Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where is the Post Office going?

Looking around at the economy and then looking around at the Postal Facility I am working at I see that the mail volume in first class has declined a lot since I first started working for the Post Office. Even our bread and butter mail the BBM (also known by many at home as "junk mail") has fallen off some. So now USPS is offering the VERA to just about anyone who wants to take it. Well, I do not know about most of you who maybe looking at taking the early out. But, if your not ready for it I would look long and hard at it. Only thing the Postal Service is offering you is a chance to leave before you might be ready to do so. If you do leave are you going to be able to live in the style you are accustomed to be living. Or will you be looking for anohter job either part-time or full-time which does not have the medical, dental, or other benefits that some of us have taken for granted for many years.

Now about McCain and Obama.... In my opinion the jury is still out on which one would make the best person to lead this Nation for the next four years. Right, now neither individual is a "perfect" choice. So, that leaves it up to you and me to choose what is commonly called "the lesser of two evils" to lead this Nation. Who will it be? I will keep doing my research, listening to other individuals, and weigh this choice with care. In November, I will decide who I will vote for.


Anonymous said...


Ask yourself these simple questions:
Are you *tired* at the end of your work tour?
Do you go home from work with bodily aches and pain from performing exhausting physical labor for eight hours?
Do you wake up with bodily stiffness, aches and pain from performing exhausting physical labor for eight hours the previous day?
(Believe it or not, *many* postal employees *do.*)

Do you think it is too much to ask of those postal employees who do not perform exhausting physical labor for eight hours a day to at least have respect for those who do?

It may be news to you, but those who do sometimes have trouble respecting those who don't.

Respect cannot be stolen by manipulating others by holding a certain position. Respect must be earned the same way everyone else earns respect; by being fair, compassionate, understanding and by carrying your share of the load.

Try putting yourself in the shoes of other people. Wake up.

Anonymous said...

Watching the huge thing happening today in Washington DC. Our futures hang in the balance. If it wasn't so dire, I would be laughing at the fact that the democrats up there are the ones who a few years ago insisted that illegals and other people who couldn't afford to buy a house be allowed to buy one anyhow. If they didn't know that the chickens would eventually come home to roost, they should be fired for incompetence. And if they knew that poor people can't afford $3,000 house payments and put those folks in that position anyhow, they should all be sent to federal prison and fined.

Democrats are the overpermissive indulgent "parents" in politics. Then their kids totally screw up, and they make excuses for them, bail them out again and again, and never seriously deal with the problem. Kind of like unions. Babying their crafts, convincing them they don't have to work hard and do a good job, getting them out of trouble time and again, and not doing what a good parent should--shoving the punk up against the wall and telling them to get their ass in gear and start acting like an adult.

And listening to Obama shucking and jiving, stuttering, and saying crap like, if they need me to come to washington, give me a call, in the middle of this HUGE HUGE financial disaster that we are witnessing, he reminds me EXACTLY of Rick Cornelius. A major fake and fraud, who spent his time pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. He was a bad act that nearly wrecked our local.

Wait'll ya see what Barack does once he's faking it in the white house. He isn't what his puppeteers are showing us. And when he is caught off guard, without the pertinent info data card inserted in the back of his head, Barack stammers, stutters, and says absolutely nothing. He is an empty suit. Tho a pretty hot looking guy. At least Obama is good looking. Rick cornelius had the worst toupee I've seen since Mr Trump.

Where is Ross Perot when you need him?

And wait till you see the Postal workers whining and screaming when massive excessing hits. From our own work place to the country in general, we are ready to be pushed off a cliff.

Yep, and Barack Cornelius OBama will be there to catch us, won't he?

Anonymous said...

To anonynous 1:33,
You hit the nail right on the head. What we thought was the lesser of two evils in our local turned out to be pure evil. If the person who asked how the Obama rag was paid for with its lie of a unanimous decision for him at the convention wants to know and is a union member go on the website and ask, no dare, the president to respond. Anyone who has been at the PO less than six years might want to start looking for a new job while there are still jobs out there. Of course once The Great Depression 2 hits all bets are off.

Anonymous said...

OK, I will ask the union president
why my union dues are spent on a magazine full of Obama. And that there is a lot of union members that does not support Obama. I will dare no double dare him...
It made me so sick I don't think I can go to the picnic this sunday.
Go to the local web site and check out the site on there for Smart Voter.
Loaded with samples of elected officials' voting records, campaign finance information, interest group ratings and contact information and more.
This is one apwu member for McCain and Palin. I will tell him that too.

Anonymous said...

To sick of it,
I was talking about the national president and website. Please go and enjoy the picnic. We all still have a lot in common and must stick together.

Anonymous said...

Hey all. If you signed up for the picnic, by all means go! Its always fun, you get to visit with people who maybe bid away long ago, and they always got good food and drinks.

Our future looks bleak, nationally, and locally, so, while we can, lets relax, forget about the world for 1 day, and get out there at Admiral Baker Field!

I will be there, as I always am every year. Its for us, the members.

Anonymous said...

I just went to the apwu website and to ask the national president.
And I ask him, we will see if he will answer. I don't think he will ever see it. They have screen I guess.

Anonymous said...

Burrus will find a way to make you all think that O'Bama is the wonderful Irishman remniscent of Kennedy, that he brings a youthful splendor to the white house, along with his gorgeous wife and cute little kids.

We are all just starting to realize that Kennedy was not the man we thought he was. Special money and favors from mobsters are what put him in office.

And we weren't allowed to find out how much diddlin' he was doing. He ended up becoming such a loose cannon, he was taken out. And we will never know the truth about that either.

Expect an interesting new chapter in US history to unfold before our very eyes. I can only pray that the violence of the sixties does not re-emerge.

Marion Williams said...

Well... I am getting sent information concerning McCain like this below I am posting.

Can anyone of you dispute this? If so let me know. I am still keeping an open mind.

McCain Fact

McCain does not support Equal Pay for Women

In April of this year HR 2831 the Equal Pay Bill was sent to the Senate chamber. This bill would have made it illegal to pay women less than men for similar work. This Bill was called the Equal Pay Bill.

In the Senate chamber it takes 60 affirmative votes to bring the measure to the floor. Senator McCain did not support this measure and therefore it did not have sufficient votes to come to the floor for a final vote. This same bill passed the House easily but without a vote in the Senate the bill died.

Anonymous said...

MOM go here and you will see he was not there to vote on it. It says next to his name NV: Not Voting, Excused, Absent. Or just go to The local web site gave us a good one to go to.
You can see how everybody voted on it and all the other bill ect.
For my Money I'm for McCain. So I guess I have mad up my mind. This site my help make up yours.

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you this, MOM, but from what I see, no ONE should get paid for services non rendered, or rended in a hass-assed fashion.

Now, at the PO, we have these little bitty Asian women, cute to look at, make great pot lucks, but when it comes to heavy lifting, guess what I get?

Oh, you can help me lift this, Pleeeeese? Its too heavy for me. Okya fine, I don't mind helping people. But, every time I lift something heavy IN Addition to my own heavy lifting, that puts a strain on my back and shoulder, not hers.

But she keeps getting her $51000 a year for smiling and saying thank you when the stronger people (and that does include some ass-kicking females I work with, do their work for them.

These people SHOULD NOT get equal pay. It is not Equal work, is it?

Then you got the chicks who get pregnant, so of course they can't do their full job the last several months, then they go out on their FMLA for 3 months, and then some of them come back on light duty, their backs hurt. Now I won't want to have to get pregant and have kids, I am sure it takes a big toll on the bod, but those chicks ain't doing the work for their boss day in day out like me, and they get Equal Pay for unequal work, don't they?

Then we got the babes who have to take sick leave 3, 4 , 5 days a month for the girl thing going on. Yeah, its a bummer to be going through that every month, but you got to take a week off work, which means other people got to step it up in your absence?

And yet, they get Equal Pay for unequal work.

Show me a chick, or a guy who comes to work every day, does his and her own lifting, doesn't take sneaky breaks, late coming back, etc, and don't try to get out of doing the fair share of the combined effort to get the mail out, and I say, those people deserve the pay grade.

All the lame, weak, runty, drippy, crampy, and jsut plain lazy DO NOTdeserve equal pay. We should get paid according to the amount of labor we invest in our work.

I guess that makes me against equal pay for everyone, but I prefer to say that I am the ONLY one properly interpreting our APWU contract language which states we do a FAIR DAYS WORK FOR A FAIR DAYS PAY. If we all followed that, which means you work half-ass, you get $25,000 a year, you work 100%, you get $51,000, you'd see most of these lazy, weak, crampy, bleedy people suddenly finding a new strength within themselves.

Kind of like all the permanent life stime rehabs who instantly got better a couple a years ago.

Anonymous said...

to max muscle 9-27 1:21p.m.

we've got an "ass kicking female" that works at our station. in fact, make that four of 'em, used to have five! only work with one or two of them at a time now, as duties have morphed and they have been spread out to fill in for the excessed employees. I feel sorry for the average guy that ever tries to mess with them. they'd throw them across the room! but seriously, they work hard, look good doing it, and even manage to have a sense of humor. I'm pretty lucky I guess. I remember the good ole days at midway. our mail handler would refer to the fragile femmes as "starlets". they would hover by the supervisor's desk just outside of the cutting area, while we were cutting mail. it was a riot! anyway, on the other side of the coin. you work hard everyday and do your best, and occasionally, due to wear and tear, you get hurt. then those lazy, fragile, glue in the veins workers look like geniuses. the bottom line is this -- when everybody works together, to the best of their ability, it makes a big difference!

Anonymous said...


I agree with you. Here is another example of why you should have a system that rewards hard work instead of a system that makes everyone feel good about themselves no matter what losers they are:

Look at this financial disaster going on. What they won't tell you is that the democrats, who are so into the huggy, touchy, feely, give everything to everyone and screw the ones who acually worked their asses off to earn their success. The dems are the ones, along with our idiot in charge who defies definition,Prez Bush, allowing people to take out loans and mortgages that they couldn't pay off. And EVERYONE in the banking industry, as well as in government, knew these losers would eventually default on their loans. But they couldn't say no. It wasn't politically correct to be prudent.

Come on. What did everyone expect to happen? Illegals, using fake names, and fake socials, people who don't have solid educations or dependable employment. People who can barely make a car payment, let alone a house payment. But, to make everyone feel good, lets let these fools sign up for 2 year home loans to buy houses at outrageously inflated prices, paying just the interest, and then the whole balance comes due in two years. Great idea, don't ya think?

And these retarded people were too stupid to understand that a huge bill would come due and they couldn't pay. And they'd get kicked out of their house before they even had a chance to get fully unpacked. And this happened all over the country. hundreds of thousands of families affected. They shouldn't have been fed the line of bull that they could live above their means.

But, equal housing for everyone is good, right? Just cause you can't pay for it doesn't mean you shouldn't have it, right?

Like our equal pay bull crap. Just cuz you can't physically or mentally do the work doesn't mean you shouldn't get paid for it, right? Don't worry, Somebody else will pull your load for you. He ain't heavy, he's my brother, and all that crap.

And with all those bad loans, we taxpayers, our kids and grandkids will be paying it off. Forever.

And like at work, physically fit mentally aware and non lazy people will put in our sweat equity so that our useless co-workers (and every pay location has at least one or two) can have the same benefits as we do.

But at least everyone will feel good about themselves. We do work hard and help others do their jobs, and the others who smile knowing they have duped the EAGLE into dropping his prescribed golden crap in their bank accounts each pay period. And their heist will continue until we are all excessed or until they retire.

Is this socialism, communism, or some other insane system?

Anonymous said...

Ok you guys. I must say I'm a lucky guy them. I work at MLS tour 2 and the female clerks we have works very hard some works harder that some guys. They are cute and do smell good too ha ha ha.
They lift the trays up to the top of the bread chart but some is so small they have to use the step.
talking about equal pay we have a few ET they are maint. that works on the machines they will not come and work on the machine after you call for them they take long breaks and lunchs. But there not all bad they are a few that will do what every you ask of them and they are the only one answering the call. So I guess it goes both ways right. I think they should pay the good workers and fire the bad ones that equal to me. No matter what sex they are.

Anonymous said...

What do you all think about prop 8?
Eliminates the right for same-sex to marry, constitutional amendment.
In 2000 we voted and passed prop 22
to specify that the law would be marriage only between man and woman. But some judges in San Francisco over turned it as a violation of equal rights.
I am voting YES on this one and that one more reason I will vote for McCain too. The Republican Party is for protectint the family and the definition of marriage.
The Democratic are going to vote No on it I know because I went to a store front for the Democratic and asked about and they told me I have better leave and to not talk about it that they are going to vote No on it. They was going to call the police on me just for asking about it. I didn't do anything but try to tell them about it.
If it don't pass! State law require that teachers teach our kids as yong as kindergarters about marriage. Education Code 51890. If this is not passed they will teach our kids it ok to have gay sex and all about it. That there is no differnt between gay marriage and traditional marriage.
Ok you know how I feel for the kids and our way of life VOTE YES on PROP 8.

Anonymous said...

any pictures from the picnic?

Anonymous said...

This was a day for the history books. Members of Congress who defeated the emergency package Monday have collected nearly $590,000 from the industries most affected, on average, but the bill's supporters received $883,000
For the whole story on your money check out this web site:
Very interesting.....

Anonymous said...

to apwu member for mccain:

Prop 8 does NOT forbid people the right to marry. It does define the word marriage as a unon between a man and a women.

If a gay wants to live a conventional life, he or she can do so.

Thing is, they don't. Have you ever been to one of their "Pride" parades? They are rather gross, disgusting displays of their oddity.

Now, if you are a weirdo and everyone knows you are a wierdo, there are two ways to change things.

Either quit acting like a pervert and a weirdo, or go on a massive campaign to force people with normal biological sex drives to accept your weirdness. either by brainwashing, as they are doing in our elementary schools right now, by coercion, as in suing anyone who dares say what freaks they are, ot by dressing up in suits, and running for political offices where you can then change definitions of an institution that has been around thousands and thousands of years.

The gay lobby is one of the most successful groups in American. They have convinced everyone that a tube that processes crap is also a reproductive love organ. Love can be pretty shitty, now that I think about it.

Now, there are many many tax-paying people out there who love having relationships with underage kids (Look at all the sicko teachers out there in the news these days) There are tons of lusty mormon and muslim-types who want the definition of marriage more on the traditional lines of biblical times so they can have lots of little missus in their huts cooking up a buffet for them every night.

If you don't believe these groups are next you are nuts. And if you draw the line and won't let these equally deserving people marry whom they choose, is that fair?

We can't afford to maintain Social Security now. Imagine now that we have millions of Gay spouses coming up soon with their hands out in this thing goes nationwide. Ditto with the horn-dog who has 4 or 5 women and 30 kids. How do you propose that we fund the social security account for this? Then there is the health issue. There is a promiscuousness in the gay community, combined with serious drug abuse (meth and poppers), that is destructive to themselves and their families. These people are not gay (happy) they are miserable because of their behavioral abnormality that is being condoned, and not truly analyzed.

Sorry. I lived in a gay neighborhood for years, in a gay apartment bulding. I know what the lifestyle is about. And by the way, most of my former neighbors are now dead from AIDS.

So, call me a bigot, but I am sticking with the time tested one guy one gal marriage.

The gays can live together, will each other their estates, adopt each other, change their names legally so they share a surname, dress in each others clothes, pretend to be the opposite sex, bring innocent kids into the charade, and whatever else they want to do in order to fool themselves into thinking they are normal. But its nor marriage and its not normal.

Just remember back when you were a kid and werne't brainwashed yet. remember when you first discovered the concept of gayness? didn't it gross you out, or at least fascinate you in a morbid way similar to seeing a freakshow at a roadside midwest circus?

Your instincts back then were correct. But your mind has been co-opted.

Anonymous said...

I guess the local unions web site is dead!

no update for over a month!

where are the picnic pictures?

Anonymous said...

To whoever is obsessing about the website.

Just so you know, we are facing the loss of 100 plus clerks from San Diego after January 31, 2009.

Excessing up to 500 miles away has been ordered, and the union has been duly notified.

Mgmt is building a new staffing with less full time jobs and more part time jobs, to deal with national APWU's HUGE mistake of doing away with PTFs in large offices and plants.

Our local officers, or some otf them anyhow, are engaged in several continuing pressure-filled meetings with mgmt and with regional coordinators, both here in san diego and out of town, to try to prevent what could be a massive exodus of people from san diego, from full time employment, and as a matter of consequence, from union membership in our local.

Come to a meeting once in a while. Whoever is obsessing on the website most likely hasn't been to a meeting since before King Cornelius was tossed from the throne.

We are facing a very serious problem in the next 5-6 months. A real problem, losing people, losing jobs, losing dues revenues. The picnic photos and local website are back burner right now compared to this.

Perspective, please!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous October 1, 2008 7:47 AM Said....

Prop 8 does NOT forbid people the right to marry. It does define the word marriage as a unon between a man and a women.

IT DOES FORBID SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. That means it keeps gays from legally getting marry.

It restores the meaning of marriage and protects it as an essential intitution that has benefited mankind since the beginning of time. Every culture in the would understands that marriage is between a man and a woman.

They can still be domestic partners but not marry and have all the rights to that just like they did before.

You are going to VOTE YES ON PROP 8
RIGHT!!!!! Go to for more info and to join the fight for our family and the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought.

The Unions web master is NOT an officer and should be posting things as they happen!

Anonymous said...

Will you all!! The website is updated with the date and a link to buying your Military time Back you want picture or what ever sent it to me ok.
Thanks for all the support. I think it is about time to kill it
no one seams to care about about it anyway I can't get anything to but on it. Look at the real change before they make me take it off too.

Anonymous said...

Picnic was really fun. Lots of people from all over town. People I only see once or twice a year so it was cool to kick back and chew the fat for awhile. Kids loved all the activities. Food good. shade and places to sit and visit.

I look forward to seeing photos in the potpourri or on the website in the near future.

Marion Williams said...

Well.. If anyone has any pictures of the picnic they can send it to me at my email address and I will post them up here on this website or link to where I have them online. Myself, I did not get the chance to go to the picnic due to other prior planned engagements.

Also, to the webmaster of our Local 197 website keep up the good work. Sometimes it is a thankless job. I think you are doing a good job.

Here is also another website for anyone who wants to see how our Presidential Candidates stack up. You can take a quiz or just see how each candidate feels about certain key issues.

That website is