Friday, June 27, 2008


Yes, I have complaints... and also I believe that others have complaints either against our Union or Management. I admit I do not know everything about what is going on either at MLS, Midway or at any of the stations. But, if I hear of something that I believe is not correct or about something that is not being done I will try to bring it to your attention.

What I would like to do is hear from anyone out at the stations on how things are going out there in the "real world". Plus, I also like to hear from others at MLS or Midway from all the Tours since there are many changes either taking place or on the horizon. Since I have seen all the Tours at MLS losing all their casuals and MDO's and supervisors talking about changing that will be coming shortly.

So, for the next week or so I am going to turn this blog over to you. I am going to leave this completely unmoderated. I only ask your discretion on posting of personal information of other individuals.




Anonymous said...

dear blogger:

responding to your request for info from stations, plants etc.

don't really have all that much to share.

have heard little comments from some of the senior, outspoken clerks at our station. a direct quote would be - "mgmt. is not done screwing around with us, just wait". having come by at the end of this conversation, I would ask, you mean, on top of everything they have already done, they're going to do some more? I thought that they were done. the response was - "oh no, there is more, they are going to screw with us again". and the other person who was in the earlier conversation with the clerk I was quoting, concurred. so they must be hearing something. one of them, at least, should be, as there is a official union connection.

speaking from my own observances, I would report that our sick-leave levels have been off the charts! everybody has been calling in! I called in the max, 3 consecutive days, with this god-awful chest congestion and cough. it was not a solidarity sick-call. it was bad. I know I caught it from work, and did not want to spread it further. not aware of all the other reasons there were so many sick calls. with the excessing having recently occurred at our station (4 positions excessed & 4 positions morphed) we've all had to pull together and get the mail out, sometimes with painfully obvious holes in our staffing! mgmt has taken note and commented aloud. "this staffing is terrible"! "thank you so much for your efforts"!

even with the excessing that has occurred and now having to perform with a bare-bones basic crew, mgmt. is granting non-scheduled annual leave requests. recently, an entire week was granted. (one of the weeks from the excessed employees) shades of sparta, it was a grueling week that left me exhausted on my days off. I mean, I did nothing. to be honest, I was probably still fighting the after-effects of that terrible chest/congestion/cough from the prior week. some other observances are: people that I used to never see work, because they work in a seperate part of the station, are now in clear sight working their butts off! they have been moving people around and having them do different duties. people who I have seen work hard, on a regular basis, have stepped it up a notch or two and are (unbelieveably) working even harder. I honestly do not know if this is sustainable. for the short term, long term, any term. I am in awe! I am witnessing flexabilities in routines and increases in physical activity, like I have not seen for a long time! well, I don't really have any inside scoops on info that I am sure you the blogger and all the readers would find far more interesting -- but wanted to share what I am currently witnessing and experiencing. in a nutshell, it looks like the plan is to not have any surplus relief, just from within the already thinned ranks of my co-workers. take good care, blogger.

Anonymous said...

We are being covered up like cat shit in the litter box. Good full-time bids changed to crap. Part-time bids. If I had known I would not have voted on a contract that is now coming back to haunt us. Being a PTF seems like a good deal now.

The Union is nowhere to be seen. The office at MLS is vacant. The phone goes unanswered. Tom where are you and and the troops? What are you going to do to help? You can't continue to have the mellow attitude that you have had in the past.

These assholes are out to get us. Don't you get it? It can't go on much longer if it isn't already to late. I think that we are doomed.

Anonymous said...

The APWU is now getting screwed. The Mailhandlers are now getting screwed. The NALC and Rural carriers will soon be screwed. When are the 4 unions going to wake up and unite, whether they like it or not. If they don't they are doomed.

Anonymous said...

this is tom woods mod of operation. tell you everything is ok and do nothing. this is why you do not see updated stewards lists, the web site is not up and running and you will not see tom.

Anonymous said...

I think a Local website is what the membership wants. And the sooner, the better. A Local web master could probably be recruited at no additional cost to the Local. Will Tagart already has proven web master skills. Or, offer to waive Union dues for someone else who would volunteer - just like Shop Stewards have their dues reimbursed to them annually.

Anonymous said...

to bill gates -- 1:11 a.m.

good suggestion! yes, reimburse the dues to the volunteer webmaster, and say any expenses up to a certain limit. national should not have a problem with it, as they don'nt want to muddle in our affairs, expecially when it counts!

Anonymous said...

There already is a web master! The problem is Tom wood will NOT approve the content!

again who's in charge?

Anonymous said...

san diego area local web site under construction.

Anonymous said...

Don't get so excited. Things are bad, but we still have time to plan.

The web site is going to be up and running very soon. Wood is working on a bunch of things behind the scenes. The issue with the tour steward program lies with tour 2.

Biggest problem is that the union wants two full time stewards and mgmt says no way, you can only have one. And according to mgmt, the stewards aren't helping matters on tour two because they are pissing mgmt off too much, for one reason or another. So I for one do not see the program coming back on the table. So quit looking backward to things we don't have any longer.

You have stewards on the floor. Read your contract and you will realize that you all had it good for the years that you had people who were at your beck and call whenever you wanted. Those days are over. OVER, thanks to Rick. Don't blame Tom Wood for the death of the tour steward program. You read the warnings on this site with the former blog writer for about 3 years and didn't heed the warning. time to stop whining for things you for the most part did NOTHING to try to help save when Rick was in office.

Now to the staffing issues. Yes, we are screwed. But guess what homies? The past officers have reported and written news articles many times over the past 10 years about what has been happening to APWU members back east. Being excessed out of state, hundreds of miles away.

It happened many many times. Its nothing new, and I think you all were sitting back fat and sassy not thinking that what was happening to your union brothers and sisters would someday happen to you.

Okay, so now our time is coming. Did you think you would always be immune to it? We are just going to have to suck it up and deal with it like everyone else who got excessed in the recent past.

If we could get our slugs to retire that would be great. If the injured and sick people who are struggling to even lift a couple of pounds could somehow get granted early disability retirements, everyone, including them would be happy. We need an early out opportunity so people will opt to leave on their own. But all that will take time and some will never happen.

Meanwhile, our clock is winding down. The mail is slowing down. The next generation of people aren't really going to use the mails for their communication and bill paying needs. Face it.

It is time to rethink the usual plan to stay at the PO until death do you part. Its not going to be around that long.

We can "rehabilitate" ourselves, vocationally. If we aren't too scared or too lazy. we can wean ourselves off the pablum our mamma eagle is regurgitating down our throats every two weeks. But we must be brave little soldiers, if we are ever to leave the nest on our own.

Look at other options. Community college, vocational education. Learn a truly saleable skill. Get ready. Then, when the time comes for you to choose between a tour one part-time DBCS job in nearby Denver Colorado or staying in San Diego with nothing but a bit of "severance" pay, you will be able to actually make a real choice.

And you might even see that there is life outside postal employment. I have started my voc-rehab right now. I realize there is so much more out there that is truly rewarding work. And I won't be afraid when the time comes, to try something new.

Anonymous said...

What a really ***GREAT*** Local 197 website!!!

Now including "the Potpourri" online. Great! ...and other great links.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Best wishes in your continuation of expanding the website -

Anonymous said...

To all. I have faith in the people who were elected to rep me. Well, in most of them. can't trust tagart, but then, I won't ever call upon him if I need help, so thats that.

Tom Wood I have faith in. And my craft director Knipe is not only well versed in the rules, he's a royal pain in mgmt arse because he defends us and our rules.

Also, I don't have Attention Deficit Disorder, so I can be patient while 3 years of catch-up is being worked on. Give the guy time to get the website up. You were patient for 3 years while Rick crapped on everything in sight, right? Now, be patient while the clean-up crew works to make things better for us.

Anonymous said...

I was reading Bill Burrus' lame excuse for endorsing Mr Obama for president and want to make an observation here if I can.

First, I think it was pretty rude for the National APWU to be sucking up to Bill and Hilary Clinton since 1992,praising what they have done for working families with stuff like FMLA, even having Bill Clinton go and speak to the thousands of union members just last November in Las Vegas. Then just a couple months later, dropping them like hot potatoes. Why did Burrus do this?

Well, he says that Hilary isn't a good choice because she will work withing the confines of the system to get things done and he basically wants someone who thinks outside the box (too familiar to those here in san diego area local)

So, is Burrus saying that Obama will create his own rules?? If so, aren't you all a little concerned about that? Is Burrus saying that Obama is so powerful that he and he alone can buck the entire gigantic political and legal systeme and push through his agendas, unchecked???

Excuse me, but we went through this kind of abuse of power in just our tiny local and you can see what has happened.

Also, Burrus said that Obama won't take any money from lobbyists and stuff. Is that really true?

So what I am taking from this is, we don't need to give to COPA any more because Bill Burrus doesn't believe its right to pay off politicians to get them to argue your issues, right????

Even though thats what COPA is for, and they try to shame us into giving to it every chance they get. I am getting mixed messages here.

If Obama is elected, does this mean we will definately not need to give to COPA any more because it goes against Obama's principals to take money from special interest groups, such as the APWU and other labor organizations, right???

One thing I can see. If obama becomes prez, and he is successful in raising our taxes, raising the amount each paycheck that we have to pay into social security (which is going to be broke before I can even collect what's mine), and initiates a federal health insurance like Canada has, while giving amnesty to every illegal alien who has sneaked in here, I am really not sure what the future will look like for the apwu member.

If you think you have to wait too long for a doctor's appt now, wait until millions more are standing in the same line waiting. You going to be able to get your doctor's note when you call in for 4 days? I guess if you are willing to wait 3-6 months for an appointment, like they have to do in Canada. Mgmt is gonna have fun with us then, aren't they?

And I wonder how much this new insurance plan is going to cost everyone? Cuz remember dudes, you are going to have to cover every tom dick and harry fresh off the boat and over the border. Every fertile mertle, every gang-banger, every TB, AIDS, Diabetic, retarded and otherwise severely ill person who takes seriously the invitation to bring the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free to the shining land of welfare.

How much do you think we are going to have to pay to subsidize millions and millions of people who will suddenly demand housing better than their illegal tent in a canyon, schooling for kids who can't speak English, full medical for everyone who can't afford to pay even a dime of a co-payment.

Who's gonna pay? And if Obama ain't going to take payment money from us to consider our issues, where will that leave us? If Burrus is endorsing him, using the name of all the APWU voters, what exactly is in it for him, or for us, anyhow?

I saw what an inexperienced "creative thinker" did to our local. Wait until another inexperienced fool cons his way to the top in the White House. You saw what Jimmy Carter did, this will be worse.

Anonymous said...

to trainwreck watcher - 10:58 a.m.

enjoyed your comment. just wanted to let you know, that despite not having made up my mind yet, obama or mcclain, I too wondered about the no special interest money being accepted and the COPA connection. I asked myself the same questions.

I know that mcclain is probably going to privatize the p.o. and various other fed. institutions, programs. etc. don't know if that will neccessarily be a bad thing. kinda think it will be, though.

so in terms of keeping my job and the public receiving universal mail delivery, I am leaning towards obama. mcclain would be a gamble in my book, in that regard.

on the other hand, trainwreck, you make many valid points with your comments about having to wait longer for your health care, and the comparisons to jimmy c.

again, I will confess to not being very well read up on either of the candidates. just have heard about what one of the candidates would probably do with the post office. so for now that is heavily influencing my voting inclinations. if half of what you say is true about the more liberal of the candidates, then we will be in the same amount of trouble economically, with the tax dollars going to different places, instead of the war.

Anonymous said...

I think we can't really win either way. I think Bush's eye was taken off privatizing the USPS when 9/11 hit, and the aftermath and his bad decisions that have really overwhelmed everyone in politics since then. McCain is going to be busy legalizing everyone and trying to find a way to save face while pulling out of the middle east.

Obama will be trying to please every group in the USA and on the planet. I am not sure either will have the time in 4 years to mess much with us.

As a matter of fact, they are going to need federal jobs to rehab injured soldiers into. Why not the USPS? 10 point vets. Thousands and thousands of them. They need places to put them when they can't get any more out of them on the battlefield. It would be counterproductive to privatize the USPS when it could serve as a place for injured veterans, like it was 35 years ago for the guys from Viet Nam.

I do believe that if the attack and the wars hadn't happened, the PO would be very different today.

The USPS has changed though, due to internet etc. Bush didn't do that, I guess you could say Al Gore did that, since the legend is that he created the internet! And we are going to have to be ready when mgmt lowers the boom.

I think most of us have job security for the most part. But for what job? People get so mad when they get excessed out of their section. They most of the time stay on their tour, but get different hours or days off. And thats enough to throw people into a tizzy.

Its the excessing from the facility that scares me. Because that can and might happen in the next 5 years, if things keep dropping off like they are.

If they ease up on the 6 day delivery plan, for example, many people could be affected. If they change delivery standards, it could be possible to see huge regional centers doing most of the processing, and mail being trucked hundreds of miles. If they are able to trade people for lights out facilities in these huge regional hubs, and contract out the long-distance trucking, or utilize the rail system like they did in the olden days, more people will be cut.

I can see if the USPS at the National level had real educated private enterprise-experienced people at the top in planning, we would really be doomed. Good thing for us that everyone, from the upper level USPS to upper level politicians, are inept. We may just make it until we can retire.

Anonymous said...

So what do you think our chances are of getting an early out offer? Oh I wish I could.

I have heard rumors of it, but course there probly is nothing in it for those who opt to leave. Like no incentive or anything.

And in this coming recession, which is coming real fast, would it really be a good idea to walk away from a $50,000 plus a year job?

I am just going to try to hold on to my sanity a little bit longer, and retire in 12 years. God willing.

Anonymous said...

What is it about John Bertolina that I like so much?

The first thing that I can remember he did for me was to place a huge refrigerator in the satellite swing room, so that I can refrigerate my lunch and enjoy a cold refreshing from-home drink on my last break.

He seems to thoroughly understand the work environment and what helps things to run smoothly.

So far, his tenure as MLS plant manager has seemed to be characterized by a sense of what is known in the business world as "enlightened management," an awareness that seemed to escape all of his predecessors since the plant opened. We workers have so far been blessed in numerous ways since his arrival on the scene.

We have arrived at a critical time in local Management-Union relationship. One of the few great tools previously in place was the Tour Steward Program. Admittedly, even from my point of view, it seemed to be a little too much - almost too good to be true - total protection from the few existing bad-apple supervisors well known for their excessive and abusive methodologies. Moral was good on the workroom floor because management-labor communication channels were open. Disputes were addressed on-the-spot, resolved by professional attitudes and behavior of well-trained union and labor relations personnel. I miss that efficiency right now.

The Tour Steward Program may have been a little too much as it was previously set up. I would hope that the plant manager would become aware of the managerial benefits of a maybe even modified reinstatement of the program, a program "...that would make sure that all members are represented, and that (we would) be able to reach a Union representative 24 hours a day." The plant manager might wisely just open the door on a temporary reinstatement of the program by authorizing one full-time steward per tour, just to see how it works out. He might retain the option to cancel the pilot program if, in his opinion only, the Union abuses the privilege in any way, including, for example, the filing of nuisance frivolous grievances, or stewards caught sleeping in the Union office.

I think in these times of particularly strained management-labor relations, this gesture of openness in the workplace would be highly welcomed by personnel on the workroom floor, and a much needed boost in moral and confidence would result.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

Anonymous said...

madeline albright said...
"What is it about John Bertolina that I like so much?

The first thing that I can remember he did for me was to place a huge refrigerator in the satellite swing room, so that I can refrigerate my lunch and enjoy a cold refreshing from-home drink on my last break.

He seems to thoroughly understand the work environment and what helps things to run smoothly."

You have got to be kidding? Bertolina did not get that "huge refrigerator" you did, by re-cycling your cans and plastic bottles with the help of QWL!

his name is only on it because you have to have the plant managers blessing when you bring something like that into the building.

hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 4:34,
You are right. What Bertolina has brought into the building is Barbara Plunkett, our worst nightmare. He also brought at first no LWOP whatsoever until it now suits him. Good bids for the most senior employees turned to shit. He has brought part-time bids while we still have casuals. This guy is the greatest thing since sliced bread, not. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing. Take a real look at what has happened during his watch. You are not better off. It's not good. We are fucked.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous 8:45 PM.

Bertolina and Plunkett are cut from the same cloth. They are 100% for the interests of the Agency,along with flunky ex-casual Now Labor Relations Specialist Babs Rodriguez.

We employees are nothing more than impediments to a lean mean bottom line.

Our concerns, our issues, are NOT of his concern. Thats what the APWU is for. His concern is to make budget, and WE stand in his way.

He cares nothing about our feelings, our needs, our problems, or even our loyalty as long time postal workers. And he will use the contract that both sides signed off on to his advantage.

At least with Tom Wilson, he had a human side. It truly pained him to see people adversely affected by his staffing changes. Yes, he did what he had to do, but one could tell that he felt bad about it. He showed his inner conflicted feelings by the time he would take, to the annoyance of the floor supervisors, to take affected pay locations off the floor and talk to them, sometimes for an hour or more.

At least back then, before getting your bid hacked into bits, the executioner explained his reasons. Now, the hooded hatchetman chops without much warning and no apology.

Yep. We are screwed. And there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.

Anonymous said...

I've never claimed to be a spelling genius. Please substitute the word "morale" for the word "moral," used twice in my previous submission. (And I spelled my own name right this time, too!)

Anonymous said...

To Madeleine:

I agree with train wreck. Our morale was higher when we had Tom Wilson in charge. Not to say there weren't problems. Also, morale was much better when we knew we had a strong local. The last Pres Rick set the era of good feelings back to the panic of the eighties.

Morale is at an all time low, and I just have this feeling it is going to sink lower before its over.

Marion Williams said...

Morning.... I have enjoyed reading everyone's responses. I would now like to add just a little bit to the mix.

First, I would like to say I am very happy that Cornelius is out of office and Tom Wood is in office even with his shortcomings.

About Tom... Here we have a gentleman who is trying to work with the system and is being a nice guy. But, not much appears to being done. Take a look at the Tour Steward Program since he has taken office. Nothing has changed for the better we are still waiting for information if it will be continued or completely removed. But, look at the Mailhandler Union... Notice how they are not being treated the same as the APWU Union? Why is this? Maybe someone needs to go to the Department of Labor and ask for them to look into this since neither Tom Wood or John Bertonelli can seem to get things worked out. Let me see... ah yes... here is the website for the Department of Labor:

Maybe they can take a look at why the APWU and the Mailhandler Union are being treated differently?

Second, I would like to inform all the clerks that before they take a PTR bid they better be very sure about what they are getting into before they put in their bid. Once, you get into a PTR bid it will be almost impossible to get back to being a full-time regular position.

Now, going back to Tom Wood... He is such a nice guy. That he has not taken charge to remove some of Cornelius appointed stewards or to make them actually perform as a steward. Instead, Brendan Barbosa and Alpha are still stewards according to the information I have. But, they do not wear their badges proclaiming theirselves stewards nor do they assist anyone as a steward. So why does Tom leave them as stewards? Why not either have them perform their duties as stewards or remove them? What is so hard about that?

Well... I am finished for now. So, I hope that this blog keeps going and I would hope to get more input from other individuals out in the San Diego area.



Anonymous said...

Hi Mom:

To answer with my limited knowledge and input on the steward situation. The difference between the mail handlers and APWU in regards to the tour steward program is this: The APWU president chose to discontinue the program. Contract language within the Memos allowed for this. The Mail Handler president chose to continue with the program. But, with my ear to the wall in the MDO office, I have heard certain MDOs muttering and complaining about the MH program there too. So, they may be on borrowed time if mgmt decides to pull the plug on their program.

Now, as far as Brendon and Alfa not wearing badges or repping people, this will take care of that problem: Not having a tour steward program. If Tom is unsuccessful in re-negotiating it,it may be for the best. He will then have to revert back to contractual language and divvy up the pay locations equally to the stewards on the tours.

Like the olden days when Steward A would have the LSM pay locations, Steward B would have the manual ones, Steward C would have automation, Steward D would have Flats, etc. The assignments are officially posted on the APWU bulletin boards, and the employees know exactly who their official steward is. An alternate only is called if the persons particular steward are not there.

That will force the hand of either the steward who doesn't want to do anything, or the president, who will have to deal with handling the labor charges from members who were refused representation from their steward.

So you see, the problem will correct itself without the tour steward program. Now with the program, the President will have to choose which of his stewards are experienced and dedicated enough to fill the needs of the entire tour of people.

He may be torn between pleasing the prevailing racial group, or selecting the actual right people. Remember, its politics that decides who wins any election, including unions. Just how unpopular would one be if he canned (even for good reasons) the members of the racial group of the vast majority of MLS postal employees? Wouldn't "look" good, and Wood has already seen the racial bs levied against candidates who in their combined decades of union service have helped more people from the majority ethnic group than can even be counted.

So Tom is treading carefully through the writhing masses of rattlesnakes right now, looking for some safe spot while not wanting to disturb and provoke those who can rise up and attack him.

I do not envy him. He is in a no-win situation, and he must weigh the pros and cons of everything he does, because he cannot do anything that will completely please everyone.

Also, you can bid to PTR positions, but remember that to come back to full time, there are limits to what you are allowed to bid on. read your contracts and think before you bid.

Marion Williams said...

Hello Bus Pass,

I fully agree with you that Tom Wood is in a no-win situation. Also I agree with your other observations that you have stated.

But, I also know that there are many fires that he is having to handle with MLS only being one of them.

Like a simple question for Tom Wood would be "When or Why is our Local 197 website not up yet? I have seen it at the below address:

This is on our webmasters personal website and is just waiting for Tom and possible our Executive Board to approve it. How long would it take Tom to look at it and to suggest any changes he felt necessary to be made? After the changes then are made it could be put up as our official website for our Local 197.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Roger for the work he is putting in on the website.

It looks like some info needs to be gathered on the stewards and officers, like email addresses or other means of contact points for them. Once all that stuff is input, the other stuff will be easy to do, as he did with the potpourri.

Hopefully July will be the meeting where the e-board can put aside the million other issues and problems and concentrate on the little details that will enable Roger to get the site over to its own www address.

Thanks again to Roger.

Anonymous said...

Roger is going to quit because Tom hasn't gotten back to him.

Anonymous said...

If Roger quits, maybe we can have our VP do the job. He is sitting on his fat butt taking lots of money every pay day, he brags about what a computer guru he is, and also hardly anyone wants anything to do with him. Also, he is so ill and in such fragile state of health, that job would probably fit within his medical restrictions.

A job as webmaster would be perfect, and since we are already throwing money away on him for the next three years anyhow, I think at least that would keep him gainfully employed.

What do y'alls think?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear that we are getting offered early outs later this year?

Don't know the particulars. Just heard the rumor. Anyone have any concrete evidence, so we can start figuring out if we can pack up and bail from the sinking ship?

Anonymous said...

Get on APWU.ORG and you will see it is true. Also Postal Reporter. They need to dump 40,000 employees. See also talk of changes to delivery standards. Change is coming. We know Obama likes it. Wonder how we at the USPS we do with the sweeping changes coming to our industry.

Anonymous said...

an overall voluntary reduction in force is the only hope of saving the business.

I hope many people opt for a VER. That way, we won't be forced to leave our installations in the future.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 4:29 p.m.

read your comment and agree about hoping there are many takers on the early outs, veras etc. I'd rather not relocate either, both now and in the future!

I'd like nothing more than to say to the past-due retirement workers to get a retirement life. but alas my mother is one of those. she truely loves her job, finds it mentally stimulating and satisfying at her mid seventies age and has not plans at this time to quit. she has tried twice already and gets bored, plus they invite her back. so gotta keep my big mouth shut in that regard. me, I'm still 3 yrs or so short of my minimum retirement age, so not even in the hunt! will jealously watch those lucky ones go for the bait.

Anonymous said...

I remember a similar situation about 6 years ago at San Diego city schools. They were pink slipping hundreds of teachers (union rules meant those fresh out of college teachers) My kids 5th grade teacher was almost retirement age, loved her job, but chose to take the early retirement offer in order to save the job of a young teacher who really needed to get started in their career. We lost some good experienced teachers back then, and there were many who retired earlier than they had planned in order to save the job of another.

I was very impressed with the way it was handled back then with the teachers. Kind of wish our postal workers would have the same attitude. It would be admirable.

Anonymous said...

We need to take a chill pill and relax. So there is another VER coming. That is the proper way to deal with an overabundance of workers in a shrinking industry.

Remember the V stands for voluntary.

Once they get the numbers down, they must then use restraint and NOT do any more hiring. Thats where they blew it before.

If I remember back in 2004, they had this early out and got rid of a hundred of so people in san diego, then went and hired a couple hundred more. Bone head move. And now, here we are again.

So, don't panic. This is another in a continuing cycle of stupidity, but just remember, everytime they do this, you move up in seniority because they take in newbies. That, for us, is a good thing.

I don't really care for the jobs that are left in the PO, my favorite job, scheme work on the LSMs, went away long long ago, but I have adjusted and I'm still here.

Unknown said...

Tom has said I could put what I have up on the Union web site.
It still needs work. Hope you like what we have done. e-mail me if you have any comments.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Roger, for your efforts in getting our website off the ground. I am getting more hopeful with every piece of progress I see happening in our battle-scarred local. We are coming back!

I am looking forward to further progress and with the help of many decent and diligent union members such as yourself, our self respect, as well as the respect from our peers in other locals, will recover.

My hopes have been renewed. I am encouraged. Things are looking up.

Marion Williams said...

To Roger,

I am glad to see that our Local's website is going up. At least there is some progress in restoring some sanity to our local and bringing it back up to to the members.

Anonymous said...

to exiled freedom fighter and mom said:

I agree with and appreciate your enthusiasm and optimism about our new local's website. very nice!

clicked on and read the Burris update. I see where there is a thingie (icon?) to click-on if you want to leave a suggestion.

it would be nice to have something akin to this within the site. maybe a blog/inquiry type format that would allow you to ask the prez. and various eboard members questions about the latest news or a personal inquiry. not to be confused with a hotline or urgent get back to me asap noteboard. the prez. and/or eboard members could respond at his or her leisure, convenience. example: what's the latest on the flat-sequencing set-up and what if any impacts to stations, p&dc's etc have taken place, to your knowledge? example: how can I find out where and when to volunteer to work at the union picnic? non-urgent question and answer type blog, within the website. that's what I'd like to see! thank you Roger! Thank you Tom! thanks for all the hard work up to this point and wishing you guys continued success with the rebuilding of our local!

Anonymous said...

Talking with folks from Tour 3 at MLS.... Some of them just don't understand what is going on.

Take for instance both the clerks and mailhandlers. Both of them appear to be blind or just lazy since they are letting the 204b's do craft work instead of just supervising. Why cannot a 204b just supervise and not do craft work? They say they are bored or just helping out or maybe the members are moving to slow. No matter what the reason they should not be doing craft work.

Let me see... some first names of these 204b's are Cindy, Cris, Jack, Benji, Cherry.... This is not only the 204b's doing craft work. Many times, you see our own supervisors doing the same. When will Bertolina actually mean what he says about if supervisors want to do craft work that he will put them back to craft? Then what would we see?

Why do they do it? Because the members do nothing to protect their jobs. So... why don't all craft workers protect their jobs by talking to their Union Representatives to put a halt to this practice?

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 9:18 a.m.

I don't work at either of the plants. (midwy/mls) so, going on what you described - sounds like the summer doldrums have moved in, along with low volume and talk of early outs, voluntary retirements etc. that it is just a free for all up there. people are tired, sluggish and just going thru the motions, it sounds like to me.

what is the union's take on all that up there? are they more available now? I read the blog, so I know there is a couple of so-called stewards walking around, not representing anybody, just considering themselves celebrities I guess. not counting those two, are the other reps. more available for everyone now?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Tom was able to re-negotiate the tour steward program but it doesn't take effect until later on in the month.

Now the question for me is, who are the stewards gonna be for my tour (tour 3)? And for my girlfriends tour (tour 2)

Is Tagart going to continue to push Rick Cornelius agenda and shove crappy and obviously untrained stewards down our throats for another 3 years?

Since Will has taken credit over the years with "training" my stewards Angie, Esther, Brendon, Alpha, and my girlfriends steward Joy, I am curious to know whether he will continue to push these people to the front of the line to represent the troops.

I would not be preposperous enough to assume they are deliberately not representing us properly, maybe this is their personal best, and then I can't fault them, for I don't think I could do the job either.

But, sheesh, you would think out of all of those people we could get at least one that was ready to go into battle for us.

A good steward is hard to find.

Now, Tammy would be a welcome sight if she returned, but I saw what Rick and Tagart, with their tour stewards did to her during elections, and I can't blame her if she stays on the floor instead of going back to being steward full time.

Pepe has helped me on several occasions to help mgmt figure out how to do the holiday schedule right, since they don't always remember from month to month how to do it.

Sandi is everyone's mother theresa, and listens to us and helps us when she can. Joanne, I like her but don't really have the ability to follow her when she talks. Sometimes when you ask a simple yes or no question, she gives you a scrambled eggs answer going on for 10 minutes and when I walk away I don't even know if she answered my question. But, she is a good person and talks supervisors out of screwing around too much with people.

Gwen, another nice lady, but never filed a grievance for me when she said she did. Lost a lot of money because of that. Is she lazy, scatterbrained, senile, or what??? Still, she is hard to get mad at, and I guess that is why Tom keeps her around.

Did I miss anyone?

I will be happy to have the full stewards back, and am just concerned that it will go back to the way it was before Rick's defeat in April, which on Tour 3, meant, NO Stewards ever around or available. Please Tom, don't let that happen again to us, and please don't let Tagart scare our few good stewards away again.

If tom and tagart even read this. Does anyone know if they do?