Monday, April 20, 2009

Goodbye... (I mean to the clerks being excessed)

Well... I just thought I would wish the clerks who are being excessed a "Good bye and Good Luck" for the new positions they will be taking. Whether it is at a new station, new city, or even a new craft. But, I have heard that some have decided not to continue to be full-employees with USPS anymore. Instead, they have chosen to become Part Time Regulars (PTR) instead of having maybe to move to another city or maybe change crafts. Good luck to all of you who decided to become PTR's. I hope it was the best decision for you.

Now, has anyone heard when the mailhandlers are going to continue with their excessing? Drop a line here and let us know what is going on.

Talking about excessing.... Even management is finally feeling it a little... hahahahahaha Take for instance, Gary Hill from Tour 2 he is being excessed but he dont' seem to mind since he is being detailed over to Maintenance to as a Level 23 (currently Level 20) plus then he still gets to stay on at MLS P&DC.

Now I know some of you have seen little short redhead named Gretchen back on the workroom floor of MLS ove the past two weeks. Why? Was she not detailed up to Moreno Valley to be the Senior MDO for that plant? Maybe it was something that she either was not prepared for or incapable of doing properly. So she is now back at MLS.


Anonymous said...

The EAS community is still on their detail merry-go-round. Plunkett is at moreno velley now, instead of Gretchen. Why? Who knows. Just the detail-rama.

Gary Hill will be a little bit out of his element in maintenance, but I bet it won't take long for him to find some dumb chicks that are willing to sit and listen to him brag about what a great manager he is, ad nauseum, for hours, days, and years on end, like he has been doing for years already.

I would like to know how many work hours were wasted by clerks, usually young Asian, Mexican, or Filipina pursuasion, who he locked in on and started his long droning.

I am not insulting the clerks, understand. It would be quite rude for a bargaining unit employee to walk away from a bragging supervisor or manager, and it would put a huge target on your back if you insulted them by telling them you don't really care that much about their golf game, their kids sports exploits, or their prowess as a young supervisor in the seventies.

If Plunkett knew how Hill acts, I think there would be a "come in my office, we need to talk" moment.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to get input from the clerks who will be leaving us this Friday, once they get in their new spots.

I'd be curious to know how mgmt, how the union, how life in general is on the other side of the mountain.

I have heard some horror stories about LA carrier units and all. And I heard Moreno valley is an armpit.

Would like to know for sure.

Anonymous said...

I,m sure Moreno Valley is an armpit now that Ms. Plunkett is there. Look what she and Bertolina have done to MLS and Midway. Seems to be her MO. Go somewhere, fuck it up, and move on. Oops, she would never fuck the unions and employees since she was once an APWU rep, as she loves to boast. As for Mr. Hill. The snakes in maintenance will eat him alive.

An Irish proverb said...

"A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest."

Happy Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th. Don't forget!

Should cause an uptick in mail volume these next two weeks. Also noteworthy is the increased volume by ballots being mailed by absentee voters. Could be a major source of revenue as more and more voters utilize the convenience of mail-in ballots. Saves time, hassle and gasoline.

Anonymous said...

The most remarkable, or certainly the least remarked on, aspect of Barack Obama’s first 100 days has been the infectious arrogance of his presidency.
There’s no denying that this is liberalism’s greatest opportunity for wish fulfillment since at least 1964. But to listen to Democrats, the only check on their ambition is the limit of their imaginations.

“The world has changed,”
“The old Reagan philosophy that served us well politically from 1980 to about 2006 is over. But the hard right, which still believes ... (in) traditional-values kind of arguments and strong foreign policy, all that is over.”

Right. “Family values” and “strong foreign policy” belong next to the “free silver” movement in the lexicon of dead political causes.
When George W. Bush was in office, we heard constantly about the poisonous nature of American polarization. For example, Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg came out with a book arguing that “our nation’s political landscape is now divided more deeply and more evenly than perhaps ever before.” One can charitably say this was abject nonsense. Evenly divided? Maybe. But more deeply? Feh.

During the Civil War, the political landscape was so deeply divided that 600,000 Americans died. During the 1930s, labor strife and revolutionary ardor threatened the stability of the republic. In the 1960s, political assassinations, riots and bombings punctuated our political discourse.

Sure, America was divided under Bush. And it’s still divided under Obama (just look at the recent Minnesota Senate race and the New York congressional special election). According to the polls, America is a bit less divided under Obama than it was at the end of Bush’s first 100 days. But not as much less as you would expect, given Obama’s victory margin and the rally-around-the-president effect of the financial crisis (not to mention the disarray of the GOP).

Obama has surely helped set the tone for the unfolding riot of liberal hubris. In his effort to reprise the sort of expansion of liberal power we saw in the 1930s and 1960s, Obama has - without a whiff of self-doubt - committed America to $6.5 trillion in extra debt, $65 billion for each of his first 100 days, and that’s based on an impossibly rosy forecast of the economy. No wonder congressional Democrats clamor to take over corporations, tax the air we breathe and set wages for everybody.

On social issues such as abortion and embryonic stem cell research, Obama has proved to be, if anything, more of a left-wing culture warrior than Bush was a right-wing one. All the while, Obama transmogrifies his principled opponents into straw-man ideologues while preening about his own humble pragmatism. For him, bipartisanship is defined as shutting up and getting in line.

I’m not arguing that conservatives are poised to make some miraculous comeback. They’re not. But American politics didn’t come to an end with Obama’s election, and nothing in politics breeds corrective antibodies more quickly than overreaching arrogance. And by that measure, Obama’s first 100 days have been a huge down payment on the inevitable correction to come.

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2009

APWU members who plan to attend the 2009 All-Craft Conference can now register online, select workshops, and remit payment to the national union through

The 2009 All-Craft Conference will be held Sept. 30 through Oct. 3 in Las Vegas. The event will feature a comprehensive series of educational workshops and general business sessions in which important craft issues and resolutions will be discussed and voted on. Craft-specific workshops will be offered for members of the Clerk, Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Services, and Support Services Crafts, as well as training sessions of general interest. The registration fee is $65 per person through Aug. 15; from Aug. 16 through Sept. 1, the cost is $100.

In just a few easy steps, individual members can sign-up for business sessions and events. Presidents, secretary-treasurers, secretaries, or treasurers of locals and state organizations also can enroll their delegations. No paper registration forms will be used.

Online payments can be made by credit card or via electronic transfer from a checking account.

To register, APWU members should visit; select the link listed On the Calendar (lower right column of the main page), and click on the link for conference registration. Visitors will be required to log in using their Employee ID number and password. (Instructions are displayed on the log-in page.)

Pissed off said...

Who has the money or knows what job they will have by then.
I for one will not go and spend money I don't have for a union that is not helping us.
How is that going to help us keep our jobs.

I want my country back said...

Myself I thanks this is a more importent thing to worry about!

President Obama He really believes that wealthy Americans owe a large chunk of their prosperity to other folks not as prosperous or just lazy. And he really believes social engineering, not self-reliance, should be the theme of government.

The best example I can give you is national security, your personal safety. By reversing the Bush anti-terror policies, Mr. Obama has tied the hands of American counter-intelligence agents. No longer are they on the offensive. Some experienced agents have quit; others are phoning it in.

According to Stratfor, the USA is reverting back to the failed counter-intel policies before we were hit on 9/11. The enemy well understands the shift in American policy and is stepping up terror activity in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, while at the same time Iran and North Korea continue to give the world the middle finger.

So presidential rhetoric aside, the unintended consequences of the president's first 100 days have dramatically altered the terror battlefield. No question.

We need to get back the way things were on Sept. 12, 2001. That day we was not obessed red or blue states or anything doing with color, We was all American standing together to protect this great country of our. And what ever it took to keep us free.

I feel my freedom is slipping away. With all the change that has been going on. Most for the worst.

I think The president sincerly belives what he is doing is good. I believe that. But I do not believe he truly understands the way of our founding father, or the evil in the world, and and his liberal policies are showing that will have a very hard time containing it. Wait and see.

Go to this website and the one on the heading

So we can get our country back....

An Old Irish Prayer said...

Alone with none but thee, my God,
I journey on my way.
What need I fear when thou art near,
O King of night and day?
More safe am I within thy hand
than if a host should round me stand.

My destined time is known to thee,
and death will keep his hour;
did warriors strong around me throng,
they could not stay his power:
no walls of stone can man defend
when thou thy messenger dost send.

My life I yield to thy decree,
and bow to thy control
in peaceful calm, for from thine arm
no power can wrest my soul.
Could earthly omens e'er appal
a man that heeds the heavenly call?

The child of God can fear no ill,
his chosen dread no foe;
we leave our fate with thee, and wait
thy bidding when to go.
'Tis not from chance our comfort springs.
thou art our trust, O King of kings.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who loved the insanity of the Rick Cornelius regime ought to love Obama and the mess he is making of our country.

Like Cornelius, Obama is vilifying past administrations and is actively setting his pitbulls after them.

Like Cornelius, he is appointing people who don't have a clue as to what they should be doing.

Like Cornelius, he has attracted the more less educated people, the people who were raised to have a permanent chip on their shoulders, the people who want things.

The only difference is, Obama is a better speaker, more attractive to the eye. Seemingly a normal family man with kids and now even a dog. Cornelius was a freak, hiding a secret life.

Cornelius was a distraction from what management was planning, and now the local has to play catch up for 3 years of destruction.

That is nothin. Wait till Obama is done destroying everything he touches.

To all you liberal nuts who think Obama walks on water. I dare you to offer your neighborhood, your home, to the Gitmo neck slitters that he plans to re-settle in the US next year. Come on, put your money where you mouth is, people. Obama believes these are nice young men who just need a second chance. Who is going to accept these murderous punks into their community?

Maybe the code pinkers will, because we know how much radical muslims LOVE women, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama, who vowed he’d provide a transparent administration staffed with disinterested public servants with the self-restraint of Roman castrati, appointed an admitted tax cheat to run the Treasury Department - and he’s hardly the only one in the administration.

New York Rep. Charles Rangel, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is under investigation for, among other things, failing to report income from his Caribbean villa. Meanwhile, Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, got sweetheart deals from subprime lender Countrywide and has yet to adequately explain his too-good-to-be-true deal on his million-dollar “cottage” in Ireland, which he may have gotten in exchange for finagling a pardon (from President Clinton) for a felon. Oh, Dodd also secretly protected those AIG bonuses that raised such a ruckus.

Rep. Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania, Nancy Pelosi’s moral authority on military matters during the Iraq war, has been revealed as a kleptomaniac of sorts, delivering as much of the federal budget as possible to various cronies and lobbyists.

But you know what? We ain’t seen nothing yet. For starters, the real corruption isn’t what the media are ignoring or downplaying as isolated incidents. It’s what the media are hailing as strokes of bold, inspirational leadership. The White House, as a matter of policy, is rewriting legal contracts, picking winners (mostly labor unions and mortgage defaulters) and singling out losers (evil “speculators”), while much of the media continue to ponder whether Obama is already a greater president than FDR.

Take Obama’s “car czar,” Steven Rattner. According to ABC’s Jake Tapper, Rattner is accused of threatening to use the White House to smear a Chrysler creditor if it refused to back the administration’s Chrysler bankruptcy plan. He’s also connected to a massive pension fund scandal involving the investment firm he used to run. It’s alleged that Rattner’s firm bought the less-than-worthless DVD distribution rights to the achingly awful film “Chooch” - produced by the brother of an official in the New York comptroller’s office - as a thinly veiled bribe to gain access to New York pensions funds. Chooch, by the way, is Italian slang for “jackass,” which just happens to be the Democrats’ mascot.

The truth is, political corruption is inevitable with what ever party you elect.
The thing is, this has become the governing philosophy of the Democratic Party, from banking and cars to health care and now student loans. The federal government is taking over, and the culture of corruption inevitably trickles down.
It's time we get a new party one that is really for the people.

Max Lucado said...

The push for power has come to shove. And most of us are either pushing or being pushed.

I might point out the difference between a passion for excellence and a passion for power. The desire for excellence is a gift of God, much needed in society. It is characterized by respect for quality and a yearning to use God's gifts in a way that pleases him...

But there is a canyon of difference between doing your best to glorify God and doing whatever it takes to glorify yourself. The quest for excellence is a mark of maturity. The quest for power is childish.

- from his book "The Applause of Heaven"

Anonymous said...

Its getting interesting in DC.

Obama finally got the memo that to inflame the muslim world against Americans might result in Americans getting a religiously sanctioned ritual slaughter, so now, after opening the barn door and letting out our secret interrogation techniques, he thinks he can shut the barn door. What a numbskull. its too late!

Now it has slipped out that Obama attempted to make US Postal Workers pay 27% of our health car costs (instead of the current 14%) AND make us pay 67% of our life insurance premiums! Only when the ree-tard had it explained that we have labor unions who would sue the USPS if this was enacted did he back down, but here it the quote from his spokesman in the White House Mgmt and Budget office, Ken Baer---"A more comprehensive package of reforms is coming down the pike."

Our contract expires NEXT YEAR folks. You had better start saving your pennies. Because Obama intends to fulfill his promise to have an equal society. And for us "overpaid" Postal workers, that means cuts in pay and cuts in benefits, so we fit with the rest of the population.

You voted for social justice. I hope you like the pounding you are about to get. Because guess what, overpaid postal workers? YOU are the pigs and the bad guys, according to the Acornians who represent the felons and welfare queens who don't get the paycheck we get. And we should ALL be treated equally, shouldn't we?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. Now thousands of people are losing their jobs because big brother is shutting down car dealerships across America.

Wait till Big Brother starts consolidating postal facilities. You don't think its gonna happen?

And don't let the media lie to you and let you believe the economy is about to get better. With all these new people being added to the unemployment rolls, things are going to get worse.

And you are gonna love it when Big Brother starts forcing our older make autos off the road, and forcing us to buy "green" or to ride the railways they are supposedly going to build.

The people whining at the MLS PDC because they are losing their bid jobs need to smell the coffee. At least they still have a postal job. So it ain't resting their butts on rest bars anymore. Well, exercise never hurt anybody.

Sweeper said...

Have you heard the latest from the Maintenance Dept? Sweet is on a rampage again. All American Flags or any thing has to come off the toolboxes again.
Like he has nothing better to worry about. So what is so wrong with the American Flag? I heard ET Roger Howkin when home early Thursday because he was so mad about it. I think that is totally wrong when we can't have a American Flag on our things. I think he has gone to far this time.
What do you think? Should we call the news media and see what they say?

Anonymous said...

Call the media. You might also bring the nepotism issue up as well.

Anonymous said...


"on our things"







check this out! said...

Anonymous May 17, 2009 10:58 AM
You might be a commie pinko fag too! Your one of those guys that stays home and let other guys fight for your freedom.
So this guy loves the flag I do too.