Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rant and Rave

Been a while since I have updated this blog. Since then I have heard from the mailhandlers that Management has messed up when it come to doing the excessing. They got sent away to a couple of different areas and then they were brought back to where they started. This was actually a lucky thing for the clerks. Since it showed the shortcomings of the excessing when it is done improperly. This is going to cost USPS management more than they expected. So maybe less craft workers will be effected by the excessing due to the cost of moving employees.

Now I am curious about something.... How many of you out there know of or knew of Management being married to craft employees? How does this affect the employees around these individuals? I have not been around as long as many of you. So I would like to begin compiling a list of these individuals, where they are currently and how you think they affect the ones around them.

1. Gary Hill MDO T-2 MLS P&DC and Armi Hill Clerk T-1 MLS P&DC from what I have observed with both of them on separate tours there is not much impact on the employees around them.

2. Charles Sweet T-2 Maintenance Manager (supposedly detailed to Pacific Area but he still is running MLS P&DC and Midway Maintenance) and Veronica Phung (Sweet) T-2 Maintenance Support Clerk from what I have heard and observed there is a large impact on the employees around these individuals both on the craft and management side. For you never know when you speak up about something how soon it will get back to Charles either by Veronica when they go home or when she walks directly into Charles office to speak with him. Now it is even better with her again going to be a 204b in charge of Maintenance employees. Why is she in a 204b position when her husband is in charge of Maintenance. Oh, yes... someone will say that Lee Miller is actually in charge while Charles Sweet is up in Pacific Area. But, since when has Lee Miller had a thought of his own without asking Sweet's permission to blow his nose.


Marion Williams said...

To the person who calls themselves George Barna. Yes, I deleted your posting because you had already made the identical posting on 7 April 2009 at 11:08am. Please continue to post interesting items.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

looks like Larry fuqua is back at work and going to be assigned to the area where mrs sweet is going to be a 204B.

word on the street is that larry was brought back because the post office was losing all the grievances and there was nothing left to support a removal.

more will be known after Wednesday the 8th when another hearing will be held.

oh ya larry got married while out and now lives in orange county! long drive, maybe he will get a transfer as part of his settlement.

Beyond Going Postal said...

In the book, “Beyond Going Postal,” requirements and recommendations were provided to the Postal Service to enable the shift from an unhealthy organization to a healthy one. These requirements and recommendations included a change in leadership style, organizational design, reward and performance evaluation systems, selection and development and change management.

Musacco, a San Diego County resident, is author of “Beyond Going Postal: Shifting from Workplace Tragedies and Toxic Workplace Environment to a Safe and Healthy Organization.” He can be reached via goingpostal-beyond.com. Click on the heading name for this website!!

Marion Williams said...

I would like all of you all to read what I have recieved in an email. Pass it on to others if you agree with it.

We are under attack from all sides at this time in my local.

The USPS failed to staff custodial positions and then did a new PS Form 4852 and cut the staffing. Most of our buildings are dirty and look like a mess.

MVS is having problems with contractors and the changes to routes.

The clerk craft is having staffing reductions and excessing. Unfortunately the clerks are being excessed out of the craft. In most cases they are being excessed to letter carrier positions.

The current attack on clerks includes excessing and sending limited duty employees home.

The USPS is calling in injured workers and telling them they have no work. This is causing a hardship to these workers because they must file CA 7’s and CA 7 A’s as well as a CA-2 A. All take time to address and in the mean time employees are without compensation.

All I can say in all my years of being a union representative I have never seen the USPS act in such an inhumane way.

Management has always stated employees were their most important asset. This is no longer the case.

One problem is none of us knows exactly who is making the decisions. It does not appear current decisions are local manager’s decisions. However, local managers are marching straight ahead without any concern of the well being of workers.

2008 and 2009 are sad years for us. During all of these attacks we have employees who do not belong to the union and, worst of all, some drop from the union during these times.

Now is the time for all workers to unite. Many workers in the United States do not care about organized labor or the other workers they work with.

We should all seek the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Union membership needs to increase and workers rights and benefits need to improve.

Bobby Donelson, President
Southwest Coastal Area Local
1500 South Sunkist, Suite C
Anaheim, CA 92806

web page: http://www.swcal.org

“2009 Pig Book” said...

April 15 might become the biggest tax-and-spend protest since the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Politicians fear spontaneous citizen outrage. That’s because when the public realizes they have been scammed, bamboozled, defrauded and hustled by politicians who take and then misspend their money - mostly to enhance their own power - they’ll run like scalded dogs.

Unlike in the 1958 cult movie “The Blob,” which featured a creature from outer space that consumed everything to which it attached itself, government is a homegrown monster, consuming ever-increasing amounts of capital. And this government blob doesn’t discriminate. It grows no matter which party is in charge. While the deficit last week raced past $1 trillion, the federal government and many state governments are trying to pry more of our money from us so they can finish creating a dependency culture from which we’ll never escape.

California is second to New York’s high tax rate, having just raised its top income tax rate to 10.55 percent. This means that with the Obama administration’s plan to increase federal taxes, successful residents of New York and California will be paying more than half of their incomes - when payroll, sales and other forms of taxes are included - to governments. When is enough, enough? Now!

To further increase your outrage, read the “2009 Pig Book” from Citizens Against Government Waste, www.cagw.org, which is released today. Like its previous editions, the latest “Pig Book” chronicles some of the most outrageous examples of wasteful government spending.

“The gross federal debt is now almost $9 trillion, or more than $29,000 per person. That is how much every man, woman and child in America owes to this debt. This is the fiscal mess that we have to clean up.” The debt and the per-person cost are now far greater. Do we hear a peep from the Democrats who were critical of the Bush deficits? Nope.

Anonymous said...

You missed out on the fun from the late eighties at Midway, when gary Hill and Armi Hill were married and both on Tour 1. One night, on Armi's night off, gary was sitting in the swing room bragging on himself to some girl sitting there, and Armi came storming in, I guess she was the jealous type, hauled off and smacked him. And then a month or two later, she did the same thing out by the LSMs. And there was zero tolerance for them, as in, Management did zero about the incidents.

George Albano and his old Lady both work in Automated letters areas, but different pay locations, so hopefully never the twain shall meet.

Used to be fun watching Juancho Lim's sister kissing up to Manager Tom Franklin (he is retired now) She would go rubbing his arms and purring at him. She was one of his 204Bs Boy she would have been jealous when he took up with Marva LaDay, who had just transfered from the Bay Area right after we moved the plant to MLS. Funny, there seems to be a pattern there, cause marva was one of his 204Bd too, and they both got promoted. You go girls!

So you see, we in San Diego have a long established practice of nepotism and favoritism. I won't even go into the friendly fillies in Margaret Sellers circle of pals. She had several close female compadres in her harem, and no one seemed to have a problem with that.

Its just the way things are, and will never ever change.

Anybody else got more examples? Because I know there are more but I can't really come up with the memories just now.

Anonymous said...

Here is how I see the situation we are in now.

We all voted for upgrades, for clerks to level 6.

We all voted to get rid of PTF status in big offices.

We all voted to end non consecutive days off at plants.

We were stupid, greedy, and now we will pay.

Management has good reasons now to excess. And they are.

They are also making full time bids into part time bids (there goes your pay raise)

They are making 6 day a week PTR jobs. Because they make a Sunday/Tuesday off bid at the plant now.

Greed has killed off other union-run industrial jobs, and greed is killed ours. Its happening before our eyes. Remember that the unions job is to get us as much as they can. They did. But in the end those goodies are poisonous.

We took the bait. Now we are being reeled in. Its starting to hurt now, isn't it. But there is no way out. We sealed our fate as a union. Next stop--2010, and concessions.

Now what do you think mgmt will ask for? No lay off clause to go away? Higher percentage of PTR staffing? Which one will the union give up? Cuz I am sure the arbitrator will be giving something back to mgmt.

Anonymous said...

to anon. 4/15 7:00 p.m.

in response to here's how I see the situation...

daily read thru the main postal worker related sites and hav'nt seen where anyone has nailed it (the situation we are in as postal workers) as well as you! spelled out pretty clearly! my quess is that if it were up to the union to make a choice, they would push to affect the greater good, would push to keep continuance of the "no lay-off clause" and if something were to have to be given back, the allowance of a higher percentage of part-time workers. hopefully both parties would have the insight to have a special provision included that would specify that if the economy were to improve significantly or volume return to near normal levels, they could be flexible in renegotiating the percentages of part-time workers that are allowed. this would keep us from having to start from scratch or waiting until the next contract. anywho, enjoyed reading your comment. bad news aside, wish there were a lot more like it.