I do not know about any of you out there. But, I am tired of different individuals who keep harping about either Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin. Why do not some of you individuals who have something to say talk about what is going on here locally at the stations or either of the plants that will effect you or your coworkers? At one time, I thought that this could be used for all of us to talk on this blog about what is going on around the county that is affecting our jobs. But, currently that is not happening. Shall we try to get it back to what goes on here locally?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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I responded in the way that you hinted at. i.e. staffing levels sucking and brutally busy day because of sick calls, annual leave etc. I am also sick of all the politic talk and I'm not even paying attention very much! until fairly recently, was never too keen on politics. I think what got me interested was the ball parks and stadiums issues. it was a wake-up call for me. I take a peek at politics now and then, but its with a lot less interest than the average bear. Mom, I know the war, the outsourcing of our jobs, the economy, the thrashing and disintegrating of our 401k's, the possibility of postal lay-offs and all the ramifications is really what is important these days. But I think a lot of people are excited about history being made during their lifetimes. a historic first african american prez. or a woman in the role of vice-prez taking place. its really too bad that so many peoples lives are sucking so bad right now what with retirements shot to hell and the losing of so many homes. its not such a great time for a lot of us right now. the novelty of one of the two famous firsts is going to have to wear off quickly and get settled in and down to business. start fixing the things that can be fixed, or there will be a lot more historical firsts. they won't be pretty either!
I actually have no problem about talking about politics as long as it is kept at the level of good conversation and debate. Not getting into mudslinging or into backstabbing. I see enough of both of those within the Postal Service.
So I do know that this election is going to affect a whole lot of individuals for the next several years. Including everyone who works for the Postal Service and also the ones who have retired or going to soon retire.
Yes, it is exciting times are you going to vote?
Funny how people complain about mudslinging on the national level, but i bet you those are the same people who do nothing but complain locally at work.
You can look at what is happening in the USPS on a national and local scale and it mirrors the economy. You got Burrus, our APWU Nat'l pres, telling us we have to vote for a certain candidate or else we are doomed, or else we are racist, etc. We are doomed with or without Burrus' brother who has promised to bring socialism to a democratic America. Now, if you think mail is dropping now, wait, its going to get worse.
And Burrus says Obama can't be paid off thats why he likes him. So who are we going to pay off to prevent all our jobs from going away, if Obama don't take payouts like the National APWU is constantly pressuring us to give in the form of COPA payments?
Now, locally, we are screwed. Because we have too much dead wood who aren't useful workers but won't retire, injured people pretending they are well enough to get a bid and then expect other people to do half their job for them, you got tour 2 all across the country being obliterated, you got injured letter carriers forced into APWU crafts, taking up space, and you got excessing coming. Big time excessing, like I have rad about back east, like, here is a job in another state, you want it or not? Not? Oh okay, here is a few weeks severance pay, don't let the door hit your butt on the way out, kind of excessing.
Management has the right to consolidate mail distribution and they have the right to excess people. Its in the contract, and it beats being laid off.
But, lay offs are now being threatened, even Burrus admits there probably is no other option.
There, I harped on all issued, local and national. There is nothing we can do about it.
It reminds me of when we raised rabbits for meat. The ones who stayed away from the grabbing hands, weren't up there in the front of the cage making a name for themselves, usually lived longer. The smart ones stayed back observed the idiocy of their more agressive kinfolk, and basically kept quiet.
So, get under the radar, quit complaining, quit threatening mgmt with unwinnable EEOs and frivulous grievances, quit whining about having to go hear and do that, and nepitism between supervisors, and all that braggiong crap that may make you feel like the big guy or gal on campus. Get in the back of the cage, and your hide may last a bit longer. Because not all of us will end up in the crockpot, but many of us will.
Here is my question.
Back in the days of the Cornelius Kingdom, our meetings were packed.
Now I know Rick was paying people to show up, you do what you got to do to push your agenda. Whatever. It was the cost of doing business for a racketeer like Rick. And no different fromthe ear marks bribes and payoffs that go on in Washington DC.
But, I have noticed that once the bribes stopped, the "group", along with the spattering of other derriere sniffers,has quit attending meetings.
What gives? Do the people really have to be bribed with star bucks and vons gift cards to come to meetings? I think this may be true, because now that the trinket faucet has been shut off, the only people attending are the people who have attended for the last 20 years or so.
And at the same time, the "dedicated" bribe takers and the mal-contents are the biggest complainers.
You would think that the "Group" would not want to be so obvious about their suseptability to a con-job like Cornhole.
Or maybe they are really embarrassed because they finally found out that Rick wasn't on "their side". And he even got one of their "Group" members involved in document fraud which led to her getting a notice of removal.
But you would think that at least some of the "Group" would want to continue attending meetings, at least for the sake of the "MOM" ticket people who managed to get elected.
Don't you think?
Or were the "Group" just in it for themselves all along?
I think I know the answer to the question.
Now I have a question for all you literate individuals that care to answer. At MLS on the 100's the start time for Tour 3 is going to change by over 2 hours from their starting bid of 3pm. How can they do this without reposting the bids?
Article 37.3.A.3.4 (c)
c. The determination of what constitutes a
sufficient change in starting time of a duty
assignment to cause the duty assignment to
be reposted is negotiable at the local level,
(1) No duty assignment will be reposted
when the change in starting time is one
hour or less.
(2) The above criteria will also apply to
cumulative changes in starting time
within the life of this Agreement.
Cumulative changes are changes that
move the starting time outside a circle
which has the starting time as its center
and the agreed upon time as its radius.
(3) The incumbent shall have the option of
accepting the new reporting time, if
negotiated at the local level. If the
incumbent accepts the new reporting
time, the assignment will not be
(4) If the incumbent does not accept the
new reporting time, the assignment will
be reposted.
local memo number 22
Thank you for that response concerning the bids on the 100's. It is good to know where to look in our National Contract and also our own Local LMOU.
Just got my San Diego District Dimension propaganda POS. I noticed in one of the articles that one of Cornholios boys, Scott Oliver is now a 204b. First off how much union information was going to management while this puke was sucking up to our departed dildo. Next, doesn't he own the union money for his training? Who is next now that times are tough? Traitors are out there who will they be?
I hear the local webmaster is quiting because of politics! I think it true if you look at the local web site now days it does not look like a union web site.
Yes on 4 and 8 is on the web site.
The union says no on them.
I know him and he is a conservative. So I can see were he is coming from and he is not getting paid and not getting any help from them. Maybe it will keep going on with out him.
Thanks for what you have done Webmaster.
The big talks at City stations and at MLS came this week.
People with shocked looks on their faces when supervisor told them that people were going to get letters of excess.
We have never had this happen before.
We never really believed the union when they warned us about this someday happening.
And now, it is knocking on our doors, for real, not just a threat.
Is it too late now for all of us who didn't care, didn't believe it, didn't think we even needed the union to kleep getting our fat paychecks?
We are now having the experience of millions of our bretheren in the private sector, and even in other union jobs like in the auto field.
Never thought we'de see it.
Bad econony is killing our jobs. Will the feds bail out the USPS like they bailed out AIG, and all those fredie and fannie type businesses our will they let the USPS wither and die, and us with it?
This is bad everyone. I believe the union now, too late.
We got the talk too. I guess it was our turn, everyone else is having problems at the place of employment.
I remember seeing news reports about layoffs at various places, boeing, ford, sotres closing like Mervyns, all of them, bankrupt, just like that. All them people losing their jobs at christmastime. Linens and things. 3 stores in san diego. closing. bankrupt too.
We all thinking all this time we are insulated nothing can touch us. Even with 9/11, anthrax, internet, people not mailing out their bill payments no more. We really thought that nothing could affect our jobs.
How stupid and immature is that kind of thinking. Of course we are not untouchable.
Now we gotta make sure that we have a strong enough union to make sure that its the right people that lose their jobs, so the seniority base system we got works the way its supposed to. And now is not the time to be losing members because managment will cirle in and go for the kill if we don't have Burrus, and the locals fighting to save jobs, or if they can't do that, to make sure the excessing is done fairly and by the book.
No more guarantee for a job for life like we mistakenly believed.
And I really did always appreciate my job because I used to be one of them unemployed people myself before I got hired at the USPS.
Wonder if Cornhole is junior enoughto get excess out into the carrier craft?
Funny that at the big talk, mgmt said that there isn't a national plan to get rid of tour 2.
But get on 21cpw.com and you will read the grassroots reports from all over the country that tour 2 is, in fact being systematically decimated.
I know everyone is trying to fight this locally, from what I am reading. And also I talked to tom wood about it and he is having some stewards filing grievances over what is going on here.
But it doesnt look good at least for right now, for tour 2 people.
We have to boost mail volume. Once the election mail is done in 2 weeks, then what? Oh boy, are we in for some staff cuts, and not just on tour 2, I am afraid.
Yes I have thought about quitting the web site. But it not just because of politics they really never try to help me at all by giving me things to put up. I had too hi of hopes for it I guess wend I started I wanted to much too I guess. I know all about the trouble we are having and they have there hands full too. I'm just getting bored too. I have put up some new links for the 21 cpw.com and one for the Principles of Seniority Reassignments and Excessing.
Thanks you all
to webmastersd:
Thanks 1,000,000 for posting the link to "Principles of Seniority, Reassignments and Excessing" on the San Diego APWU Local 197 (American Postal Workers Union) website-
This is ***very*** helpful information and you provide a ***very*** important service to all of us.
Hoping you will continue your Good Work!!!
did the web person crash the locals web site?
Interesting that our local website at www.sandiegoapwu197.org is having technical difficulties. Or is it something more? I think I will ask the webmaster when I see him later today.
Commuter Cutie, I still read this board about 2 times a week. How have you been doing? Work has kept myself busy. How are things going on with you and with your work?
So VP candidate Biden gets on TV and says that in the next six months, "Mark my Words" he says, our country is gonna have a really bad thing happen to it. And he even admitted why this is gonna happen. He says its happening because the world is gonna test Barrack to see how he reacts.
Then he goes and says that Barack and Biden are going to react in a way that American people won't understand, or like, but we gotta accept it and have faith in them.
What? What the hell is he trying to tell us? And can you imagine if the opposition made such an insane statement, what kind of news coverage there would be?
First the news would say that the republicans are just trying to scare people into voting for them. What have they said about Mr. Biden's bizarre comment? Nothing. I bet most people don't even know he said it either. You tube it and see if someone put it there.
So I am wondering what the disaster is going to be in 6 months. I would like to have a hint, so I can plan. If its an economic thing, I need to start hiding cash. If its that Iran is gonna bomb Israel, and the USA will make the decision to look away, I need to warn my friends who live in the region, both Lebanon and Israel. If its that Osama is gonna do another hit here in the USA, and Obama decides to invade Pakistan, evne though they are already shooting at our planes, just remember, Pakistan has Nuclear weapons, and millions of anti west Muslim countries who just can't wait to bomb us, poison us, or jsut put an oil embargo type thingon. Remember 1979, and our equally moronic president Jimmy Carter and how he handled the Iran hostage mess, the embargo, etc?
ANybody got any ideas on what Biden's got cooking, so Barack can get his feet wet in the same way that George Bush did in his first 9months in office?
Are we in for another anthrax type thing? Or are we just gonna keep getting poisoned every time we consume Chinese goods?
I know people are tire of politics, but when our next VP says crazy scary crap like what he just said the other day, I think we all need to get our heads out of our butts and look at the big picture.
Or are we going to keep thinking we are safe in our little postal world, protected by the union no matter how lazy, absent or incompetent we are?
Cuz I got news for you all. Our little postal world is crumbling away. We will soon be exposed to the real world out there. An Obama world. And do you really know what an Obama world is gonna be like?
OK, it has been one year since the wildfires of 2007.
Have all the employees who could not show up for work gotten paid?
The wildfire situation of last year is not resolved.
Our ex-president, Rick Cornelius, the wondrous one,was so busy plotting with with MOM Cronies to overthrough the E-Board, that they never met with management about the wildfire issue. No meeting. NONE NADA. Kind of like the LMOU negotiations. That never really happened either I don't think.
Rick and his pals made us all to believe that he was "on it". But He wasn't.
So the new president inherited that big package of crap along with everything else Rick has messed up. Tom is now trying to get management to meet and start to dialogue on the issue, that Mr Cornholio and his side kick, who I won't name because you fools voted him into office, let it just sit and rot.
The one year anniversary, and when I checked with a co-worker who was involved, he said that they are just now having their first meeting, and thats what the steward told him.
And just a reminder, on the anniversary of the worst working conditions I have ever had to work in. Rick and his running mate were no where to be seen during fireweek. There were no stewards at MLS for us last year during the fires NONE!!!!
And that is what finally convinced me that the old blog was right. That Rick was a fake and when push came to shove, he was too candy-butt to even come up here and see what conditions we were having to work under.
I am hoping that Tom Wood can get something for at least some of the people, but it could be too late. Isn't there time limits on things?
The web site is back up and running. Had a little trouble with is while I was changing it I deleted the wrong thing and it went down will thing happens. It is now clean of all the bad stuff too. Hope it ok with everyone now..
According to Mark 7:20-23
(New Century Version)
20 And Jesus said, "The things that come out of people are the things that make them unclean. 21 All these evil things begin inside people, in the mind: evil thoughts, sexual sins, stealing, murder, adultery,22 greed, evil actions, lying, doing sinful things, jealousy, speaking evil of others, pride, and foolish living. 23 All these evil things come from inside and make people unclean."
I have talked to 2 people who got those excess letters and it seems like its not totally a done deal yet. From what I hear, if enough people retire, the list of excess will get shorter.
I also hear that these people will have to pick carrier jobs to stay in san diego. Bummer for them.
But my question is, didn't we just get a bunch of carriers forced over to clerk because they had rehab status? And what are these people supposed to do now that they are the junior clerks and have to go back to a job they supposedly can't do becuase of injury? Does it mean they just get sent home now? Or do they get to stay as clerks and more senior clerks who aren't hurt yet have to go in their place?
I don't know how the rules work.
to anonymous (10/25/08 - - 3:25 p.m.)
in regards to your question about the rehab. carriers to clerk-craft to carrier craft again-- an interesting pickle of a situation, indeed! I have one theory as to what will happen to these individuals if and when the time comes. there has been talk on postalworker.com for a little while now about the new plans for the carriers when the flat sequencing unit is up and running. one such plan is to bring in ptf's to do multiple casing of the routes and the carriers come in and pivot from route to route all day long. yea right! like that's gonna happen! but that is the plan, and I could see where they could put these carrier/clerk/carriers into those spots. anyway good questions you had there 3:25p.m. annon. wish I had the answers for ya!
I think its not right that the webmaster had to take down the politic websites. The local union propaganda paper has politic for the left all the obama shit.
He was just showing another side.
obama is not going to save the old P.O.. I think the webmaster should stay too. He has put a lot of good thing up for us.
As with every business, corp, agency etc, if they have a website, it must be co-hesive and follow the company line. Look for example at the National APWU website. bote Obama Postal workers back Obama, and all that kind of jazz.
Truth is, not all postal workers back Obama. The people who still believe in democracy and a free society don't want to see our country flushed into the sewer.
But the Union officially endorsed Obama and his Socialist (Communist is coming next) views. Remember, unions and Socialist/Communists were linked about 100 years ago. Things have just gone underground. You aren't allowed to be a card carrying communist anymore and still be involved in the union, but nothing says you can't push forward the manifesto while calling yourself a democrat. And if anyone cares to do a little historical research, you will see that is what has happened over the decades.
So officially, Unions are not socialist or communist, but realistically andin practice, they are. And so, they and they alone will decide what goes on their oofical web sites.
While we still have a free speech via the internet, that is exactly what blogging is all about. Getting other opinions out there, asking hard questions, pointing out lies, deceptions, and flip flopping. Soon, this forum will be under governmental control too, I am sorry to say.
But, we can't control what those we stupidly vote into office do once they get in there. So I suggest that you just enjoy the waning years of a free society, feel free to share your thoughts on the blogs, and know that in less than 10 years, we will be quietly reminiscing about the days when you were allowed to state your own opinion on the internet, in newspapers, at work, or in public.
Its been a good run. A good experiment in freedom. Too bad people got so greedy.
You guys I know he should have follow the company line. But he has made a really good website for us. I think at the next gen. meeting we should vote for him to get his union dues paid. He might stay then.
I think he should get his dues back this year for all the work he did to get the site up and running. I for one appreciate his efforts.
I think all that needs to happen is, the Prez needs to meet with the webmaster on a monthly basis, and give him the various articles, updates, etc that should be placed on the site.
All we need here is some coordinated effort, and the webmaster won't feel like he's out there by himself trying to do a good deed for his union and maybe making a mistake or two along the way.
He's terrific and I appreciate him.
Pay him his dues rebate this year, and set up a monthly meeting, like for instance, maybe Tom Wood could go up to MLS and talk mgmt into giving the guy an hour of LWOP for a meeting in the stewards office. Something like that would work I betcha.
Don't you think its funny that Obama's mom, dad, step dad, grandad, all dead, his grandma on her last legs, and all he got left is an indonesian half sister and god knows how many kenyan half sibs in tribes who ritually mutilate their little girls genitals, and wondering how come they've all been ordered to keep their traps shut about Barack, where he was born, and who he really is.
How come since he is so young, there ain't no nurse, doctor, or anyone around in Hawaii who remembers the kid with the "funny name" being born there?
And how come everybody trashes Cindy McCain for getting addicted to prescription drugs when Barack admits in public in his book even that he was a cocaine user, living in a new york apt with a muslim drug dealer?
Don't no body have any problems with this stuff? Or is a "Rick Cornelius" about to take over the country and run it into the ground?
All because the word change seems to act like a hypnotic drug on people with limited ability to think for themselves.
We saw it happen in our piddly-ass little union, and now watch what this major conman does to everything he touches in the white house.
Change for change sake isn't good. Look at USPS.com website on their vision 2013. One of their chapters is title, "Embrace Change" How come we don't like the word when the Post office coins it, but a snake oil salesman from Kenya and Indonesia got us all rolling over and giggling every time he says the word?
I Don't get it. And I ain't voting for him either.
in response to oct.26, 3:24 p.m.
I think that people get excited by the word change because they are sick and tired, fed up, disgusted with the status quo!
l. outsourcing our jobs and all that that entails -- slave youth labor, corporate taxation evasion, paying into social security, retirements and the list goes on
2. the powers that be suggest to privatize social security and then rely on a corrupt system to fund it. how about draining our hard earned nesteggs and then making us bail the shi#@ out with our tax dollars! outsourcing, privatizing, racing to the bottom of the payscale with our jobs and then scaring everybody into the much hyped american dream of home owning with false promises and artificial scarcity due to all of the greedy speculators and over zealous realtors. things are so screwed up right now that the mere mention of change is virtually orgasmic. people are tired of being ripped off, manipulated, exploited and just in general, screwed over. timing is everything, and obama is timing it right. actually any democrat would probably be timing it right, right now. people should be totally aware right now that the party in charge, and its interested followers have no regard for a stable, fair decent society. they are just out for the money money money and to hell with everyone else! I have no personal knowledge of either of the candidates, have no close feeling for either one. I just know that I will be voting for the person who most backs and supports the average working stiff, cause that's me. I hope like anything that we do get some positive change around here. we sure could use some!
to anonymous 10/26 3:24
"how come nobody remembers the kid with the funny name?"
have you seen those names over there? Keiki-Lani, Napualaawi, Awapuhi, Mokihawa, Luana, Ake-Akamai etc. etc. stacked up against these, obama looks and sounds pretty boring!
nobody likes the negative change that we are so used to getting at the p.o. losing your weekends off, cutting into our night-differential, being expected to do more with less, and so on.
people want to embrace positive change. and they can hope.
not a big fan of genital mutilation and its the first I've heard of the cocaine use in NY and the prescription drug addiction by cindy mcain.
funny reference comparing ricky c. to your least favorite candidate.
for me, they are all starting to look that-a-way!
makes me sick to my stomach, these days, how fu@#!* up things are getting! there are no saints anymore in either party!
I sincerely think right now that if things don't start turning around at least a little, you can put a fork in us!
Gang, this is the final warning. I mean it. This is the final warning. You cannot become -- you cannot get any clearer on what is coming. It amazes me day after day after day after day that America just doesn't seem to care anymore, but you cannot get any clearer. If this is out here and this man is elected, you are going to elect the most arrogant Marxist who will not be stopped because he came into office fully uncovered. Every -- do not pretend to be shocked when we begin to see a Marxist and who I believe will become a fascist President. And he will become fascist because he will not understand how you suddenly don't want to become Marxist. As he starts to change the Constitution, listen to what he said in 2001.
And why don't he put his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is played and will not wear a flag pin too.
I think that is unamerican myself.
On the wildfires;
The union needs to check and see if a certain MVS supervisor who was evacuated from his home during the fire in Oceanside a couple of weeks ago got admin leave for not being at work.
give it up roger!
Anonymous said...
give it up roger!
October 28, 2008 6:52 PM
Ok who ever you are!!! Give up what? Why are you afraid to put your name on here. I said I was going to give up the webmaster job.
So what do you want?????
give up the campaigning on this blog!
to anon. 10-29 7:11am
s'funny, you kinda proved the point of the so called campaigner - "...and they alone will decide what goes on their official web site." sounds like you're not too much in favor of free speech. can tell 3 things about you immediately - l. you're not a veteran 2. you're insecure, outside of your herd 3. of limited intelligence I'm putting that as nicely as possible) why else would you deny or seek to control someone's contributions to this blog? if everyone wrote in the same stuff as you it would be pretty dull! speaking for myself, much prefer the flavor of contention! it makes me think and be aware of other possibilities.
Roger and anyone else on this blog. I think it is great that at least someone is letting us vent or say what we want concerning the Postal Service, our workplace, and even about this damn political race that is going on.
I may not agree with some or even most of what is said on here. But, I do respect the ones like Roger and a few others that are willing to sign there name to there postings and be proud of what their opinions are. Instead of hiding behind the words "anonymous said" like many of you.
There I have got that off my chest now. Now I need to go back and study for tomorrow. Oh and by the way the food tonight was excellent in Norman Oklahoma. The steak was excellent.
to anon. 10-29 7:11am
Are you really come back to work on Monday?? We can talk them....
Marion You have not been there long enough for the food to be bad.
The steak was not to tough that seem all I got there. Come on back we need you.
Roger, your right I have not been here long enough to get tired of the food. But, before that happens I will be back in California getting home cooked meals again.
Roger, you have my email address so drop me a line and let me know what is going on.
Saw Obama's 30 minute production on tv the other day. Gotta say this much, that guy could sell ice to an eskimo.
He is one slick salesman, even slicker than our beloved slick willie Bill Clinton.
NOw I understand that we as union members must sell out our country in order to keep people in congress, house and the presidency who we can pay off to protect our work interests.
I want to keep my $50,000 plus a year job and benefits, so I guess I must vote for BaracCornelius. And I know that in doing so, I am helping to undo the country as I know it.
I have been reading up on Marxism, and I don't much like it. But, I really don't care what happens to the country after I am dead and gone, I don't have any kids to worry about. all I care about is the here and now, and getting my inflated paycheck, and later my retirement check.
Every person has to think about what he wants for himself. Because that is all that really matters. SOmeone else can come into the white house in later years and bring change again, maybe get rid of the socialist regime I am about to vote into office.
For now, just give me my paycheck, and tax people who earn more than me, then give that tax money to the blacks for their reparration payments. Give the MExicans free citizenship, let them keep dual citizenship, and if they want to work here, let them. Give the slaves descendants, and today's slaves (our mexican migrant workers)for that matter, all government jobs with good benefits to shut them all up.
There are plenty of rich people we can take money away from and divvy up for the high school drop outs, drug addicts, and un wed welfare moms.
I would only draw the line if they start taking any of my paycheck to give to these people. Because I am not interested in helping them out myself. But we can make the rich people feel guiltly enough to do it.
how 'bout what's going on during this administation. bailing out the corporations, the greedy banks and money(debt.)traders. yea! I could'nt afford to buy a house or a condom. did'nt want to get mixed up with that losing 0 down proposition and never paying off the principal, etc. now its like, bail out the real estate hyping institutions that got greedy greedy greedy. they got the economy so out of wack, both here and abroad, that even our f'n retirement accounts got bloodied and drained! you talk about giving money to reparations, drug abusers, welfare moms, illegal immigrants etc. that's a drop in the bucket compared to the royal screwing our economy has been getting lately. and that's before obama has even arrived on the scene. jeez! it's a wake-up call already! even responsible people that are able to make their payments on their decreasingly valued real estate are looking into the possibility of being bailed out with the other hardship cases. people who are paying on
$500,000.00 homes that have dropped to $350,000.00 are starting to say why hang around, when they are going to make it possible for the troubled borrowers by making their payments more affordable. hey, can I get in on this free ride too?
To Anonymous said...
give up the campaigning on this blog!
October 29, 2008 7:11 AM
What happen smart ass!!! We are still campaigning not only Roger.
You are a real loser anyway. That the right we have for now anyway.
If obama gets it could be over.
Listen all.
You beter pray that barack wins next tuesday. Because there could very well be rioting in the streets of major cities like new york, chicago, LA, Philly, Atlanta, Seattle, and Denver if he loses
Just remember the LA riots when the courts found the cops not guiltly of abuse on that stupid drunk good for nothing Rodney King. The scumbag gangbanging bums pulled innocent people out of their vehicles at red lights and put bricks to their heads, then proceeded to burn down korean grocery stores and loot and pillage neighborhoods that had people who had nothing to do with the court case, the jury, the judge, or the bum Rodney king.
If the thugs are willing to destroy their neighborhoods for a fellow thug, wait'll ya see what they do if their chicago thug in designer suits loses the election.
better hunker down and prepare for the worst, espcially if you live in gang infested neighborhoods.
I for one am terrified of what could happen where I live. But what can I do about it? I voted for the Foreign shuckster in order to preserve my house and health next week. I am scared anyhow.
I can't believe how easy it was for our country to be taken over. And we are letting it happen next Tuesday.
to anon. nov.1, l:57p.m.
responding to your comments: I feel really sad for you that you had to have made that comment. sad for a lot of reasons. it involves all the reasons and histories for racial tension. I can relate to what you were saying about the LA riots and the misplaced angers that were vented. I agree whole-heartedly with those statements. Where I want to differ and offer this in response -- it is a big sign of progress that an african-american candidate has been chosen to run and represent the democratic party. I'm sure that there are a lot of blacks and whites who do not give obama a chance of winning. it is still a white majority and there are probably a lot of people who do not feel secure with a minority president in place. my point being is that it should not be any suprise that obama loses. it would come to a great many, I would imagine, a surprise if obama did win. a pleasurable surprise! and as such reason to celebrate history, for some. I just do not want to believe that people are going to be bad (voting) sports and go crazy rioting because obama did not win! I personally am impatient to get passed all the glamour and glitz and historical hoop-la, should obama get elected, and get down to the business of repairing our country. the repubs have really allowed it to get screwed up! again, I am so sorry that you have to have those fearful and maybe realistic feelings. I really hope that our society, for the most part, has not degraded to that point!
So I get on the APWU website and see someone writes a question to Bill Burrus about the tour 2 elimination plan going on at major areas of the country.
Then he asks if Burrus would consider throwing out our contract so that the excessed tour 2 peolpe can take the jobs of people on tour three "Following their jobs" is how he put it.
And Burrus' answer stunned me.
Go and read it for yourself.
How can a Union president even give people the idea that he would consider ignoring our contract in order to make a handful of tour two cry babies happy?
This is sweet heart deal to the max if he does it.
Would the APWU tolerate it if management said, "Hey, we need to excess 100- people out of the clerk craft in San Diego, but we want to get rid of the sick lame and lazy ones who have been here too long and can't get the message that they aren't worth having around. So, lets agree to suspend the Article 12 rules of seniority being the ruling factor in who to excess, so we can get rid of the useless ones and keep the younger stronger ones that can actually do the work we hired them to do."
Sounds like a good business plan from mgmts side, I do believe. Egg farmers don't keep hens who aren't laying to capacity anymore. Milk producers have no problem sending milk cows to the slaughter house when they start drying up. Makes perfect sense to get rid of the ones who aren't doing the job.
But we have Excessing Rules in the COntract that the Union INSISTS are followed by management.
Except now, Burris is considering taking bids away from tour 3 and tour 1 and handing them to tour two people who get excessed.
How can he even say he is considering it, when there is no way he wwould stand by and allow management to put out a message saying they are considering vacating the contract?
How does this work?
And why did I vote several times for Burrus? I am wondering that right now.
If he vacates our long-held excessing rules to please some whiners on tour 2 who now have to start working the night shift with the rest of us union losers, I will realize that my dues are not giving me the representation I deserve. And I will get out and take several other members out with me.
Burrus may shut up a few hundred senior prima donnas not all of them even being members, but he will lose thousands of angry members as a consequence.
It is never wise to ignore a rule. No matter who you are.
And this is the guy who said if we don't vote for Obama we are racist.
The truth is that both party had a hand in this mess we are in, and the Democratic Party had as much or more than anybody.
This is what I'm afraid of if Obama is elected. We all know about his plan for Redistribution of the Wealth. If you don't go to this web site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivL4c_3pck
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state
or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of
Wealth, and the creation of an egalitarian society.
Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth
among a small segment of society that controls capital and creates an unequal society. All
socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are
distributed more evenly.
Democratic Socialist Party aim to reform capitalism democratically through state regulation and the creation of programs that work to counteract or remove the social injustice and inefficiencies they see as inherent in capitalism.
CHECK OUT THIS LINK http://www.zombietime.com/prairie_fire
• Ayers and Obama worked together for years on a school reform program called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
• Ayers and Obama also served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, a separate charity organization.
• Obama had his political coming-out party in William Ayers' home.
• Ayers mentions Obama by name in a book he wrote in 1997, and mentions that the two are very close neighbors.
• Obama gave a short glowing review of that same Ayers book for the Chicago Tribune.
• Obama and Ayers were both presenters together on a panel about juvenile justice (organized by Michelle Obama).
• Both Obama and Ayers were close friends with the same person, Rashid Kalidi.
• There are also several unverified rumors swirling around that have not been documented: That Ayers may have helped to write part (or all) of Obama's autobiography; that Obama and Ayers shared an office space together for three years, on the same floor of the same building in Chicago; and that Ayers and Obama may have known each other as far back as 1981.
The only difference between the 1970s William Ayers and the William Ayers with whom Barack Obama has associated is that Ayers no longer uses violence to achieve his goals. But Ayers' underlying political world-view (i.e. communism) has remained the same.
GOD HELP US IF HE WINS>>>>BYE BYE FREEDOM, free speach, gun control ect.....
Just came from a large family gathering, in which the majority of those in attendance were obama supporters and palin haters. They just dismiss mcain as an idiot like bush, but they are really scared of palin.
It does not matter what you could bring up about Obama and why he should not be trusted, their eyes glazed over, they praise his change platform, and then they make fun of people who expressed concern which is very appropriate.
The last time I remember seeing people this influenced was during an earlier era. We had drugged out hippies stinking (literally) up the place wearing flowers in their filthy stringy hair, scratching at the lice in their groins, and talking about how bad our country is while they collected welfare and college grants. We also had the real drop outs: crazy krishnas walking around with dirty bare feet wearing ragged robes and with shaved heads, beating a drum at the park chanting hare hare krishna, over and over again.
The people today have had their common sense and brainpower taken over just as much as the 1960s hippies and the 1970s cultists did.
Only now they are talking about how bad our country is, and they are chanting yes we can yes we can. They have been Obama-ized.
I must say I don't understand the appeal. But then again, when I tried marijuana in high school, nothing happened, and I wondered what the big deal was and why everyone around me was laughing hysterically and snooping around for munchies. I guess I wasn't born with the receptor sites for hallucinogenic or other mood altering drugs, and that must also include the Obama effect.
I missed out on all the delirium. Then and now.
Ya guys I think we are in a world of shit if that sob obama get in.
He wants all my money I need it for my wiskeys. I can't get by with out it. I know he don't like us white people that guy he hangs arond with like the rev. wrong hahaha he is not wright anyway.
wrong is beter name ha ha. all the terist people too. How can you change from someone you love and say ther bad. I just scared of this ass hole what he is going to do the the american I fight for this place this flag that the sob will not salute or wair.
ya guys worry about the old po he will not save it. bend over and kiss your ass good by. If you have
znything thing what out big bro will get it now..and give to the black who dont want to work or just the lazy peole you work hard all your lkife and this ass hole come and want to go comie on us.
AND EVERTHING YOUR HAVE. unless your a poor lazy person then you get it all with out working.
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