Monday, December 1, 2008

Countdown to no more Blog

Over the course of time, beginning with the original blogger who had this sight and till now. Each of us have tried to do something to call attention to things we have considered wrong and in need of correction. So, I feel that it is finally time to lay this blog to rest as of 30 December 2008.

So to all of you who supported this blog from the start when Tricky Wicky was our Local's President through the changes that are occurring now throughout the post office. I, "Thank each of you", for your input no matter whether or not I agreed with it.

May each of us in our own unique way try to change things to make it better for ourselves and others around us.



Anonymous said...

It's all about choices.

Anonymous said...

To mom at 9:38a.m.

you will be missed(at least a little by me -- tho will admit I came here to read the comments mostly) I understand. you had a tuff act to follow, along with all the dysfunctionality and controversy. you will be closing down just before things start to really get interesting! who knows? maybe with obama in the "high-chair" we will see wal-mart unionized. people employed there making a livable wage! sure we will have to pay a little more (my unprofessional estimate --20 to 30% more) can you imagine, someone actually quitting the post office to go to work at wal-mart? quitting the p.o. to work at wal-m. cause it's closer, cleaner or just because they might want to work on tour 2. yea, I know, sci-fi stuff, but I can always hope! also maybe potter or the powers that be, under obama's admin. might wake up a little, and start to care about customer service again, a little more, instead of privatizing everything postal and quit soliciting for designs for machines that will mix letters/flats, causing untold missorts and missing, delayed mail, if not worse! yea, mom, I think you're pulling the plug just as things are getting interesting. we'll have plenty of other places to read about it. it's just that you will be missing out on all that fun! take care, thank you for continuing, and all the best to you and yours during the upcoming holidays!

Anonymous said...

One measure of your success will be the degree to which you build up others who work with you. While building up others you will build up yourself.