Wednesday, August 27, 2008

After the APWU Convention.. What happens?

Since our officers and representatives have returned back from the Convention at Las Vegas I would hope that they will impart some of what they have learned very soon to the general membership. Either thru our local's newsletter, our local's website at , or even this minor website. I do not actually care how this information is given to the membership. I just hope that is it soon.


PS.... Did that actually happen to Evonn and Noel? If so when is it effective?


Anonymous said...

to mom at 7:59 a.m. -

did'nt attend the convention myself, but did hear a few things from one who did.

l. there is a bit of fluff
2. bill burris is not actually
6 ft.+ as I would have thought
he is actually below average
3. our president mr. burris would
remind some during the
proceedings, that were taking
a little too much time during
deliberations, i.e. splitting
hairs etc. that hey it's your
convention, if this is how you
want to spend it.
4. food can be somewhat pricy,
when the breaks are few or
5. that some delegates were not
so agreeable to have their
resolutions or motions
dismissed without
consideration. example:
addressing these so called
productivity standards that
mgmt. likes to wave in our
faces, all the time. this
particular item was being
waved off as frivilous or
unnecessary by one of the
national officers. the
person bringing it up
exclaimed that maybe if you
are not up to the task, or
think that representing our
needs are important, than
maybe you don't belong in
your position! that
person's resolution was
voted on and passed.
6. that copa night was very
impressive. the dancing, the
music, the athletic recreation
like similated rock climbing
walls, padded pugilism etc.
7. lots of smoke in the casinos!
the ventilations ducts could
not really keep up!
8. that use of the internet, at
the hotels, for checking in to
your departing flight, was not
an extended courtesy. it was
a $5.00 charge. at the
business centers, as well!
9. that the proceedings were held
at the paris and the classes,
workshops, auxillary sessions
were held at ballys.

Anonymous said...

Up at the MLS plant, the stewards have convention daily updates in the office on the bulletin board.

I bet you at the meeting thursday (Aug 28) that the officers will have a report on how the convention went.

And the next potpourri should also have articles by the officers who attended.

I myself am checking out the rumor on Evonne and Noel. Not sure if its true or not, but think about the other supervisors who have recently taken a dive back into their bargaining units for doing far less than what Noel and Evonne have done.

So, I bet there will be a going away costco cake in the MDO office real soon.

Anonymous said...

so far, no one in management is willing to admit they know anything about their naughty co-workers. Probably a gag order.

So we just got to wait it out and see when one of both of them stop showing up for work. Then we will know.

I remember a long long time ago, when Yvonne got into a bit of trouble for abusing a deaf female pregnant employee. Yvonne was gone for a long time, then showed back up one day like nothin happened.

Then we had Liz who ended up at midway as a clerk, and some others who got sent back to their crafts, with lowest seniority.

Anonymous said...

How many supervisors do you think are going to do the early out thing?

I don't think there are too many clerks that are taking the bait.

So that means what next? Probably massive excessing all over the country, unless mail picks up big time.

And it won't.

Time to start packing up your house. What Plant or station within 500 miles is going to be needing transplants from SD?

Isn't everyone in the same boat?

Its getting scary

Anonymous said...

"Time to start packing up your house. What Plant or station within 500 miles is going to be needing transplants from SD?

Isn't everyone in the same boat?"

That is correct! every southern calif office is undergoing the same problem. too many people for the mail there is to be processed.

what is left? lay-off's

Anonymous said...

Is there any candidate in history less experienced and less competent to be President than

Obama? He is a creation of the media much like P & G markets a bar of soap. During my senior

year at college, several corporate employers came to campus to conduct interviews. Prior to

interviewing with P & G, all interviewees were required to watch "The Coast Soap Success

Story." It was a film about making a bar of soap a multi-million dollar profit center. Every

time I see Obama and the rabid media exaggerating his credentials, I think of Coast Soap.

Not the best bar of soap, not even close. But thanks to clever and huge market saturation --

Americans are buying it. cary indeed. Sarah Palin at least seems real and has some

legitimate credentials. She certainly have more executive branch experience than Obama has

and she seems to be a quick study. Any close examination of his record shows he has worked

hard to avoid taking a position on any issue of substance. Obama was made by the media and

the dnc. The bad thing is that the Union has taken to him its a big mistake like it was with

Rick and we all know what happen with Rick but this will be must worse. This girl is for

Maccain & Palin.
Ok I know this was long but check this site out to find out more about Sarah the


Anonymous said...

You go girl. I'm with you she has my vote too.
I think a person who was a mayor of a city and governor of the biggest state in the U.S. is more qualified than some junior senator whose only experience of running anything was some liberal rights law firm and this yahoo wants to be PRESIDENT please! She is the
Commander in Chief of the Army National Guard. She know what it like to send troop to Iraq. She has been there to. Under her leadership, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, and implemented the Senior Benefits Program that provides support for low-income older Alaskans. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure, and the Climate Change Subcabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska.
Change we can beleive in? How about graduating grade school before you get your PHD! Obama is simply a great speaker who writes unrealistic checks his inexperience can’t cash.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Barracuda reminds me a bit of a little barracuda we had who singlehandedly exposed Rick Cornelius for the fraud that he was. That tough enough gal took alot of abuse from Ricky and people he somehow paid or fooled into backing him. What would the local have done if there wasn't anyone who had balls enough to go out on the limb and show us the real Rick?

So, I think I want someone like the barracuda in there exposing the stinking filth going on in Washington DC (stinking filth from both parties, by the way)

The Governor of Alaska is difrerent. And she is a rare person in politics. She's got what it takes to serve as VP.

Now, Mr Obama on the other hand. He is packaged real good, and reads teleprompters real good, but do you know who he is, really?

Did we know who Rick Cornelius was, really? We sure found out, didn't we? And it wasn't pretty. It nearly cost us our local's bank accounts and future income. All because Rick came in from no where preaching out with the old guard, and promising changes, changes, changes. Change is not always a good thing. Our lcoal found that out the hard way. ANd Rick was just a small time loser in a small union. Imagine if he ran a business or worse, a city or country.

Barack scares me. He's too slick, too pretty-boy. And his wife, I don't even want to go there. We can already see who wears the pants in that family.

I am a democrat and APWU member who has decided to say no to another fake. I am voting Mccain/Palin.

Anonymous said...

to anon. 8/31 - 4:42 p.m.

the barracuda may have some admirable qualities. (my first impression - that she looked like elaine from seinfeld, with glasses) she being a former union member and her husband a current union member(?) is a plus, she is against waste and corruption, which if applied properly to the p.o. would be an improvement. I am extremely quilty of not keeping up with politics of the day and the candidates. I know next to nothing about any of the runners for office. only what I have heard
from friends and co-workers who have either read up or watched conventions and heard speeches. I have heard the leaders of my national union say that obama will have our backs. (labor) so that tilts the scales in his favor. also, mccain is probably hot to privatize govt. services and continue to outsource jobs. from what I hear about him, he will be more of the same, in the jobs for this country, that bush has been.

I being white, can only imagine how excited african americans would be to have a president of color, for a change. Well they, like all americans, deserve the best, and if obama is elected, I hope for them and all our sakes that he can do the job well. I've got a few years yet in the p.o. and have to hope for myself and my loved ones that our country starts to get it together in the jobs and economy depts. otherwise, it just seems to me that we're going to have some domestic terrorism to contend with as well as the international battle we've got going on. whoever americans put into office is going to need all our support and prayers. lots of challenges ahead!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Barack has the national union hoodwinked. Thats a racial thing, though, so I can understand it.

But if what Burrus says is true, that Barack aint taking money from lobbyists and can't be paid off to do things for people, then what are we paying into the unions political action fund for anyhow?

And here is another thought. Burrus and the national officers were busy sucking up to the CLintons all last year and before that. Even had Ole Billy at their November conference in Vegas. Then boom, they dumped his ass real quick like when the cuter guy came along. And thats exactly what happened. And just like our union could drop kick a long-devoted candidate to the curb, Barack could do the same thing to our union.

Especially when he figures out that the USPS is doomed no matter what he does, and that as we lose more and more people to the drop in mail, he will see that we don't matter all that much to him.

And just wait till you see how he screws up our health care. I bet you can't wait for Soviet-style socialist medicine. How do they do it in socialist countries where everyone is supposed to be treated the same? Simple. Everyone gets treated like crap, and the rich folks go get their health care elsewhere. You think it takes you a long time to see your dr now? Wait until Barack gives free health care to 10 million illegals, and another umpteen million citizens. We will then have to import doctors to fill the immediate need. You like talking to those Indian dudes on the help line when your computer is down? You are gonna love having a dr that gives you 2 minutes of his time and you can't understand a thing he is saying. Oh yeah, and how do you think this health care thing is going to be funded? Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. You like your Kaiser, Blue cross, Health Net? I don't think they will exist under the socialist health care system.

Change. Lets change our lives and see how it goes. We can always change it back if we don't like it, right?

Ask Pandora about that.

Anonymous said...

Way I see it, it doesn't matter too much who wins the bighouse seat. Neither party can force people to give up internet, email, texting, faxes, etc. We really blew it when we gave up the monopoly on parcels years ago. Thats where we blew it. Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet, and even though I remember my dad, an aerospace engineer, telling us way back in the late 60s that this stuff was coming, we didn't really believe it would happen. That stuff was Star Trek stuff, not real. I guess the post office department had the same short sightedness as us kids had.

And now, the need for first class letter mail, and flat mail, is winding down. Unless we get bombed back into the last century, the hay-days of mountains of mail, and unlimited amounts of overtime are over for good. We must face this realistically. No one president can save us.

Look at where things are going. People sign up for programs which eliminate "junk mail" from their mail boxes. Everyone is leaning towards electronic bill payment, to avoid theft, loss of mail, etc. These kids coming up in college don't even know how to address an envelope anymore, becuase they don't need to. How is McCain or Obama going to turn the clock back?

The only thing they can do is prevent us frm getting laid off when our no lay off contract expires in a couple years. And all that means is that we may be offered Early outs with or without incentives, retraining programs for those of us who are actually employable by someone other than our benevolent Eagle, who hired and retains some of the stupidest, laziest people I've ever seen. Then we could also be offered similar federal jobs elsewhere, across state lines, even.

There is nothing else they can do for us. Think about it realistically and you will have to agree.

So, with that in mind, I am voting McCain. If he is going to strengthen businesses, why wouldn't we want other employment options. And no, you don't need a union, if the company treats its people right. There are many out there, especially in the internet, computer, cell phone industry, that treat their employees great, with benefits, high wages, free gym memberships, etc. I want a prez who will allow business to expand and grow instead of a president who wants to put so many limits, taxes, etc, on businesses that many will close or move.

I am thinking about my life AFTER the USPS. You should too, because those days are coming. Even with the great Messiah of our time, Mr Obama. Remember, Jesus didn't help anyone during his short term as Messiah. But lots of people got slaughtered because of him. Even though he thought he was doing the right thing. Thats indisputable, no matter how you romanticize it.

Anonymous said...

I argue with you that Jesus didn't help anybody. He healed blind and lame people, raised people from the dead helped fisherman catch a lot of fish, changed water into wine for a wedding party,and gave everyone eternal life if only they believe that he was God.

I don't believe Obama can do any of those things. But he will give us peace in the world, and everyone will like us again when he is there. And that is something Jesus said would happen. That the whole world would have peace.

He will take our taxes away and give them to rich people to pay, and will make the health insurance give everybody free health care. Also, he will make all the colleges take our kids and we wpn't have to pay no tuitions.

To me, Obama is not a messiah like Jesus, but he comes close like an earth messiah, not a heavenly messiah,and you will all see what I mean when he starts doing these things for us working people.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 9-1-08 / 10:25 a.m.

very much enjoyed reading your comments. sounds like you have both feet on the ground! your comments blew away most of the crap that I read from the commentators on postal as I said most, there are a few good ones. I have been leaning towards obama because I've heard that he will be looking out for us postal workers and trying to keep the job situation in this country from further hemoraging. however, you do illustrate a very sobering picture of where our postal service employment situation is headed, along with some of our many alternative possibilities. kinda has me nervous, kinda has me wondering! thanks, I think!

by the way, went to our local's website and clicked on the link to the aurora, colorado's website ( they have some terrific links on their home page to calculating your retirement and any annuity estimates from your tsp that you want to get a ballpark figure of.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous sept 1. @ 10:47
Wow You just don't get it do you were is all that money going to come from. Free health care and free college for our kids ya Right.
He will give you all of that. Don't even get me started on the insult to Jesus with all that.
Did you read Anonymous August 31, 2008 7:57 PM. How long do you want to wait for a Dr. WAKE UP and get a clue dud.
How do they do it in socialist countries where everyone is supposed to be treated the same? Simple. Everyone gets treated like crap, and the rich folks go get their health care elsewhere.
You want ever thing for free Your a big free loader and I bet your not ever a due paying union member and just set back and watch other people do your work.....

Anonymous said...

For anyone looking for retirement stuff it is all on the local website in the retiree's link even you can download a copy of a Online Retirement Planning CD from
the SSA. The calculator there too retirement and tsp and a link to my The calculators will show your retirement benefits as well as disability and survivor benefit amounts if you should become disabled or die. I didn't mean to make it hard to find.

Anonymous said...

you want a great retirement calculator?

copy this link and check it out.

it is the best calculator out there. I just received my postal estimate and it was within three dollars for this link.

Anonymous said...

I just wend to the local web site and the calculators are way cool
thanks Roger.
I think if you would put them on the home page so we could find them better it would help.
Thanks again

Anonymous said...

I am wondering, is there anyone in San Diego who is seriously considering the early retirement idea? I know lots of people who are eligible, but no one I know is going to do it. I know a lot of people did it last time, I think it was 2004 or somewhere around there. And I remember the people that were close but not eligible were envious and said, I wish I was just a couple years older, for whatever. So now they are, but none of them that I know are doing it. Anybody out there going to get out of here early? And no, I am not one who can do it. Just kind of wondering.

Anonymous said...

to 9/2/08 -- 7:35 a.m.

not one of the respondees that you requested. just throwing in my two sense. am in that seven to nine year deficit for the retirement. however, in the cold day in hell's liklihood that they offered me three years to my age, three years to my service, and about $l00,000.00, then we'd be talking a little more than temptation! in the meantime, will live the well known, well worn adage - the struggle continues.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see that the national union is publishing the lie that Obama was a unanimous decision by the convention floor to get the union's backing for president. There were those on the floor who voted no and were ignored.

Anonymous said...

Its a Genuine shame and sad that not one of the e-board or any one
that has gone to the convention has said any thing about what happen there. They was there 5 days
I know they could come up with something to tell us. Our union dues paid for there Las Vagas vacation. So they should tell us something.
I don't know if any one but me is losing faith in them.
The stewards list and the bad stewards has not been taken care of yet. Rich still has his name on a lot of letter and posting around the plant. How many months has it been. I guess Tom is still a really layed back kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

I myself was reading the convention bulletins on the apwu board by the union office at MLS.

My question to the curious one is, did you attend the general membership meeting Aug 28th?
Maybe there was a report done there. Also, I remember in the past conventions that the following potpouri had articles by Tom, Jim, Ed, Hector and Tammy about the convention, so I am being patient. I am sure these article will be coming.

But, from personal contact with some who attended, I can tell you that the conference for the clerks was a waste of time, because all the national officers did was lecture everyone on how everyone will have to vote for the great one, Obama, and if they don't that means they are racist. That in itself is racist, and very wrong of them.

Burrus may have forgotton that he is black and many many whites and asians, hispanics and mixes voted for him, as well as blacks. He may have been just trying to intimidate people into voting the way he wants.

If that is what they really heard there, I think the national should refund the delegates money for hotel for those two days of conferences.

And also, the people I talked to said that is WAS NOT a unanimous vote to endorse Obama. Hearing about what transpired reminded me a bit of the Cornelius regime.


Anonymous said...

So Ester is on a campaign now to get people to drop from the union.

I am not surprised at that, because Ester is an egotistic and mentally disturbed girl.

I remember Her MOM campaign lies, though. I even kept their last flyer. For you MOM teamsters, in case you forgot, here is the final lines of their lies:

"If the MOM leadership team members are your candidates of choice, we look forward to serving you to the best of our ability. If not, we will continue to stand with you in solidarity and serve where need-for the good of our union."

Now, you have Rick cornelius refusing to cooperate and hand in papers, files, and keys, requiring the union to pay for changing locks. You have Larry, who is fired already, you have Mike, who has quit being a steward, Brendan, who has refused to even sign a schedule change for members, won't wear his steward badge, and did not cover the steawrds office during convention week.

And you have Queen Ester, who is still secretly meeting with her prince of darkness, Cornelius, and together they are carrying out their plan to divide the local by encouraging members to get out. Byu promising them that an EEO can do what a grievance can't. It isn't true, and the people will only realize it later.

They are misleading people, Remember what the MOM moniker stood for?
"Members organzing Members"

It sounds more like "Losers disorganizing Absolute Fools"

The Loaf Campaign raging on.

It is truly sickening.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. ester has a history of coming un-hinged at work.

She will again, and without her boy in office, she will have to go running to her number 2 boy (Tagart) to save her like he did a few months ago.

Only word has it that Tagart, (even tagart, believe it or not) has finally taken off his blinders and knows Ester is a big ZERO. Kind a like a relationship that starts out so exciting. The chick loves you, looks at you with goo-goo eyes, coos at your every word. Hell, you could spend a 2 hour dinner at Mr. A's belching and blowing your nose, and the chick still gets warm and gooey. Then, after a few months of sheer bliss, the chick whacks out on you, and you wake up from your nap, see the crazy broad who you used to see as the perfect dream girl, and what do you wanta to then then? Get away as far as you can from the nut job.

I think, from my viewpoint in the peanut gallery, that Tagart is wishing there was an emergency exit door where he could sneak out and get away from Ester and her MOM team.

Now, he is stuck being her Babysitter. Thats beautiful justice in itself.

Anonymous said...

watching the palin speech last night, which was very good I must admit, reminded me of our old blogger, the mad blogger, who is long gone away since the election.
Gosh how I miss that bloggers writings. Remember how the articles took the hard facts, numbers, documentations, etc, and exposed Rick for what he was doing? And some of them were so funny I couldn't stand it. sorta like the Palin speech. It was hilarious, and plus made good points. I am sure Obama and his version of DIck Chaney (Biden) were pulling out their hair as they watched it. Like I imagine Rick Did when he read the old blogsite.

I am sure that the press with obama's under the table help, will be blastin palin and making her out to be a monster.

No matter. I am a democrat against Obama, and for Mccain.

But I got a reminding last night of our old blog, and also the 2 or 3 people who always spoke up at meetings against what Rick was pulling off. And it made me really wish that our old blogger was back, maybe not even to be writing about the union now, because its getting better there. But I was so addicted to the articles that used to make me laugh and also more important than laugh, to make me think for myself.