Friday, July 11, 2008

What does the "future" hold?

What does the future hold for all of us here in the post office? Would anyone care to take a "WAG" (Wild Assed Guess) at it?

Well I will try to take a shot at it. Do not know how accurate this prediction will be.

1. I will take a guess that the Tour Steward Program will "hopefully" come back in some form by the end of August.

2. USPS will not get enough volunteers(IE...idiots" on the "EOP" (Early Out Program) without out offering some form of financial incentive.

3. Supervisors maybe asked to step down back into craft by Bertolina if they continue to do craft work instead of supervising their craft workers.

4. More jobs within the Post Office will become PTR jobs both in the clerk and mailhander jobs due to decreasing mail volume within the postal service.

Anyone out there care to add to this or to debate the merits of my predictions?


Anonymous said...

I would recommend that interested Union members regularly check the "Burrus Updates" by William Burris, National President of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO (APWU, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations), headquartered in Washington, D.C., at:

Watch how the National is handling the situation and consider his suggestions for your personal choices.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the "BURRUS UPDATE" may be the best source of current National APWU information. The Update can be easily accessed from the homepage of the new APWU San Diego Area Local 197 website at:

in the lower left corner, by clicking on "BURRUS UPDATE."

I recommend checking the Local website often for up-to-date information. (Another great feature of the new website is the "Calendar of Events," which shows upcoming Local Union activity on a monthly calendar.)

Also, check out the "Voluntary Early Retirement" link in the lower right corner. (This is an official U.S. Office of Personnel Management document which explains "Effect of Early Retirement on Annuity," "Effect of Early Retirement on Benefits," etc.)

Anonymous said...

The Local Memorandum of Understanding - LMOU - is now posted on the new APWU Local 197 website!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the changes in customer needs cannot be reversed. The Next generation of people are going to need the USPS even less.

How many of you have already gotten internet invites to parties, weddings, etc? I know I have. People are taking advantage of what technology has to offer. The money they are saving on postage for invitations as well as RSVP cards is substantial, and in this day and age that $500. for postage can be used at Home Depot for stuff they need for their new household. So I can't blame anyone for doing this. Its a sign of the times.

So that means for us postal workers things must change. And they are. Don't like it, but there is no going back. Look at other service-related jobs throughout the years that were once very necessary, but have been phased out through new invention and technology:

Lamplighters: the guys who manually lit the oil streetlamps at dusk, and put the flames out at dawn.

Whitewings: A guy who, in the days before automobiles, spent his life cleaning up horse crap that piled up all day in the city streets.

Teamsters: These hardy guys transported freight using a wagon and a team of 2-8 horses, depending on how much horse-power was needed.

Pony express: extremely dangerous and stressful job of transporting mail and valuables by horse.

And think of all the manual service jobs that have gone away:

wheelsmiths, barrel makers canallers, lockhands, flailers, spinners, perukers, churners, chairbearers, and chiffoniers.

And how about all the people who used to fix clocks, repair clothing, resole shoes, etc, but aren't needed anymore because when something breaks, we dump it and go buy somethng new.

The evolution and ultimate extinction of various jobs has been going on since humans have been on earth. It has happened to postal jobs wince the postal service was instituted, and is happening with our jobs again.

Be flexible, be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things, be open to re-educating yourself so you aren't left behind when the tornado of technology roars through our Agency and turns it upside down. Its coming. I can fell it, hear it, sense it.

I am getting ready. Are you?

Anonymous said...

to exiled freedom fighter (2:20pm):

be flexible open and ready to do things differently. am I reeducating my self and getting ready for the techno-tidal wave?

lately flexible and open to doing things differently has been translated to doing (even) more with less. example: we used to operate in crisis mode on just about an everyday basis. now its gone on to the higher level. uh-oh, someone called in, someone's on vacation, someone has to go take care of an out-of-state sick relative. with the latest blood-letting at our station, that means work a little bit faster, and then move on to help someone else that is in trouble. today we had a worker out sick, a worker who had to go out of town for fmla. it was a pretty busy day for all.

I'm an old dog, its hard to visualize coming home at the end of one these days and feeding a parakeet, let alone going to school and reeducating myself to keep up with the jetsons! I am being sarcatic of course! just lacing a little of my personal truth with your very well written comment of the changes that are a coming. enjoyed your comment very much, even though I did'nt know what a number of those occupations, of yesteryear, were.

seriously, I'm pretty much caught in the muck of my routine. getup, go to work, come home, fool around on the internet, watch a rented movie, go shopping, go to starbucks, go to bed. (repeat daily) I keep telling myself that I am going to start going to the gym or start walking for fitness. If I can eventually accomplish this, it will be a major miracle! reeducating myself just seems a little too sci-fi for me right now!

Anonymous said...

just visited our local's website - and discovered to the left margin, under the palmtree and surfboard logo, links to other apwu locals. clicked on the one to Indianapolis just out of curiosity. it looks to be a pretty cool feature on our local's website to explore.

Anonymous said...

heard from one of the carriers at our station, this morning, that Bill Burris, our nat'l prez, will be speaking next monday at the NALC convention in Boston. kinda va rarity, from what I understand.

the carrier is a good reliable source of info. unless someone is putting him on, it must be taking place. wonder if William Young, the NALC prez, will be speaking at ours. (?)

Anonymous said...

I will be looking forward to the convention. Wonder who is gonna come and speak? We know it won't be Bill Clinton ever again, since we as a union burned that bridge.

Maybe Obama. That would be entertaining, because even though he says nothing, he says it so beautifully.

On another note, is anyone going to go to the union meeting this thursday? I had my suspicions about the pandering situation of the previous 3 years, but it has been quite shocking to see how right my gut feelings were about those people who suddenly found their union to be interesting when the con-man was in charge, and then, just as suddenly three months ago, found they didn't care one iota.

I was not really shocked, but had hoped that at least half of the paid off constituents would stick around when their gravy train Cornelius got side-tracked back to Bonita.

At least we know now, for certainty, who is truly union, and who was only there for the free ride, the empty promises, and the goodies.

Its also interesting to note that Mr Tagart is trying to act as though he has never been a destructive force within the union. One day he is demanding that mgmt discipline shop stewards, and the next day he is pretending he never did that.

Message to Tagart: Those of us with brains know you can never be trusted. We will act toward you in a civil manner, and we can pretend nothing ever happened, but we will never respect you or trust you, because you have proven over several years (even before Rick cornelius) that you don't deserve respect.

I will be there Thursday, and look forward to engaging in a respectful and meaningful meeting with fellow union members.

Can't sign my name because I remember that Will Tagart is still targeting people who write to this blog, and I don't need that kind of trouble in my life, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

(Updated 07/16/08) In June, the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) rose to 641.082. After the fifth month of the six-month measuring period, and assuming the adjustment was made based on the June CPI, the fourth COLA under the 2006 National Agreement would be $1,310 per year, which works out to $50.40 per pay period or 63 cents per hour. However, the fourth COLA will be based on the July 2008 CPI index point and will be effective Aug. 30, 2008 (pay period 19-2008, pay date Sept. 19, 2008).

Anonymous said...

On Aug. 18, an annuity estimate will be mailed to all VER-eligible employees from Eagan, MN. In addition, on Aug. 22 a VER offer packet will be sent to all eligible employees containing a cover letter, an application and a list of questions and answers. Interested employees will have from Aug. 25 to Sept. 30 to submit their application. It’s important to note that Sept. 30 is the date when an employee's voluntary choice to retire becomes irrevocable. By mid-November, the Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC) will notify employees as to the status of their VER application. At that time retirement counseling will be made available. Employees receiving approval will have an effective retirement date of Dec. 31

Anonymous said...

The local constitution is on the local web site now too. This is so cool having it all up there. Nice job you guys.

Anonymous said...

Rick cornelius is still working behind the scenes, using his biggest fool, ester F, to do bogus EEOs for him. She doesn't have the smarts to realize he is making her look like an idiot.

And what's really funny: Rick has turned Ester and Brandon against Will Tagart, because Will is currently sucking up to Tom Wood.

There is so much drama still going on with our drama queen and his princess, its just way behind closed doors.

But WIll knows ALL about it.

WOnder is Ester is going to make any illegal EEO settlements like Rick did?

Anonymous said...

When I lose my EEO I will sue them all for all they are worth

Anonymous said...

An interesting report about 3 of the MOM Team losers in our last election. Does anyone know what is happening with the rest of the MOM team losers. They may be out of sight. Maybe they shouldn't be out of mind? PS, We all know not to trust Tagart. Right?

Anonymous said...


Unity does not need to be created; it simply needs to be protected. We don't need to BUILD unity, we must simply KEEP unity. This requires us to look long and hard at the attitudes we carry.

Anonymous said...

How many members attended yesterday's APWU General Membership Meeting? Were there enough to conduct Union business?

The Local Constitution, Article 4, Section 2, says that "Fifteen (15) members to include five (5) officers constitute a quorum."

A quorum means the minimum number of members necessary to conduct Union business.

In our Local Branch of 1,500 members, this means that only 1 out of 100 members needs to attend the General Membership Meetings to keep our Local functioning.

How many members attended yesterday's APWU General Membership Meeting?

Anonymous said...

to anonymous ll:25 a.m. (7/18/08)

In answer to your question, about the # of attendees at the gen. membership mtting on thurs, if my memory serves me right, there are five long tables that seated on average 5 people each - total 25 plus ll out of a possible 14 eboard members, including the prez.
(some of which were a little tardy)
grand approximate total = 36.

again, only a guess. I also am quessing that your point is that we had enough for a quorum, and why was'nt any business carried out. it seemed to be more of an information meeting, that hinted at a possible point of business in the future, about having a special meeting for the voting or approving of the newly revised local's constitution. (it is still a work in progress) there were a lot of the same things discussed and/or mentioned to the members, and that was fine as we had some new members in attendence. there were also a lot of questions about the early outs and the creation of part-time regular bids to replace regular bids as people bid out. it was an interesting meeting. no fireworks. a few get to the points, lets move ons etc. but it was, in my opinion, an entirely civil meeting, and I got to see some faces I had'nt seen in a while.

Anonymous said...

What do your guys think of Charles Sweet being named maintenance manager of the year?? I think this just show how big of a joke this whole place is.I think he is the worst manager ever.

Anonymous said...

I was just asking how many attended the General Membership Meeting on Thursday because I can remember in the past some meetings I attended that had significant Union business to be discussed and voted on, but the lack of a quorum prevented any action to be taken. It is good news that member interest in our Union was able to attract 36 attendees this past week.

My point is that in a Local Union Branch of 1,500 members, attendance of 36 is just only 1 out of every 42 members enrolled. There should be at least 50 people at each meeting. The more heads that are put together, the better. We have a fine Union Hall that can accommodate larger numbers quite comfortably.

I know the size of the area covered by our Local is expansive and it would be difficult for some members from the far regions to attend, but Mission Valley is a pretty central location for the Union Hall and should be easily accessible for a larger majority of members.

Is the membership aware that the meeting times of the monthly General Membership Meetings are rotated - one month at 10:00 AM, the next month at 12:00 Noon, and the next month at 6:00 PM to accommodate everyone on a rotating basis?

Anonymous (July 18, 2008 3:33 PM) blogged something I thought was most important - "there were also a lot of questions about the early outs and the creation of part-time regular bids to replace regular bids as people bid out. it was an interesting meeting." The meetings ARE interesting and VERY informative. This is the BEST time and place to ask questions and share concerns among our fellow co-workers. Get the facts. Get the straight scoop. Join in the solidarity of our Sisters and Brothers. Attend our next Local General Membership Union Meeting-

Mark your calendar NOW for Thursday, August 28 at 6:00 PM!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rick Cornelius is still in the picture, acting secretly, like mold between the walls. Quietly creeping about, tainting everything he touches.

He has told the tour three stewards Brendon and Alpha and Ester to not have anything more to do with coming to meetings, or with representing people. So much for the MOM team's campaign literature promise to stick around to represent people no matter who wins or loses.

So what Rick is doing these days is going behing the APWU's back and getting Ester to do EEOs. He is going to Midway under that guise that he is mentoring her, and she, being the intellectually-challenged person that she indisputably is, follows every instruction he gives her.

That is why she is hanging up on Will Tagart now, when he tries to call her. Because Will has a new boss-man now, and Rick wants to keep whatever followers are stupid enough to not see that following him is like following the lead lemming right off the cliff. He has focused entirely on the brain-deads and is tightly holding on to them in a rigor-mortis type of death grip.

Hard to believe? Maybe. But Remember this:

Adolph Hitler, with his putrid rotting pyrrohea breath, insanely bad temper, and lousy leadership skills, had his Eva Braun too.

Anonymous said...

Who decided Charles Sweet was so good? His girlfriend?

Did the bargaining units get a vote in the issue?

What was the criteria involved in decided he is so hunky-dorry?

Does he get a prize or something? Or just a stupid engraved plaque for his desk?

Anonymous said...

About participation in union meetings:

Its always been like this. Unless you have someone like Rick who was paying people to come to meetings (gift cards, token stuff, trinkets, promises of "comp" time, which by the way doesn't exist) you will only have your core group of real union people who care enough to take THEIR OWN TIME, NO MILEAGE, prizes comp time or anything else, to come participate.

But, mark my words, as soon as the big issues come up, like the imminent excessing, consolidations, facility closures, etc, you'll all of a sudden see some real concerned people who didn't give a damn about anything all this time, then suddenly you'll see alot of new faces show up and hear some fists pounding on tables.

Its always been like that. Thats how people are...

Anonymous said...

to fox in sox l:34p.m. (7/19)

good points. I will assume you are referring to people or persons who are already members, and their apathy until the *@#! hits the fan!

your second paragraph would probably include non-members as well! used to work with an individual who would only join the union when he had gotten into trouble for attendence, fighting, or injury. then would get out. later rejoin. I think he did this about three times and ended up staying in. I always made an effort to get along with this person, but deep down, had just a little less respect for him, like I do with the other non-members, who expect me and mine to foot the cost of doing business on our backs, but glean the rewards all the same.

Anonymous said...

It was good to see the steward office lit up for the first time in about a year on tour three last night.

Got my schedule charge form signed without having to hire a search party for an available steward willing to sign it.

Small stuff, I know. But for those of us who need something simple done with time constraints--its important.

I hope his begins a new era of intelligent and available representation for the people on my tour. Because we haven't had it for at least 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Hi all.
I just put on the local web site. A link to
Questions and Answers for VER.
I hope it helps with your questions.

Anonymous said...

Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.

-Sitting Bull

Anonymous said...

Good work, Roger.

Thank you for the link on the new American Postal Workers Union (APWU) San Diego Area Local 197 web site ( for Questions and Answers for Voluntary Early Retirement (VER).

The information is VERY detailed and VERY helpful.

May God bless you for your good work!

Anonymous said...

I can see Tom Wood is making trails through the massive piles of intestinal waste that was exploded throughout every station, office, and facility represented by Rick Cornelius over the past 3 nightmarish years.

So much to muck out. And problem is, Rick's still got a few crap spurters pooping up the aisleways as they are being cleared.

Next thing Wood has to do is cork up the remaining spastic colons. One is at Midway. She is the worst polluter right now, and she is still getting fed and energized by the gross polluter himself, the deposed king of queens.

Even Tagart knows that Rick is still stirring the pot. Even Tagart knows Rick refuses to give up union-owned keys to locks, files,doors, offices, etc. Even Tagart knows Rick is still receiving UNION business related mail to his own private PO box in the 92138 box section.

The Vice President knows that Rick's Eva Braun is spawning a hostile working environment at Midway, started when she bid down there in January, and continues to this very day. And what is the vice president doing about that?

Covering for her, making excused for her.

So, its up to Tom Wood to decertify her, and while he is at it, contact the Postal Inspectors to see about having Rick's PO box closed and the contents sent to the union office. I know already the local is having to pay big time for changing locks because the great one, the all powerful Cornelius has refused to follow his oath and turn everything over to the new president.

I like the progress I am seeing. Tour stewards back in place, available for people most of the time now. thats good.

But now we got a whole slew of new problems. all the bids going part time. Rehabs having their jobs yanked away from them again. People stealing at the MLS. And managers starting to lose patience with the workforce. Soon we will have the annual leave fiasco starting again. Hey guys, its practically August. Two months to go before annual leave planning meetings. So you think it will go better this year than it did that past two years, when Rick and his illiterate henchman were faking their way through it?

I will keep my fingers crossed and hope Tom Wood is able to get his key people back in there who knew what the hell the rules of the game are. Instead of people who are still learning to read elementary English. Although I must admit, having a brother myself who was dyslexic and on the low end of the normal IQ range, I know that no matter how much special ed and IEPs one gets, you can't expect to exceed the brain cells God gave you. You have to hope someone with normal brain function can get in there and help cover for you.