Thursday, September 3, 2009

MLS Maintenance Tour Re-alignment

This week began the new Maintenance work hours for the majority of maintenance craft employees at MLS P&DC which I list below using standard 24 hour time not postal times:

Tour 1 2200 till 0630
Tour 2 0600 till 1430
Tour 3 1400 till 2230

These times are for the majority of maintenance craft employees that work at MLS P&DC.

So now let us look at the exceptions that are not working these standard hours that the Management in Maintenance have kept:

There are employees that are working a 4/10 work week. This is a work week that has the employee working 10 hours each day for 4 days a week. This gives that employee 3 days off each week. I will list below the hours I believe to be correct for the tours I am aware of:

Tour 1 2200 till 0830
Tour 2 (hours worked are unknown to me can anyone give them to me?)
Tour 3 Noon till 2230 and 1300 till 2330

So looking at the above 4/10 workers I would have to ask why does Tour 3 have two different start times for their workers?

Now then we have some other maintenance craft employees that their hours were not changed. These employees are the MOS clerks in maintenance that are used in Tool and Parts. Why were not these employee's hours not realigned to match their maintenance workers that they support? Management thought that maintenance employees on the floor only needed a 30 minute overlap for any interaction between the tours. So why is it that Management did not do the same with the MOS clerks? Instead, of 30 minute overlap in some instances you are looking at 1 1/2 hours of overlap.Why is this? I could only guess at one of the reasons like not wanting to change any of the level 7 MOS clerks to correspond to the Tour 2 that they are currently on. It might just be inconvenient for some of them. Well this whole realignment for MLS maintenance tour hours has not been convenient for many individuals. So why should they be singled out for not being affected? Any ideas on this?

Now then let us look at what is called


Anonymous said...

tour two 4-10 hours are.

6 am to 4:30 pm

Anonymous said...

If maintanance intends to follow the clerk and mail handler staffing planners, then prepare to have your hours changed alot. Over and over again. And to loose your bid jobs and have to go to tour one, and then back to tour 3 or from tour 2 to tour 1. We don't know what are scheduled will be from one month to the next anymore. But I don't care much as long as I get my 40 hours and maybe sometimes some ot or holiday pay. I am not going to be a big jerk and whine like a baby when I still got a job and my neighbors, friends and some family are out and looking for a new job.