Thursday, September 4, 2008

Question for the Former Owner/Blogger of APWUDictatorship

To: Former Owner/Blogger of APWUDictatorship

I first would like to let you know that I am a former reader of yours. I believe that myself and others that were reading the blog during the time of Ricky Cornholie appreciated the dedication and work you put into the blog.

Something else that I enjoyed during your time with the blog was the story you told that appeared to be a parable that was very close to what was happening to our Local during that time.

I would like now to ask you if you would post the chapters that you had posted before on your blog of the APWUDictatorship here for all to read again. Plus, I also ask if you would complete the story and let all of us see how the story ends.

I look forward hearing from you

Thank you, MOM197


Anonymous said...

Yeah. I was wondering myself what ever happened to Taylor and his brother. And I wondered too whether it was a parable or real life experience that is why the blogger was so torqued by Rick Cornelius when he conned people.

Anonymous said...

my sources say some dead supervisor is the one who won that EEO, with a monetary prize and getting her personnel file purged. Guess she has already figured out, you can't take it with you. And once your dead, who cares what is on your discipline record.

Justice delayed is justice denied, to the 10th power.

Ah, but thats the way it goes.

Anonymous said...

Rick's princess went berserk at work yesterday and went home, crying boo-hoo. Wonder if she called her boy wonder for some moral support.

Anonymous said...

I was watching the candidates, with there manipulation and the self-anointed know-it-all partisans on television they can make prudent voting difficult.

Here are three things I look for when deciding who to vote for:

1. What did the candidate do before entering politics? Did they give back to their community or country?
2. Is there a factual voting record or other clear evidence that they have represented you on issues you’re concerned about.
3. Most importantly, has the candidate ever jeopardized their political future by standing up in opposition to their party or conventional wisdom? Any candidate willing to expend his future to stand up for what is right as they see the right deserves your attention, whether you agreed with them or not.

It will take that political courage to move our nation forward. It is not the imagery created around them or even the words they utter that is of greatest value. It is what they have actually done with their lives that will most accurately forecast what they will do for you or to you if elected.

Anonymous said...

to who is right,

I agree with you. I am paying close attention to both sides of the political arena.

It will be a historic election, no matter which side wins. I myself have mixed feelings about Obama and about McCain.

Obama because I really don't know who this guy is, he streaked in from out of no where, talks a good game, but his record is scanty.

McCain because he has been working with Teddy Kennedy to open the flood gates and let the millions of people who are other country's problems to come in and what that means inevitably, is more poor people, sick people, uneducated people, gang members, criminals, etc who will be needing public assistance in the forms of medical, housing, food, job training, jobs, etc.

You expect that from the democrats, but not from the republicans.

Obama is a nice young man, but not ready for the highest spotof office. He will need lots of on the job training and hopefully the training will come from good people who know what they are doing. If you want someone who will basically require a vice president to do all the planning and thinking and decisions, Obama is your president, because he truly will need to rely on Biden, who has been around since the early 1970s.

If you want a president who has been around the world, the country, knows all the players, has been involved in many important issues for years, and has the proven track record of reaching across party lines to allign with demcrats to promote a common goal, without having to consult with a vice president for advice, McCain is your man.

remember, we already had a vice presiden running things for the past 8 years. If you liked it, you can continue it with the Obama-Biden ticket. I myself didn't have too much heartburn with Chaney running the country, so Biden doing it next wouldn't be any worse I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Word from the APPS is that Ester didn't want to be told that standing around shooting the shit ain't what they paying her for, so she put on her act and went home sick and we ain't even seen her yet. I am just an observing person from across craft lines, but I do have to hand it to the clerks. They sure have a funny one there. SOmeone needs to remind her she isn't any better than the rest of us hump-busters. The way she talk, you would think she is a special celebrity.

Anonymous said...

I think the former blog writer sais from the start that they aim to expose cons and that why they wrote that old blog.

But then afer the con was exposed they didn't need to write it anymore. Except they are writing a actual book about something I cannot remember what now.

Now if you can think back to the Bay story, you can see that the con was exposed there too. So what else did there need to be?

I am thinking from the side of maybe the old blogger. They plug away to expose the con, and while doing that keeping us entertained in between union meeting reports with the side story. And both Rick and Bay got exposed about the same time.

so even though I think I would like to know if Bay was able to somehow get out of his mess, and I would alos like to know if Taylor managed to grow up safe and sound, I don't know that the blogger will ever resolve that issue.

After all, look at Rick. We don't really know what has happened with him since the election. The blogger ended after the election was all done and over with.

But still we like endings to stories, so I am asking too for a final chapter, but not about Rick because I don't care what happens to him and I can already see what happened to the people who tried to warn us for so long but we didn't listen until it was very late in the term.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should send a shout out over the internet to me. I have been busy, away from the blogs and the fervor, embarking upon the other journeys I have put off during my 2 year mission to Expose the Truth.

I am enjoying a peace these days. A peace that comes from seeing the successful fruits of my painful labor. A peace infused with hopefulness that our Local can continue to recover from its terrible and destructive ordeal.

Our Union is on the mend. I see once bitter rivals speaking civilly to each other. Meetings are productive and respectful. There is communication and openness. There is truth. There is, once again, the feeling that we are ALL on the same team. That is sweet success.

Now for the reason why it is funny that you should call out over the 'net.

I recently revisited the old neighborhood. You know the old saying that you can't go home again? Nothing stays the same. And Taylor's neighborhood, like all others, in on the move, in transition. I strolled the streets of Taylor's youth and took note of what had changed and what had remained.

The corner market where Bay used to steal his Madd Magazines is long gone, replaced with, what else?? A Starbucks.

The bank where Bay cashed his checks changed names several times over the years as one bank swallowed up another. Today, the building still stands, but it's now a Karate school.

Old Mrs. Hutchins' house was still there, but most assuredly, without Mrs Hutchins or her hungry Siamese cats.

Paper Boys are a thing of the past now. And I didn't see any children riding bicyles in the neighborhood streets anymore.

I walked over to Taylor's street and past Mrs. Anderson's house. The senile elderly widow has been laid to rest decades ago, and her house is now heavily shrouded by overgrown shrubs. Two tiny sportscars were parked in the driveway, and a shaggy Goldendoodle standing tethered on the front porch wagged his tail in acknowledgement as I paused briefly to take in the changes.

I continued on to find the house where Taylor and Bay grew up. Many of the single-family homes on that street have been replaced with multilevel townhomes and condominiums. But intersprinkled between the "improvements" and modernization, there it was. The little white Craftsman with the red shingle roof and the wide front porch.

Standing on the sidewalk, I could look down the driveway and see the window to the basement--Bay's room. There are many secrets that basement, the whole house actually, contains. So many secrets. So much turmoil. So many lies. Things better off forgotten. Except some people never forget.

As I left the old neighborhood, I stopped by one more place. A place my readers didn't learn about. There is another chapter to Taylor and Bay that never made it to the blog. And maybe someday soon that story will be shared.

For now, enjoy the peace and the rebuilding. I am.

Exposing the Truth

Anonymous said...

You guys have anyone seen the local web site lately? I think there will be a little up roar coming.
The webmaster we all know who he is, has done it. He has right on the home page. Don't let the union tell you how to vote. Then a link to a web site call project vote smart. I checked it out and it is right on the mark. It has all the info. you need to make a smart choice. I like what "who is right" said too this goes along that line.
I do think they will make him take it down because it sounds like he is not going with the presidential candidate which the National APWU has endorsed. We will see if this is still a APWU Dictatorship.
This might be the end of the local web site.

Anonymous said...

August 25, 2008
Ventura, California

American society has become more intrigued by moral issues in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that 55% of adults discuss moral issues with others during a typical week.

Researchers asked adults which, if any, of eight behaviors with moral overtones they had engaged in during the past week. The behaviors included exposure to pornography, using profanity in public, gambling, gossiping, engaging in sexual intercourse with someone to whom they were not married, retaliating against someone, getting drunk, and lying. A majority of adults had engaged in at least one of those eight behaviors during the past week.

The most common of the eight behaviors evaluated was using profanity in public. Nearly three out of every ten adults (28%) admitted to using such language. Two out of every ten adults (20%) had gambled in the past week (including the purchase of a lottery ticket) and almost as many (19%) admitted to intentional exposure to pornographic images. Slightly more than one out of every ten adults had gossiped (12%), gotten drunk (12%), or lied (11%). The least common of the activities tested were having sexual intercourse with someone to whom the respondent was not married (9%) and 8% said they had engaged in some form of retaliation during the prior seven days.

The survey showed that admission of adultery was far less common than was admission of sex among unmarried adults. Just 1% of married adults said they had sex with someone other than their spouse during the past week. In contrast, 21% of single adults indicated they had sex with someone during the prior week.

One of the most stunning outcomes from the Barna survey was the moral pattern among adults under 25. The younger generation was more than twice as likely as all other adults to engage in behaviors considered morally inappropriate by traditional standards. Their choices made even the Baby Boomers - never regarded as a paragon of traditional morality - look like moral pillars in comparison.

For instance, two-thirds of the under-25 segment (64%) had used profanity in public, compared to just one out of five Boomers (19%). The younger group - known as Mosaics - was nine times more likely than were Boomers to have engaged in sex outside of marriage (38% vs. 4%), six times more likely to have lied (37% vs. 6%), almost three times more likely to have gotten drunk (25% vs. 9%) and to have gossiped (26% vs. 10%), and twice as likely as Boomers to have observed pornography (33% vs. 16%) and to have engaged in acts of retaliation (12% vs. 5%).

Men were significantly more likely than women to engage in six of the seven behaviors evaluated. The biggest gaps between the genders related to getting drunk (22% of men had done so in the past week, compared to 3% of women), use of profanity in public (33% vs. 24%), and gambling (23% vs. 15%). Men were also twice as likely to have had sexual intercourse in the past week with someone to whom they were not married (13% vs. 6%). The only behavior more common among women was gossip. However, the margin of difference was not statistically significant.

Within the Christian community, there were few differences between Protestants and Catholics in relation to the moral behaviors tested. Catholics were somewhat more likely to gamble (25% vs. 18%) and to get drunk (16% vs. 7%).

According to George Barna, who directed the survey, the results reflect a significant shift in American life. "We are witnessing the development and acceptance of a new moral code in America," said the researcher and author, who has been surveying national trends in faith and morality for more than a quarter-century. "Mosaics have had little exposure to traditional moral teaching and limited accountability for such behavior. The moral code began to disintegrate when the generation before them - the Baby Busters - pushed the limits that had been challenged by their parents - the Baby Boomers. The result is that without much fanfare or visible leadership, the U.S. has created a moral system based on convenience, feelings, and selfishness.

"The consistent deterioration of the Bible as the source of moral truth has led to a nation where people have become independent judges of right and wrong, basing their choices on feelings and circumstances. It is not likely that America will return to a more traditional moral code until the nation experiences significant pain from its moral choices."

Anonymous said...

Hey. I am thrilled to read a message from exposing the truth once again. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

I looked at our union website and clicked on the vote smart link.

I liked it very much. I had been looking for a site that gave concise background information on all of the candidates. This one was perfect.

I don't see that there is anything wrong with it.

Now, there might be some issue taken up with the webmaster over the way it was introduced.

Don't let the union tell you how to vote. It sounds like the union is strong-arming people. And maybe they would like to, but really they can't. Because thank God, unlike the organizing bill that would make it harder for people to vote secret ballot to unionize their workplace, we still get to use a secret ballot for political elections.

Now, I think people do look for recommendations from their union, church, association, etc when it comes to voting on issues or for people, because most of us work long hours and don't have time to do the research needed to vote with an educated mind. So you look to those who are looking out for your best interests for advice. Thats okay, understandable, and just fine with me.

But, one shouldn't totally rely on others to make their decisions for them. You need to maybe put in a little bit of your time to read a ballot measure, or a bio or two on major candidates. Know their platforms. Listen to a debate or two. Its actually kind of fun.

And that is where the vote smart link comes in. If you really want to feel a part of this great nation and its election process, and IF you have any spare time, you should do a little research on your own.

Remember what happened in san Diego APWU local when no one did any researching into Rick cornelius's background, experience or achievements. Did you listen to a fellow union member when he or she told you Rick was the messiah who knew more, did more, moves mountains, and built Rome in a day? Those who didn't bother to do any research now feel pretty used and very foolish.

So, do research on McCain and on Obama. As well as your local political characers. Don't just let the union or anyone else dictate how you are going to vote. I think that is all the webmaster intended to get across to us.

We need to act like adults, and take responsibility as adults. Not act like children, who need to be instructed what to do by authority figures.

Anonymous said...

ok so what happened to the chargers today? I went to the kitchen for a refill got back and boom, game over.

The padres were bad enough this year. We hoped to leave baseball behind and start a fun football season. What gives?

Anonymous said...


What is it?

Is it going on at your postal facility?

Like it is in Maintenance at MLS P&DC?

If you want to know the definition of Nepotism from the Postal view point ....

Later I will add the link to help you decide for yourself if there is nepotism at MLS.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link I promised everyone yesterday about information concerning "nepotism" as it relates to MLS especially I believe between the Maintenance Manager and one of the female 204b's.

Anonymous said...

The link doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

copy and paste this link...

Anonymous said...

start read from number one...