I have a Union member from another local asking for help. I freely admit to not knowing everything there is about our own local and also what goes on at the national level of the APWU.
Here is the basics of what I have been told. I am withholding the names of individuals and also of the local involved. Please feel free to give constructive and meaningful answers.
I would sincerely appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can send my way. We have a shop steward in place that is constantly running to management turning in union employees for every small transgression. We need protection from our SHOP STEWARD!!
Several years ago, a number of clerks signed a letter to try and have this steward removed from office. The "then" president said he could not do it. We have recently approached the latest president to try again and he said he would look into it. This steward has made the comment "You will never remove me from office unless I resign" Once again, I appreciate any help.Any suggestions?
Now is there anyone out there who has a idea what this individual or individuasl can do or might be able to do?
Friday, June 6, 2008
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I don't know about the current problem, because i am not up there anymore, but I do remember when angie and ester were passing around a petition against a union member, I also remember ester passing around a petition against all injured members.
As a member of the wrong group, I was not invited to sign Angie's petition, but friends of the right group told me what it was. And I remember just recently Angie was seen putting racist flyers all over the work floor about members too. And no body that I know of ratted her out for that, which was pretty bad in my opinion.
Did anyone complain about the people putting out those petitions or flyers? Did anything happen after they did it? So, if there is something happening up there now that is the same, why are people, or person as in the article writer, having heartburn about it?
I also remember people snitching on people using the wrong parking place, or not putting their card in the rack. People up there love to tattle. They seem immature with some of the things they rat about. Like they never got past junior high school mentallity.
For me, I was in the middle of trouble about 6 years ago, where I was a witness to something bad, and I really had to tell management because I thought the thing would get worse. I told them. They blew me off, and then there was a big fight and then management decided to get involved after it got big.
And also, one time I had a bad sick leave record and got a letter of discipline for it. The steward proved that other persons in my pay location had worse attendence and supervisor did nothing, because they were friendly with each other. So that could be taken as snitching too, what my steward did, I think. But if you are trying to show discrimination or wrongdoing that can hurt other people if it is ignored, what are you supposed to do?
I am sorry for being long in this comment, but I think there are lots of reasons for having to spill the beans about people. And also things people should just look the other way. And there are also lots of people who love to rat on other people not just in our union but outside it too.
I agree that if someone has something to reveal it should be done behind closed doors and not all over the building, like what always happened when I still was up there. And mangement needs to take thing more serious and treat people with fairness. Because there is too much favoritism at the plant, obviously too much if you are in the wrong group, and I don't think anything can really be done about it. That is partly why I left up there.
This sounds like not some other locals problem.
I know the blog doesn't want to give anything away so that is why he wrote it that way is my guess.
So tell the person to go ahead and write to Bill Burrus, Omar Gonzalez and see where it gets them.
The union is made up of good and bad, of cry baby's and heroes, of jerks and pollyannas. You gotta put up with everybody. Like a big disfunctional family. Our dues go to national for them to get us our salary and bennies. Thats it. Be a big boy and girl and deal with the other stuff like an adult.
I am only in the union for the big stuff like I just said. All this piddly crap don't matter.
Go and talk to VP Tagart and get his input on stewards ratting out members. He's experienced in those matters. He will tell you its okay to go ratting on other members. He can even show you how its done.
I just laugh at all the garbage I've seen since Rick and his degenerates sold the local to the knacker man down the lane. Because there is nothing else I can do, or you neither
What I think is that this person who has concerns may want to write a letter to their Executive Board asking them to investigate the matter. The members deserve a prompt investigation by more than one official, i think.
the proper way to handle a UNION officer ratting out UNION members is to write a letter to the executive board asking for the steward to be removed. if this does not work them send a copy of the letter to the labor department and file a un-fair labor charge.
of course you will need proof of all the ratting out.
To anonymous (June 7, 2008 11:24 AM)
Our local is not the only local that has problems. Other locals have problems that are the same as ours or maybe even worse. The biggest difference is that over th past 2 1/2 years is we have aired our problems out for others to see.
So this does not concern our APWU Local 197 this problem the person was talking about is from another local here in the USA. I respected this person and their local by "not" giving out any identifying information. So please do not make judgements without knowing all the facts.
Thank you,
to mom said - 6/8/08 1:34p.m.:
you're not kidding about others locals having their problems. get on postalreporter.com and it's real easy to see that!
those guys that write in their comments and questions, sound very similar to us. (have'nt heard too many dictator stories, though there have been comments regarding questionable actions by local's presidents) some sound familar and some are unique to me. one in particular, was asking about how right it was for a 204b to come in and manage all day and then do overtime as a clerk. the answers take some time coming in, and I have'nt seen the response yet.
as for that person rushing to judgement before knowing all the facts - - there was far too much of that going on during the last president's term of our local. a lot of it instigated by him. thankfully that virus dried up!
Just read my Potpourri, and want to give kudos to the people who gave meaningful articles. Go Derrick, Tom, Ed, Vito. And to our Vp Tagart, I was shocked. The last propaganda we read from you in the potpourri cast dispersions and accusations on people, rambled on with crap no one could understand, and from what I remember Millie telling us, it cost the union members an extra $3,000 for that early campaign propaganda. So when I saw the teensy weensy little article, where you now want everyone to hug and kiss and sing cum-by-ya together, and you are begging people to not get out of the union, I laughed. Especially when you are the reason many have already quit.
And as I just had to pay $4.50 a gallon to fill up my car, I was figuring that Tagart's newest diatribe would be to blame Jim Roland And Tammy Yorish for the price of crude oil. You are losing your edge, Mr slick Willy. And many out here were disappointed that you didn't continue making them the scapegoats for everything going on at work, in San Diego, and in the country. It was fun so damn funny. Come on, Will. Get back on your horse and get creative.
You mean you didn't see the CNN about the oil crisis, the loss of jobs, the porous border, and the insecure ports? THey already scooped Tagart. Never knew them two little apwu members had so much influence on the galaxy!
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