Bad Boss contests. Now it’s time for the 2011 Bad Boss contest, and we want to hear your story. Whether it’s hilarious or heart-wrenching, tell us about the worst boss you ever had, past or present.

Take it as a chance to vent or to expose the kinds of things that go on in American workplaces—and you may get what you really deserve. Three people’s stories will earn them a much-deserved vacation from their bad bosses. Union Plus provides AFL-CIO union members with benefits like discounts on health care, entertainment and cell phone service. Together with Trading Places International, Union Privilege has provided three amazing grand prize packages. Each of the three grand prize winners will get a seven-night free stay at a condo of their choice in one of many fabulous locations. They’ll also get $1,000 for airfare and other travel expenses.
People’s Choice Grand Prize Winner: Anyone can vote on the Bad Boss stories, and the story that gets the most votes wins one of our grand prizes.
Staff Pick Grand Prize Winner: The Working America staff will pick one standout story as a grand prize winner.
Most Shared Online Story Grand Prize Winner: The story that is shared most often using the Bad Boss website Facebook sharing tool wins the final grand prize.
Chances are you can’t talk back to your bad boss in person. But you can tell the world about your experience, and maybe win a weeklong getaway to boot. Click here to share your story now.

In solidarity,

Manny Herrmann
Online Mobilization Coordinator, AFL-CIO

A Word to the Wise said...

“Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.” He said in reply, “He who sows good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seed the children of the Kingdom. The weeds are the children of the Evil One, and the enemy who sows them is the Devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. Just as weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his Kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father."

Anonymous said...

with the owner on this site taking the shop steward class will we see updates or will the site be shut down?

Pope Benedict XVI said...


VATICAN CITY, 29 JAN 2012 - At midday today the Holy Father appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace to pray the Angelus with pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square below.

Benedict XVI introduced the prayer with some brief remarks on today's Gospel reading in which St. Mark relates Jesus' teaching in the synagogue of Capernaum, and the healing of a man with an "unclean spirit" who recognises the Messiah.

"For man", the Holy Father observed, "authority often means possession, power, dominion, success. For God, however, authority means service, humility, love. It means entering into the logic of Jesus Christ Who leans down to wash the feet of His disciples, Who seeks man's authentic good, Who heals wounds, Who is capable of a love so great as to give His life, because He is Love. ... Let us trustingly invoke Most Holy Mary that she may guide our hearts always to draw from the well of divine mercy, which liberates and heals our human condition, filling it with all grace and benevolence, with the power of love".


Pope Benedict XVI said...



Jesus' words to the three disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane - "I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here and keep awake" - show that He was feeling "fear and anguish at that 'Hour', experiencing the ultimate profound solitude as God's plan was being accomplished. Jesus fear and anguish comprehend all the horror that man feels at the prospect of his own death, its inexorable certainty and the perception of the burden of evil which affects our lives".

Having invited His disciples to keep awake, Jesus moved away from them. Referring to the Gospel of St. Mark, the Pope noted that Jesus "threw Himself to the ground: a position for prayer which expresses obedience to the Father's will, an abandonment of self with complete trust in Him". Jesus then asks the Father that, if possible, the hour might pass from Him. "This is not just the fear and anguish of man in the face of death", the Holy Father explained, "but the distress of the Son of God Who sees the terrible accumulation of evil He must take upon Himself, in order to overcome it and deprive it of power".

In this context, Benedict XVI invited the faithful to pray to God, placing before Him "our fatigue, the suffering of certain situations and of certain days, our daily struggle to follow Him and to be Christians, and the burden of evil we see within and around us, that He may give us hope, make us aware of His closeness and give us a little light on life's journey".

Returning then to Jesus' prayer, the Pope focused on "three revealing passages" in Christ's words: "Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want but what you want". Firstly, Benedict XVI said, the Aramaic word "Abba" is used by children to address their fathers, "therefore it express Jesus relationship with God the Father, a relationship of tenderness, affection and trust". Secondly, Jesus' words contain an acknowledgment of the Father's omnipotence "introducing a request in which, once again, we see the drama of Jesus' human will in the face of death and evil. ... Yet the third expression ... is the decisive one, in which the human will adheres fully to the divine will. ... Jesus tells us that only by conforming their will to the divine will can human beings achieve their true stature and become 'divine'. ... This is what Jesus does in Gethsemane. By transferring human will to the divine will the true man is born and we are redeemed".

When we pray the Our Father "we ask the Lord that 'your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'. In other words, we recognise that God has a will for us and with us, that God has a will for our lives and, each day, this must increasingly become the reference point for our desires and our existence. We also recognise that ... 'earth' becomes 'heaven' - the place where love, goodness, truth and divine beauty are present - only if the will of God is done".

In our prayers "we must learn to have greater trust in Divine Providence, to ask God for the strength to abandon our own selves in order to renew our 'yes', to repeat to Him 'your will be done', to conform our will to His. This is a prayer we must repeat every day, because it is not always easy to entrust oneself to the will of God".

The Gospel says that the disciples were unable to remain awake for Christ, and Pope Benedict concluded his catechesis by saying: "Let us ask the Lord for the power to keep awake for Him in prayer, to follow the will of God every day even if He speaks of the Cross, to live in ever increasing intimacy with the Lord and bring a little of God's 'heaven' to this


Pope Benedict XVI said...

Vatican City, 19 May 2012

"Solidarity is first and foremost a sense of responsibility on the part of everyone with regard to everyone, and it cannot therefore be merely delegated to the State. While in the past it was possible to argue that justice had to come first and gratuitousness could follow afterwards, as a complement, today it is clear that without gratuitousness, there can be no justice in the first place'. Gratuitousness cannot be bought on the market, or established by law. Nonetheless, both economics and politics need gratuitousness and individuals who are open to reciprocal giving". With these words, taken from his Encyclical "Caritas in veritate", Benedict XVI addressed more than 8,000 members of three Catholic associations whom he received this morning in the Paul VI Hall.

[gratuitousness: Given or received without cost or obligation; free.]


Witness said...


The new February 2013 issue of Esquire magazine very timely presents a totally comprehensive 12-page explanation of what is currently going on with the U.S. Postal Service. For an exciting read, see the magazine or follow the link to the article and read it or print it out...
