Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the Potpourri

I just received my Potpourri on Wednesday. It was very nice to actually to have some relevant information being given out. I am in full agreement with our local officers and trustees that we now must work together to leave behind the legacy/disaster that Rick Cornelius left for our local to recover from.

So to all Union members talk to our officers and trustee's to let them know what you think our local needs.

Also remember, that management is trying to downsize right now. Look around you, take a look at the casuals that are working currently. Very soon, neither the clerks or mailhandlers are going to have anymore casuals working. Why is this? Look around you to the mail volume that our plants are processing. To many times our supervisors are asking who wants to take annual leave right away. Protect your jobs.... Do NOT let a supervisor or 204B do your work. Let them supervise you while you are doing your job. But, most of all do not let them do you work.

Contact your shop steward so something can be done about it. Remember, that if they are doing your job... how soon will it be before they try to eliminate your job or abolish it?


Anonymous said...

What happen to the tour steward program?

Anonymous said...

If I may respond to 6/4/08 - 3:30p.m.--
and to the potpurri article--

in the latest issue of the potpourri, tom wood states, on page 4, "the tour steward program was also renegotiated with some changes to it. We look forward to working with you and the postal service to make sure that all members are represented, and that you will be able to reach a union representative 24 hours a day."

also appreciated hearing relevant info concerning our local and its latest goings on. the latest efforts being made to heal the recent wounds being inflicted, and the promise of attending to the healing from the last 3 years of the local's leadership. mr. wood, mr. tagart, mr. thompson, mr. cooper, mr. knipe and last but not least mr baez all provided good info!

mr. woods long awaited article was much enjoyed. from bringing us up to date to the nice thank you's to his home station. the other eboard members all contributed good info and shared some common concerns -- letting the past go, getting on with the healing, dealing with our current situations and besides thanking their supporters, inviting their non-supporters for feed back and voicing any concerns that they might have. a big breath of fresh air for a change! thank you! also, vito's article on bereavement leave was of much interest, as I was recently discussing, the little that I knew about it, with someone from another line of work and their plan.

Anonymous said...

If I may respond to 6/4/08 - 3:30p.m.--
and to the potpurri article.....

then why is the APWU union room always dark at carmel mtn?

Anonymous said...

I think they are still trying to make a final deal on the tour steward program. In the meantime, we gotta ask the supervisor for us to see a steward, and if the supervisor ask us why, we really are suppose to tell them, I read the contract and it says that. I think people don't think they got to talk to the supervisor but contract says they do. So just tell supervisor, like, I gotta see a steward because I saw you doing craft work for the last 15 minutes, or whatever, then they gotta go make arrangements for you to see the steward, even though they don't want to.

Now, problem is, we really kinda don't know who the stewards are for our pay locations. Because the contract says that steward be assigned by work locations and I don't know if that means location as in the building, or location as in pay location. Maybe that what they are ironing out for the tour steward. Tour steward meaning, steward for everybody on that tour. I don't know, these just my guess.